Discord: Wesera Classic 8.0
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Body Items

plate armorplate armor (ID: 2463)Weight: 12000
Armor: 10
chain armorchain armor (ID: 2464)Weight: 10000
Armor: 6
brass armorbrass armor (ID: 2465)Weight: 8000
Armor: 8
golden armorgolden armor (ID: 2466)Weight: 8000
Armor: 14
leather armorleather armor (ID: 2467)Weight: 6000
Armor: 4
magic plate armormagic plate armor (ID: 2472)Weight: 8500
Armor: 17
Description: An enchanted gem glows on the plate armor.
AbsorbPercentPhysical: 2
Showattributes: 1
knight armorknight armor (ID: 2476)Weight: 12000
Armor: 12
scale armorscale armor (ID: 2483)Weight: 10500
Armor: 9
studded armorstudded armor (ID: 2484)Weight: 7100
Armor: 5
doubletdoublet (ID: 2485)Weight: 2500
Armor: 2
noble armornoble armor (ID: 2486)Weight: 12000
Armor: 11
crown armorcrown armor (ID: 2487)Weight: 9900
Armor: 13
dark armordark armor (ID: 2489)Weight: 12000
Armor: 10
dragon scale maildragon scale mail (ID: 2492)Weight: 11400
Armor: 15
demon armordemon armor (ID: 2494)Weight: 8000
Armor: 16
AbsorbPercentFire: 5
Showattributes: 1
amazon armoramazon armor (ID: 2500)Weight: 4500
Armor: 13
SkillDist: 3
dwarven armordwarven armor (ID: 2503)Weight: 13000
Armor: 10
AbsorbPercentPhysical: 5
elven mailelven mail (ID: 2505)Weight: 9000
Armor: 9
native armornative armor (ID: 2508)Weight: 8000
Armor: 18
Showattributes: 1
AbsorbPercentPhysical: 5
jacketjacket (ID: 2650)Weight: 2400
Armor: 1
coatcoat (ID: 2651)Weight: 2700
Armor: 1
green tunicgreen tunic (ID: 2652)Weight: 930
Armor: 1
red tunicred tunic (ID: 2653)Weight: 1400
Armor: 2
capecape (ID: 2654)Weight: 3200
Armor: 1
red robered robe (ID: 2655)Weight: 2600
Description: The robe is artfully embroideredy.
Armor: 1
blue robeblue robe (ID: 2656)Description: It is a magic robe.
Weight: 2200
Armor: 11
simple dresssimple dress (ID: 2657)Weight: 1000
white dresswhite dress (ID: 2658)Weight: 2400
ball gownball gown (ID: 2659)Weight: 2500
rangerranger's cloak (ID: 2660)Weight: 4800
Armor: 7
leopard armorleopard armor (ID: 3968)Weight: 9500
Armor: 9
spectral dressspectral dress (ID: 4847)Weight: 1000
pirate shirtpirate shirt (ID: 6095)Weight: 2000
Armor: 3
mammoth fur capemammoth fur cape (ID: 7463)Weight: 2000
Armor: 10
Description: It is imbued with protective magic.

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