Discord: Wesera Classic 8.0
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Feet Items

boots of hasteboots of haste (ID: 2195)Weight: 750
Speed: 40
Showattributes: 1
boots of waterwalkingboots of waterwalking (ID: 2358)Description: (This item has 5 charges left).
Weight: 770
pair of soft boots (faster regeneration)pair of soft boots (faster regeneration) (ID: 2640)Weight: 800
DecayTo: 6530
TransformDeEquipTo: 6132
Duration: 14400
HealthGain: 1
HealthTicks: 2000
ManaGain: 2
ManaTicks: 1000
Showduration: 1
Showattributes: 1
trapper bootstrapper boots (ID: 2641)Weight: 1000
Armor: 2
sandalssandals (ID: 2642)Weight: 600
leather bootsleather boots (ID: 2643)Weight: 900
Armor: 1
bunnyslippersbunnyslippers (ID: 2644)Weight: 600
steel bootssteel boots (ID: 2645)Weight: 2900
Armor: 3
AbsorbPercentPhysical: 2
Showattributes: 1
golden bootsgolden boots (ID: 2646)Weight: 3100
Armor: 4
Speed: 40
AbsorbPercentMagic: 10
Showattributes: 1
crocodile bootscrocodile boots (ID: 3982)Weight: 900
Armor: 1
pirate bootspirate boots (ID: 5462)Weight: 800
Armor: 2
pair of soft bootspair of soft boots (ID: 6132)Weight: 800
TransformEquipTo: 2640
Stopduration: 1
Showduration: 1
fur bootsfur boots (ID: 7457)Description: These boots keep your toes warm in even the iciest regions, but they feel kind of heavy.
Weight: 1200
Armor: 2
Speed: -12

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