Discord: Wesera Classic 8.0
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Head Items

crowncrown (ID: 2128)Weight: 1900
hat of the madhat of the mad (ID: 2323)Description: You have a vague feeling that it looks somewhat silly.
Weight: 700
Armor: 3
Magiclevelpoints: 1
helmet of the ancientshelmet of the ancients (ID: 2342)Description: The gem of the helmet is burned out and should be replaced.
Weight: 2760
Armor: 8
full helmet of the ancientsfull helmet of the ancients (ID: 2343)Description: The gem is glowing with power.
Weight: 2760
Armor: 11
steel helmetsteel helmet (ID: 2457)Weight: 4600
Armor: 6
chain helmetchain helmet (ID: 2458)Weight: 4200
Armor: 2
iron helmetiron helmet (ID: 2459)Weight: 3000
Armor: 5
brass helmetbrass helmet (ID: 2460)Weight: 2700
Armor: 3
leather helmetleather helmet (ID: 2461)Weight: 2200
Armor: 1
devil helmetdevil helmet (ID: 2462)Weight: 5000
Armor: 7
golden helmetgolden helmet (ID: 2471)Description: It's the famous Helmet of the Stars.
Weight: 3200
Armor: 12
AbsorbPercentPhysical: 10
Showattributes: 1
viking helmetviking helmet (ID: 2473)Weight: 3900
Armor: 4
winged helmetwinged helmet (ID: 2474)Description: It's the Helmet of Hermes.
Weight: 1200
Armor: 10
Speed: 100
warrior helmetwarrior helmet (ID: 2475)Weight: 6800
Armor: 8
strange helmetstrange helmet (ID: 2479)Weight: 4600
Armor: 6
legion helmetlegion helmet (ID: 2480)Weight: 3100
Armor: 4
soldier helmetsoldier helmet (ID: 2481)Weight: 3200
Armor: 5
studded helmetstudded helmet (ID: 2482)Weight: 2450
Armor: 2
dark helmetdark helmet (ID: 2490)Weight: 4600
Armor: 6
crown helmetcrown helmet (ID: 2491)Weight: 2950
Armor: 7
demon helmetdemon helmet (ID: 2493)Description: You hear an evil whispering from inside.
Weight: 2950
Armor: 10
horned helmethorned helmet (ID: 2496)Weight: 5100
Armor: 11
AbsorbPercentPhysical: 5
AbsorbPercentMagic: 5
Magiclevelpoints: 2
Showattributes: 1
crusader helmetcrusader helmet (ID: 2497)Weight: 5200
Armor: 8
royal helmetroyal helmet (ID: 2498)Description: An excellent masterpiece of a smith.
Weight: 4800
Armor: 9
amazon helmetamazon helmet (ID: 2499)Weight: 2950
Armor: 7
ceremonial maskceremonial mask (ID: 2501)Weight: 4000
Armor: 9
dwarven helmetdwarven helmet (ID: 2502)Weight: 4200
Armor: 6
AbsorbPercentPhysical: 2
dragon scale helmetdragon scale helmet (ID: 2506)Weight: 3250
Armor: 9
Showattributes: 1
Magiclevelpoints: 5
magician hatmagician hat (ID: 2662)Weight: 750
Armor: 1
mystic turbanmystic turban (ID: 2663)Description: Something is strange about this turban.
Weight: 850
Armor: 1
wood capewood cape (ID: 2664)Weight: 1100
Armor: 2
post officerpost officer's hat (ID: 2665)Description: This hat is the insignia of all post officers.
Weight: 700
Armor: 1
tribal masktribal mask (ID: 3967)Weight: 2500
Armor: 2
horseman helmethorseman helmet (ID: 3969)Weight: 4200
Armor: 6
feather headdressfeather headdress (ID: 3970)Weight: 2100
Armor: 2
charmercharmer's tiara (ID: 3971)Weight: 2200
Armor: 2
beholder helmetbeholder helmet (ID: 3972)Weight: 4600
Armor: 7
helmet of the deephelmet of the deep (ID: 5461)Weight: 21000
Description: Enables underwater exploration.
Armor: 2
AbsorbPercentDrown: 100
skull helmetskull helmet (ID: 5741)Weight: 4200
Armor: 9
FerumbrasFerumbras' hat (ID: 5903)Description: It is the proof that Ferumbras has fallen. For now. The Edron Academy should be interested in this.
Weight: 850
Armor: 1
bandanabandana (ID: 5917)Description: It is quite fashionable as well as useful for anyone spending huge amounts of time in the sun.
Weight: 850
Armor: 1
pirate hatpirate hat (ID: 6096)Weight: 1250
Armor: 3
santa hatsanta hat (ID: 6531)Weight: 750
Armor: 1
party hatparty hat (ID: 6578)Weight: 750
Armor: 1
fur capfur cap (ID: 7458)Description: It feels nice and warm on your ears.
Weight: 1800
Armor: 3
pair of earmuffspair of earmuffs (ID: 7459)Description: They feel nice and warm on your ears.
Weight: 500
Armor: 0
krimhorn helmetkrimhorn helmet (ID: 7461)Weight: 5100
Armor: 6
ragnir helmetragnir helmet (ID: 7462)Weight: 3100
Armor: 6

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