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Necklace Items

crystal necklacecrystal necklace (ID: 2125)Weight: 490
bronze necklacebronze necklace (ID: 2126)Weight: 410
wolf tooth chainwolf tooth chain (ID: 2129)Weight: 330
golden amuletgolden amulet (ID: 2130)Description: Many gems glitter on the amulet.
Weight: 830
star amuletstar amulet (ID: 2131)Weight: 610
silver necklacesilver necklace (ID: 2132)Weight: 480
ruby necklaceruby necklace (ID: 2133)Weight: 570
scarab amuletscarab amulet (ID: 2135)Weight: 770
demonbone amuletdemonbone amulet (ID: 2136)Weight: 690
sapphire amuletsapphire amulet (ID: 2138)Weight: 680
diadem of wisdomdiadem of wisdom (ID: 2139)Description: A beautifully crafted diadem, it grants its wearer enhanced magical powers.
Weight: 820
Armor: 2
Speed: 60
HealthGain: 1
HealthTicks: 1500
ManaGain: 2
ManaTicks: 1500
Magiclevelpoints: 2
Showattributes: 1
ancient amuletancient amulet (ID: 2142)Weight: 840
strange talismanstrange talisman (ID: 2161)Weight: 290
Charges: 200
Showcharges: 1
AbsorbPercentEnergy: 10
Showattributes: 1
silver amuletsilver amulet (ID: 2170)Weight: 500
Charges: 200
Showcharges: 1
AbsorbPercentEarth: 10
Showattributes: 1
platinum amuletplatinum amulet (ID: 2171)Description: It is an amulet of protection.
Weight: 600
Armor: 2
bronze amuletbronze amulet (ID: 2172)Weight: 500
Charges: 200
Showcharges: 1
AbsorbPercentManaDrain: 20
Showattributes: 1
amulet of lossamulet of loss (ID: 2173)Weight: 420
Charges: 1
broken amuletbroken amulet (ID: 2196)Weight: 420
stone skin amuletstone skin amulet (ID: 2197)Weight: 700
Charges: 5
Showcharges: 1
AbsorbPercentPhysical: 80
Showattributes: 1
elven amuletelven amulet (ID: 2198)Weight: 270
Charges: 50
Showcharges: 1
AbsorbPercentMagic: 5
Showattributes: 1
garlic necklacegarlic necklace (ID: 2199)Weight: 380
Charges: 150
Showcharges: 1
AbsorbPercentLifeDrain: 20
Showattributes: 1
protection amuletprotection amulet (ID: 2200)Weight: 550
Charges: 250
Showcharges: 1
AbsorbPercentPhysical: 6
Showattributes: 1
dragon necklacedragon necklace (ID: 2201)Weight: 630
Charges: 200
Showcharges: 1
AbsorbPercentFire: 8
Showattributes: 1
paw amuletpaw amulet (ID: 2218)Weight: 420
scarfscarf (ID: 2661)Weight: 200
Armor: 1
CeironCeiron's wolf tooth chain (ID: 5940)Description: It has the letter 'C' carved into one of the teeth.
Weight: 330

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