Discord: Wesera Classic 8.0
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voidvoid (ID: 100)
earthearth (ID: 101)
dirtdirt (ID: 103)
sandsand (ID: 104)
grassgrass (ID: 106)
rock soilrock soil (ID: 107)
flowersflowers (ID: 108)
dirtdirt (ID: 194)
sandsand (ID: 231)
earth groundearth ground (ID: 280)
grassgrass (ID: 293)Floorchange: down
pitfallpitfall (ID: 294)Floorchange: down
DecayTo: 293
Duration: 300
dirt floordirt floor (ID: 351)
muddy floormuddy floor (ID: 354)
muddy floormuddy floor (ID: 355)FluidSource: mud
dirt walldirt wall (ID: 356)
earth groundearth ground (ID: 368)
trapdoortrapdoor (ID: 369)Floorchange: down
stone wallstone wall (ID: 371)
holehole (ID: 383)Floorchange: down
dirt floordirt floor (ID: 384)Description: There is a hole in the ceiling.
small holesmall hole (ID: 385)Description: It seems too narrow to climb through.
stalagmitesstalagmites (ID: 386)
lava holelava hole (ID: 388)Description: It seems to be inactive.
lava holelava hole (ID: 389)Fluidsource: lava
Description: It emits heat and light.
stalagmitesstalagmites (ID: 390)
holehole (ID: 392)DecayTo: 354
Duration: 300
Floorchange: down
wooden floorwooden floor (ID: 405)
white marble floorwhite marble floor (ID: 406)
black marble floorblack marble floor (ID: 407)
trapdoortrapdoor (ID: 408)Floorchange: down
stairsstairs (ID: 410)Floorchange: down
sandstone floorsandstone floor (ID: 412)
stone floorstone floor (ID: 413)
tiled floortiled floor (ID: 414)
stone floorstone floor (ID: 415)
stone tilestone tile (ID: 416)Description: It seems to be a switch.
WalkStack: 0
stone tilestone tile (ID: 418)Description: There is a hole in the ceiling.
sandstone tilesandstone tile (ID: 419)
tiled floortiled floor (ID: 420)
sandstone floorsandstone floor (ID: 421)
stairsstairs (ID: 423)Floorchange: down
stone tilestone tile (ID: 424)
stone tilestone tile (ID: 425)Description: It seems to be a switch.
WalkStack: 0
trapdoortrapdoor (ID: 427)Floorchange: down
ladderladder (ID: 428)Floorchange: down
trapdoortrapdoor (ID: 429)Floorchange: down
sewer gratesewer grate (ID: 430)
stone floorstone floor (ID: 431)
stairsstairs (ID: 432)Floorchange: down
wooden floorwooden floor (ID: 434)
wooden floorwooden floor (ID: 446)Description: It seems to be a switch.
WalkStack: 0
wooden floorwooden floor (ID: 448)
white stone tilewhite stone tile (ID: 457)
wooden floorwooden floor (ID: 458)
stairsstairs (ID: 459)Floorchange: down
nothing specialnothing special (ID: 460)
closed trapdoorclosed trapdoor (ID: 461)
open trapdooropen trapdoor (ID: 462)Floorchange: down
DecayTo: 461
Duration: 5
pedestalpedestal (ID: 463)
sandstone wallsandstone wall (ID: 464)
stone tilestone tile (ID: 465)
sandstone wallsandstone wall (ID: 466)
stone flooringstone flooring (ID: 467)
stone pilestone pile (ID: 468)
holehole (ID: 469)Floorchange: down
DecayTo: 468
Duration: 60
holehole (ID: 470)Floorchange: down
strange carvingstrange carving (ID: 471)
holehole (ID: 475)Floorchange: down
rampramp (ID: 477)
holehole (ID: 479)Floorchange: down
loose stone pileloose stone pile (ID: 481)
holehole (ID: 482)Floorchange: down
DecayTo: 481
Duration: 300
loose ice pileloose ice pile (ID: 483)
holehole (ID: 484)Floorchange: down
DecayTo: 483
Duration: 300
holehole (ID: 485)Floorchange: down
snow heapsnow heap (ID: 486)
rampramp (ID: 487)
holehole (ID: 489)Floorchange: down
DecayTo: 9059
Duration: 30
waterwater (ID: 493)Type: trashholder
Effect: bluebubble
Allowpickupable: 1
lavalava (ID: 598)Type: trashholder
Effect: fire
Allowpickupable: 1
snowsnow (ID: 670)
iceice (ID: 671)
tartar (ID: 708)Type: trashholder
Effect: poff
Allowpickupable: 1
cobbled pavementcobbled pavement (ID: 724)
sandstonesandstone (ID: 777)
grassgrass (ID: 791)
dirtdirt (ID: 804)
dirtdirt (ID: 806)
sandsand (ID: 836)
mountainmountain (ID: 873)
rocksrocks (ID: 891)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 903)
stone archwaystone archway (ID: 914)
mountainmountain (ID: 918)
flat roofflat roof (ID: 920)
trapdoortrapdoor (ID: 924)Floorchange: down
tiled rooftiled roof (ID: 925)
wooden roofwooden roof (ID: 945)
chess boardchess board (ID: 965)
mill boardmill board (ID: 967)
tic-tac-toe boardtic-tac-toe board (ID: 1016)
brick wallbrick wall (ID: 1025)
framework wallframework wall (ID: 1036)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 1049)
sandstone wallsandstone wall (ID: 1060)
sandstonesandstone (ID: 1071)
sandstone wallsandstone wall (ID: 1072)
metal wallmetal wall (ID: 1089)
metal wallmetal wall (ID: 1095)
sandstone wallsandstone wall (ID: 1100)
white stone wallwhite stone wall (ID: 1111)
archwayarchway (ID: 1120)
ornamented wallornamented wall (ID: 1128)
wall fountainwall fountain (ID: 1154)FluidSource: water
archwayarchway (ID: 1158)
ornamented wallornamented wall (ID: 1164)
paraventparavent (ID: 1170)
ornamented wallornamented wall (ID: 1176)
wall fountainwall fountain (ID: 1194)FluidSource: water
lava walllava wall (ID: 1196)
archwayarchway (ID: 1205)
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1209)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
open dooropen door (ID: 1211)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1212)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1213)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1214)Type: door
buttressbuttress (ID: 1215)
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1219)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1220)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1221)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1222)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1223)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1224)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1225)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1226)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1227)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1228)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1229)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1230)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1231)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1232)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1233)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1234)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1235)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1236)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1237)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1238)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1239)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1240)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1241)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1242)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1243)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1244)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1245)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1246)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1247)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1248)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1249)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1250)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1251)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1252)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1253)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1254)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1255)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1256)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 1257)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 1258)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1259)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1260)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1261)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 1262)Type: door
framework windowframework window (ID: 1263)
brick windowbrick window (ID: 1265)
stone wall windowstone wall window (ID: 1267)
white stone wall windowwhite stone wall window (ID: 1269)
sandstone windowsandstone window (ID: 1273)
mastmast (ID: 1277)
sailsail (ID: 1278)
rudder of the boatrudder of the boat (ID: 1280)
drawbridgedrawbridge (ID: 1284)
stonestone (ID: 1285)
stonestone (ID: 1293)Weight: 1500
small stonesmall stone (ID: 1294)Weight: 360
Attack: 5
WeaponType: distance
ShootType: smallstone
Range: 4
stonestone (ID: 1295)Weight: 3000
stonestone (ID: 1296)
debrisdebris (ID: 1307)
stone pilestone pile (ID: 1335)
debrisdebris (ID: 1336)
mossy stonemossy stone (ID: 1353)
blue shrine stoneblue shrine stone (ID: 1354)
red shrine stonered shrine stone (ID: 1355)
stonestone (ID: 1356)
fountainfountain (ID: 1360)FluidSource: water
water basinwater basin (ID: 1364)FluidSource: water
draw welldraw well (ID: 1368)FluidSource: water
marble wellmarble well (ID: 1370)
marble fountainmarble fountain (ID: 1374)
small basinsmall basin (ID: 1378)
water wheelwater wheel (ID: 1379)
millstonemillstone (ID: 1381)
stairsstairs (ID: 1385)Floorchange: north
ladderladder (ID: 1386)
magic forcefieldmagic forcefield (ID: 1387)Description: You can see the other side through it.
Type: teleport
Effect: teleport
rampramp (ID: 1388)Floorchange: east
rampramp (ID: 1389)
rampramp (ID: 1390)Floorchange: west
rampramp (ID: 1391)
rampramp (ID: 1392)Floorchange: south
rampramp (ID: 1393)
rampramp (ID: 1394)Floorchange: north
rampramp (ID: 1395)
wooden stairswooden stairs (ID: 1396)Floorchange: north
mystic flamemystic flame (ID: 1397)Description: You feel drawn to the mesmerizing light.
Type: teleport
Effect: teleport
rampramp (ID: 1398)Floorchange: east
rampramp (ID: 1399)
rampramp (ID: 1400)Floorchange: west
rampramp (ID: 1401)
rampramp (ID: 1402)Floorchange: south
rampramp (ID: 1403)
rampramp (ID: 1404)Floorchange: north
rampramp (ID: 1405)
gravegrave (ID: 1406)
grave stonegrave stone (ID: 1407)
stone coffinstone coffin (ID: 1410)ContainerSize: 10
stone coffinstone coffin (ID: 1411)
stone coffinstone coffin (ID: 1412)ContainerSize: 10
buried coffinburied coffin (ID: 1415)
sarcophagussarcophagus (ID: 1417)ContainerSize: 10
sarcophagussarcophagus (ID: 1418)
sarcophagussarcophagus (ID: 1419)ContainerSize: 10
sarcophagussarcophagus (ID: 1420)
campfirecampfire (ID: 1421)
campfirecampfire (ID: 1423)Field: fire
unlit campfireunlit campfire (ID: 1426)
campfirecampfire (ID: 1427)
signsign (ID: 1429)AllowDistRead: true
dragon flagdragon flag (ID: 1435)
castle flagcastle flag (ID: 1436)
flagflag (ID: 1437)
street signstreet sign (ID: 1438)AllowDistRead: true
signsign (ID: 1440)AllowDistRead: true
statuestatue (ID: 1442)RotateTo: 1476
statuestatue (ID: 1443)
hero statuehero statue (ID: 1444)
monumentmonument (ID: 1445)
minotaur statueminotaur statue (ID: 1446)RotateTo: 1462
goblin statuegoblin statue (ID: 1447)RotateTo: 1465
angel statueangel statue (ID: 1448)
dwarven statuedwarven statue (ID: 1449)
watchdog statuewatchdog statue (ID: 1450)
sandstone statuesandstone statue (ID: 1451)
gargoyle statuegargoyle statue (ID: 1452)
pedestalpedestal (ID: 1456)
minotaur statueminotaur statue (ID: 1460)RotateTo: 1461
minotaur statueminotaur statue (ID: 1461)RotateTo: 1446
minotaur statueminotaur statue (ID: 1462)RotateTo: 1460
goblin statuegoblin statue (ID: 1463)RotateTo: 1464
goblin statuegoblin statue (ID: 1464)RotateTo: 1447
goblin statuegoblin statue (ID: 1465)RotateTo: 1463
pedestalpedestal (ID: 1466)
cobra statuecobra statue (ID: 1467)
pedestalpedestal (ID: 1469)
cobra statuecobra statue (ID: 1470)
pedestalpedestal (ID: 1473)
cobra statuecobra statue (ID: 1474)
pedestalpedestal (ID: 1475)
statuestatue (ID: 1476)RotateTo: 1477
statuestatue (ID: 1477)RotateTo: 1478
statuestatue (ID: 1478)RotateTo: 1442
street lampstreet lamp (ID: 1479)
coal basincoal basin (ID: 1481)
empty coal basinempty coal basin (ID: 1485)
stone coal basinstone coal basin (ID: 1486)
fire fieldfire field (ID: 1487)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 1488
Duration: 120
Field: fire
fire fieldfire field (ID: 1488)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 1489
Duration: 120
Field: fire
fire fieldfire field (ID: 1489)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 120
Field: fire
poison fieldpoison field (ID: 1490)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 120
Field: poison
energy fieldenergy field (ID: 1491)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 120
Field: energy
fire fieldfire field (ID: 1492)Type: magicfield
Replaceable: 0
Field: fire
fire fieldfire field (ID: 1493)Type: magicfield
Replaceable: 0
Field: fire
fire fieldfire field (ID: 1494)Type: magicfield
Replaceable: 0
Field: fire
energy fieldenergy field (ID: 1495)Type: magicfield
Replaceable: 0
Field: energy
poison fieldpoison field (ID: 1496)Type: magicfield
Replaceable: 0
Field: poison
magic wallmagic wall (ID: 1497)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 20
magic wallmagic wall (ID: 1498)Type: magicfield
rush woodrush wood (ID: 1499)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 45
Blocking: 1
fire fieldfire field (ID: 1500)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 1501
Duration: 120
Field: fire
fire fieldfire field (ID: 1501)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 1502
Duration: 120
Field: fire
fire fieldfire field (ID: 1502)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 120
Field: fire
poison gaspoison gas (ID: 1503)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 120
Field: poison
energy fieldenergy field (ID: 1504)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 120
Field: energy
smokesmoke (ID: 1505)Type: magicfield
Replaceable: 0
searing firesearing fire (ID: 1506)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 1507
Duration: 10
Replaceable: 0
Field: fire
searing firesearing fire (ID: 1507)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 1508
Duration: 10
Replaceable: 0
Field: fire
ashesashes (ID: 1508)Type: magicfield
DecayTo: 1506
Duration: 5
Replaceable: 0
lavalava (ID: 1509)Type: trashholder
Effect: fire
slitsslits (ID: 1510)
bladesblades (ID: 1511)DecayTo: 1510
Duration: 10
strange holesstrange holes (ID: 1512)DecayTo: 1513
Duration: 4
spikesspikes (ID: 1513)DecayTo: 1512
Duration: 4
stone pillarstone pillar (ID: 1514)
marble pillarmarble pillar (ID: 1515)
wooden railingwooden railing (ID: 1516)
stone railingstone railing (ID: 1524)
framework wallframework wall (ID: 1532)
fencefence (ID: 1533)
closed fence gateclosed fence gate (ID: 1539)Type: door
open fence gateopen fence gate (ID: 1540)Type: door
closed fence gateclosed fence gate (ID: 1541)Type: door
open fence gateopen fence gate (ID: 1542)Type: door
fencefence (ID: 1543)
barsbars (ID: 1546)
nothing specialnothing special (ID: 1548)
sandstone pillarsandstone pillar (ID: 1549)
sandstone statuesandstone statue (ID: 1550)
oriental pillaroriental pillar (ID: 1551)
rampramp (ID: 1552)
rampramp (ID: 1553)Floorchange: west
rampramp (ID: 1554)
rampramp (ID: 1555)Floorchange: east
rampramp (ID: 1556)
rampramp (ID: 1557)Floorchange: east
rampramp (ID: 1558)
rampramp (ID: 1559)Floorchange: west
obeliskobelisk (ID: 1560)
broken obeliskbroken obelisk (ID: 1561)
stone railingstone railing (ID: 1562)
sandstone railingsandstone railing (ID: 1570)
rampramp (ID: 1578)
white stone railingwhite stone railing (ID: 1582)
wooden railingwooden railing (ID: 1594)
big tablebig table (ID: 1602)
big tablebig table (ID: 1614)DestroyTo: 2253
square tablesquare table (ID: 1615)DestroyTo: 2253
small round tablesmall round table (ID: 1616)DestroyTo: 2253
countercounter (ID: 1617)
small tablesmall table (ID: 1619)DestroyTo: 2255
countercounter (ID: 1620)
tabletable (ID: 1622)
tabletable (ID: 1634)Type: door
tabletable (ID: 1639)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
tabletable (ID: 1640)Type: door
countercounter (ID: 1642)
thronethrone (ID: 1646)
wooden chairwooden chair (ID: 1650)RotateTo: 1651
DestroyTo: 2253
wooden chairwooden chair (ID: 1651)RotateTo: 1652
DestroyTo: 2253
wooden chairwooden chair (ID: 1652)RotateTo: 1653
DestroyTo: 2253
wooden chairwooden chair (ID: 1653)RotateTo: 1650
DestroyTo: 2253
thronethrone (ID: 1654)
sofa chairsofa chair (ID: 1658)RotateTo: 1661
sofa chairsofa chair (ID: 1659)RotateTo: 1660
sofa chairsofa chair (ID: 1660)RotateTo: 1658
sofa chairsofa chair (ID: 1661)RotateTo: 1659
benchbench (ID: 1662)
red cushioned chairred cushioned chair (ID: 1666)RotateTo: 1669
DestroyTo: 2253
red cushioned chairred cushioned chair (ID: 1667)RotateTo: 1668
DestroyTo: 2253
red cushioned chairred cushioned chair (ID: 1668)RotateTo: 1666
DestroyTo: 2253
red cushioned chairred cushioned chair (ID: 1669)RotateTo: 1667
DestroyTo: 2253
green cushioned chairgreen cushioned chair (ID: 1670)RotateTo: 1673
DestroyTo: 2253
green cushioned chairgreen cushioned chair (ID: 1671)RotateTo: 1672
DestroyTo: 2253
green cushioned chairgreen cushioned chair (ID: 1672)RotateTo: 1670
DestroyTo: 2253
green cushioned chairgreen cushioned chair (ID: 1673)RotateTo: 1671
DestroyTo: 2253
rocking chairrocking chair (ID: 1674)RotateTo: 1677
DestroyTo: 2253
rocking chairrocking chair (ID: 1675)RotateTo: 1676
DestroyTo: 2253
rocking chairrocking chair (ID: 1676)RotateTo: 1674
DestroyTo: 2253
rocking chairrocking chair (ID: 1677)RotateTo: 1675
DestroyTo: 2253
small purple pillowsmall purple pillow (ID: 1678)Weight: 1500
small green pillowsmall green pillow (ID: 1679)Weight: 1500
small red pillowsmall red pillow (ID: 1680)Weight: 1500
small blue pillowsmall blue pillow (ID: 1681)Weight: 1500
small orange pillowsmall orange pillow (ID: 1682)Weight: 1500
small turquoise pillowsmall turquoise pillow (ID: 1683)Weight: 1500
small white pillowsmall white pillow (ID: 1684)Weight: 1500
heart pillowheart pillow (ID: 1685)Weight: 1700
blue pillowblue pillow (ID: 1686)Weight: 1600
red pillowred pillow (ID: 1687)Weight: 1600
green pillowgreen pillow (ID: 1688)Weight: 1600
yellow pillowyellow pillow (ID: 1689)Weight: 1600
round blue pillowround blue pillow (ID: 1690)Weight: 1550
round red pillowround red pillow (ID: 1691)Weight: 1550
round purple pillowround purple pillow (ID: 1692)Weight: 1550
round turquoise pillowround turquoise pillow (ID: 1693)Weight: 1550
couchcouch (ID: 1694)
luxurious couchluxurious couch (ID: 1702)
wardrobewardrobe (ID: 1710)ContainerSize: 6
drawersdrawers (ID: 1714)RotateTo: 1717
ContainerSize: 10
DestroyTo: 2252
drawersdrawers (ID: 1715)RotateTo: 1714
ContainerSize: 10
DestroyTo: 2252
drawersdrawers (ID: 1716)RotateTo: 1715
ContainerSize: 10
DestroyTo: 2252
drawersdrawers (ID: 1717)RotateTo: 1716
ContainerSize: 10
DestroyTo: 2252
bookcasebookcase (ID: 1718)ContainerSize: 6
dresserdresser (ID: 1724)RotateTo: 1727
ContainerSize: 10
DestroyTo: 2254
dresserdresser (ID: 1725)RotateTo: 1724
ContainerSize: 10
DestroyTo: 2254
dresserdresser (ID: 1726)RotateTo: 1725
ContainerSize: 10
DestroyTo: 2254
dresserdresser (ID: 1727)RotateTo: 1726
ContainerSize: 10
DestroyTo: 2254
pendulum clockpendulum clock (ID: 1728)RotateTo: 1731
DestroyTo: 2254
pendulum clockpendulum clock (ID: 1729)RotateTo: 1728
DestroyTo: 2254
pendulum clockpendulum clock (ID: 1730)RotateTo: 1729
DestroyTo: 2254
pendulum clockpendulum clock (ID: 1731)RotateTo: 1730
DestroyTo: 2254
lockerlocker (ID: 1732)RotateTo: 1735
ContainerSize: 6
DestroyTo: 2254
lockerlocker (ID: 1733)RotateTo: 1734
ContainerSize: 6
DestroyTo: 2254
lockerlocker (ID: 1734)RotateTo: 1732
ContainerSize: 6
DestroyTo: 2254
lockerlocker (ID: 1735)RotateTo: 1733
ContainerSize: 6
DestroyTo: 2254
standing mirrorstanding mirror (ID: 1736)RotateTo: 1737
DestroyTo: 2254
standing mirrorstanding mirror (ID: 1737)RotateTo: 1736
DestroyTo: 2254
boxbox (ID: 1738)Weight: 3500
ContainerSize: 10
DestroyTo: 2250
cratecrate (ID: 1739)Weight: 8000
ContainerSize: 15
DestroyTo: 2250
chestchest (ID: 1740)Weight: 12000
RotateTo: 1748
ContainerSize: 15
DestroyTo: 2251
boxbox (ID: 1741)Weight: 3500
ContainerSize: 10
DestroyTo: 2255
wooden coffinwooden coffin (ID: 1742)ContainerSize: 6
wooden coffinwooden coffin (ID: 1743)
wooden coffinwooden coffin (ID: 1744)ContainerSize: 6
wooden coffinwooden coffin (ID: 1745)
treasure chesttreasure chest (ID: 1746)Weight: 9500
ContainerSize: 10
chestchest (ID: 1747)Weight: 12000
RotateTo: 1749
ContainerSize: 15
DestroyTo: 2251
chestchest (ID: 1748)Weight: 12000
RotateTo: 1747
ContainerSize: 15
DestroyTo: 2251
chestchest (ID: 1749)Weight: 12000
RotateTo: 1740
ContainerSize: 15
DestroyTo: 2251
large trunklarge trunk (ID: 1750)RotateTo: 1753
ContainerSize: 18
DestroyTo: 2255
large trunklarge trunk (ID: 1751)RotateTo: 1752
ContainerSize: 18
DestroyTo: 2255
large trunklarge trunk (ID: 1752)RotateTo: 1750
ContainerSize: 18
DestroyTo: 2255
large trunklarge trunk (ID: 1753)RotateTo: 1751
ContainerSize: 18
DestroyTo: 2255
bedbed (ID: 1754)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: south
MaleSleeper: 1762
bedbed (ID: 1755)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: north
MaleSleeper: 1763
cotcot (ID: 1756)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: east
MaleSleeper: 1768
cotcot (ID: 1757)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: west
MaleSleeper: 1769
cotcot (ID: 1758)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: south
MaleSleeper: 1766
cotcot (ID: 1759)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: north
MaleSleeper: 1767
bedbed (ID: 1760)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: east
MaleSleeper: 1764
bedbed (ID: 1761)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: west
MaleSleeper: 1765
bedbed (ID: 1762)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: south
MaleSleeper: 1754
bedbed (ID: 1763)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: north
MaleSleeper: 1755
bedbed (ID: 1764)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: east
MaleSleeper: 1760
bedbed (ID: 1765)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: west
MaleSleeper: 1761
cotcot (ID: 1766)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: south
MaleSleeper: 1758
cotcot (ID: 1767)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: north
MaleSleeper: 1759
cotcot (ID: 1768)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: east
MaleSleeper: 1756
cotcot (ID: 1769)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: west
MaleSleeper: 1757
barrelbarrel (ID: 1770)ContainerSize: 25
DestroyTo: 2250
water caskwater cask (ID: 1771)FluidSource: water
beer caskbeer cask (ID: 1772)FluidSource: beer
wine caskwine cask (ID: 1773)FluidSource: wine
barrelbarrel (ID: 1774)ContainerSize: 25
DestroyTo: 2250
troughtrough (ID: 1775)DestroyTo: 2250
lemonade casklemonade cask (ID: 1776)FluidSource: lemonade
dustbindustbin (ID: 1777)Type: trashholder
Allowpickupable: 1
big wine caskbig wine cask (ID: 1778)FluidSource: wine
ovenoven (ID: 1786)
red carpetred carpet (ID: 1794)
oriental carpetoriental carpet (ID: 1803)
paintingpainting (ID: 1809)
blackboardblackboard (ID: 1810)AllowDistRead: true
blackboardblackboard (ID: 1811)AllowDistRead: true
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
tapestrytapestry (ID: 1812)
paintingpainting (ID: 1814)
blackboardblackboard (ID: 1815)AllowDistRead: true
wall mirrorwall mirror (ID: 1816)Description: You look fine today.
blackboardblackboard (ID: 1818)AllowDistRead: true
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
bannerbanner (ID: 1819)
emblememblem (ID: 1820)
paintingpainting (ID: 1825)
scarab ornamentscarab ornament (ID: 1829)
picturepicture (ID: 1831)
paintingpainting (ID: 1833)
picturepicture (ID: 1835)
paintingpainting (ID: 1837)
wall mirrorwall mirror (ID: 1843)Description: You look fine today.
wall mirrorwall mirror (ID: 1845)Weight: 1000
wall mirrorwall mirror (ID: 1846)Description: You look fine today.
wall mirrorwall mirror (ID: 1848)Weight: 1000
wall mirrorwall mirror (ID: 1849)Description: You look fine today.
wall mirrorwall mirror (ID: 1851)Weight: 1000
picturepicture (ID: 1852)Weight: 1000
purple tapestrypurple tapestry (ID: 1855)
purple tapestrypurple tapestry (ID: 1857)Weight: 1000
green tapestrygreen tapestry (ID: 1858)
green tapestrygreen tapestry (ID: 1860)Weight: 1000
yellow tapestryyellow tapestry (ID: 1861)
yellow tapestryyellow tapestry (ID: 1863)Weight: 1000
orange tapestryorange tapestry (ID: 1864)
orange tapestryorange tapestry (ID: 1866)Weight: 1000
red tapestryred tapestry (ID: 1867)
red tapestryred tapestry (ID: 1869)Weight: 1000
blue tapestryblue tapestry (ID: 1870)
blue tapestryblue tapestry (ID: 1872)Weight: 1000
cuckoo clockcuckoo clock (ID: 1873)DecayTo: 1874
Duration: 54
cuckoo clockcuckoo clock (ID: 1874)DecayTo: 1873
Duration: 6
cuckoo clockcuckoo clock (ID: 1875)DecayTo: 1876
Duration: 54
cuckoo clockcuckoo clock (ID: 1876)DecayTo: 1875
Duration: 6
cuckoo clockcuckoo clock (ID: 1877)Weight: 800
white tapestrywhite tapestry (ID: 1878)
white tapestrywhite tapestry (ID: 1880)Weight: 1000
cuckoo clockcuckoo clock (ID: 1881)Weight: 800
demon trophydemon trophy (ID: 1882)
wolf trophywolf trophy (ID: 1884)
orc trophyorc trophy (ID: 1886)
behemoth trophybehemoth trophy (ID: 1888)
deer trophydeer trophy (ID: 1890)
cyclops trophycyclops trophy (ID: 1892)
dragon trophydragon trophy (ID: 1894)
lion trophylion trophy (ID: 1896)
minotaur trophyminotaur trophy (ID: 1898)
bloodstainbloodstain (ID: 1900)
bloodspotbloodspot (ID: 1903)
cobwebscobwebs (ID: 1906)
flowery wallflowery wall (ID: 1909)
mossy wallmossy wall (ID: 1921)
mossy wallmossy wall (ID: 1935)
mossy wallmossy wall (ID: 1939)
leverlever (ID: 1945)
blank paperblank paper (ID: 1947)Weight: 50
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
WriteOnceItemId: 1954
parchmentparchment (ID: 1948)Weight: 200
Description: It is rewriteable.
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
scrollscroll (ID: 1949)Weight: 50
Description: It is rewriteable.
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
bookbook (ID: 1950)MaxTextLen: 1023
Weight: 1300
WriteOnceItemId: 1971
parchmentparchment (ID: 1951)Weight: 200
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
WriteOnceItemId: 1953
documentdocument (ID: 1952)Weight: 150
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
WriteOnceItemId: 1968
parchmentparchment (ID: 1953)Weight: 200
paperpaper (ID: 1954)Weight: 50
bookbook (ID: 1955)Weight: 1300
mapmap (ID: 1956)Weight: 830
mapmap (ID: 1957)Weight: 790
bookbook (ID: 1958)Weight: 1300
parchmentparchment (ID: 1967)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
Weight: 200
documentdocument (ID: 1968)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
Weight: 150
parchmentparchment (ID: 1969)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
Weight: 200
the holy Tiblethe holy Tible (ID: 1970)Weight: 1300
bookbook (ID: 1971)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
WriteOnceItemId: 1950
Weight: 1300
bookbook (ID: 1972)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
WriteOnceItemId: 1955
Weight: 1300
bookbook (ID: 1973)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
WriteOnceItemId: 1958
Weight: 1300
bookbook (ID: 1974)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
WriteOnceItemId: 1959
Weight: 1300
bookbook (ID: 1975)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
WriteOnceItemId: 1960
Weight: 1300
gemmed bookgemmed book (ID: 1976)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1100
Weight: 1300
bookbook (ID: 1977)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
Weight: 1300
WriteOnceItemId: 1962
bookbook (ID: 1978)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
Weight: 1300
WriteOnceItemId: 1963
bookbook (ID: 1979)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
Weight: 1300
WriteOnceItemId: 1964
bookbook (ID: 1980)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
Weight: 1300
WriteOnceItemId: 1965
bookbook (ID: 1981)Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
Weight: 1300
WriteOnceItemId: 1966
purple tomepurple tome (ID: 1982)Weight: 1900
Description: It's a volume of The Mystic Secrets of the world.
green tomegreen tome (ID: 1983)Weight: 1900
Description: It's a volume of The Mystic Secrets of the world.
blue tomeblue tome (ID: 1984)Weight: 1900
Description: It's a volume of The Mystic Secrets of the world.
grey tomegrey tome (ID: 1985)Weight: 1900
Description: It's a volume of The Mystic Secrets of the world.
red tomered tome (ID: 1986)Weight: 1900
Description: It's a volume of The Mystic Secrets of the world.
basketbasket (ID: 1989)Weight: 950
ContainerSize: 5
presentpresent (ID: 1990)Weight: 600
ContainerSize: 5
bucketbucket (ID: 2005)Weight: 2000
Pickupable: 1
vialvial (ID: 2006)Weight: 180
Pickupable: 1
bottlebottle (ID: 2007)Weight: 250
Pickupable: 1
vasevase (ID: 2008)Weight: 940
Pickupable: 1
green flaskgreen flask (ID: 2009)Weight: 300
Pickupable: 1
broken bottlebroken bottle (ID: 2010)Weight: 100
elven vaseelven vase (ID: 2011)Description: It is made of very fine glass and covered with decorations.
Weight: 940
Pickupable: 1
mugmug (ID: 2012)Weight: 250
Pickupable: 1
cupcup (ID: 2013)Weight: 200
Pickupable: 1
jugjug (ID: 2014)Weight: 750
Pickupable: 1
brown flaskbrown flask (ID: 2015)Weight: 300
Pickupable: 1
poolpool (ID: 2016)DecayTo: 2017
Duration: 45
poolpool (ID: 2017)DecayTo: 2018
Duration: 45
poolpool (ID: 2018)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
poolpool (ID: 2019)DecayTo: 2020
Duration: 45
poolpool (ID: 2020)DecayTo: 2021
Duration: 45
poolpool (ID: 2021)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 60
broken bottlebroken bottle (ID: 2022)Weight: 80
amphoraamphora (ID: 2023)Weight: 9700
Pickupable: 1
broken brown glassbroken brown glass (ID: 2024)Weight: 100
poolpool (ID: 2025)
waterskinwaterskin (ID: 2031)Weight: 700
Pickupable: 1
bowlbowl (ID: 2032)Weight: 380
Pickupable: 1
golden muggolden mug (ID: 2033)Weight: 470
Pickupable: 1
large amphoralarge amphora (ID: 2034)
plateplate (ID: 2035)Weight: 150
watchwatch (ID: 2036)Weight: 50
wall lampwall lamp (ID: 2037)
lit wall lamplit wall lamp (ID: 2038)
wall lampwall lamp (ID: 2039)
lit wall lamplit wall lamp (ID: 2040)
torch bearertorch bearer (ID: 2058)
lit torch bearerlit torch bearer (ID: 2059)
torch bearertorch bearer (ID: 2060)
lit torch bearerlit torch bearer (ID: 2061)
oil lampoil lamp (ID: 2062)Weight: 1400
small oil lampsmall oil lamp (ID: 2063)Weight: 900
table lamptable lamp (ID: 2064)DestroyTo: 2250
lit table lamplit table lamp (ID: 2065)
wall lampwall lamp (ID: 2066)
lit wall lamplit wall lamp (ID: 2067)
wall lampwall lamp (ID: 2068)
lit wall lamplit wall lamp (ID: 2069)
wooden flutewooden flute (ID: 2070)Weight: 200
lyrelyre (ID: 2071)Weight: 1250
lutelute (ID: 2072)Weight: 3400
drumdrum (ID: 2073)Weight: 3200
panpipespanpipes (ID: 2074)Weight: 820
simple fanfaresimple fanfare (ID: 2075)Weight: 2200
fanfarefanfare (ID: 2076)Weight: 2300
royal fanfareroyal fanfare (ID: 2077)Weight: 2500
post hornpost horn (ID: 2078)Weight: 1500
Description: It's property of the Postmaster's Guild and only rewarded to loyal members.
war hornwar horn (ID: 2079)Weight: 1500
pianopiano (ID: 2080)RotateTo: 2083
DestroyTo: 2254
pianopiano (ID: 2081)RotateTo: 2082
DestroyTo: 2254
pianopiano (ID: 2082)RotateTo: 2080
DestroyTo: 2254
pianopiano (ID: 2083)RotateTo: 2081
DestroyTo: 2254
harpharp (ID: 2084)RotateTo: 2085
DestroyTo: 2254
harpharp (ID: 2085)RotateTo: 2084
DestroyTo: 2254
magical cage keymagical cage key (ID: 2086)Description: It fits into the lock of the demon cage in Eclesius' cellar.
Type: key
Weight: 100
wooden keywooden key (ID: 2087)Type: key
Weight: 100
silver keysilver key (ID: 2088)Type: key
Weight: 100
copper keycopper key (ID: 2089)Type: key
Weight: 100
crystal keycrystal key (ID: 2090)Type: key
Weight: 100
golden keygolden key (ID: 2091)Type: key
Weight: 100
bone keybone key (ID: 2092)Type: key
Weight: 100
water pipewater pipe (ID: 2093)Weight: 6500
birdcagebirdcage (ID: 2094)Description: The poor bird seems to have died from a heart attack.
Weight: 9200
DestroyTo: 2254
birdcagebirdcage (ID: 2095)Description: You see a little bird inside.
Weight: 9200
DestroyTo: 2254
globeglobe (ID: 2098)DestroyTo: 2250
water pipewater pipe (ID: 2099)Weight: 5600
god flowersgod flowers (ID: 2100)Weight: 1100
indoor plantindoor plant (ID: 2101)
flower bowlflower bowl (ID: 2102)Weight: 1100
honey flowerhoney flower (ID: 2103)Weight: 1000
potted flowerpotted flower (ID: 2104)Weight: 2300
christmas treechristmas tree (ID: 2105)
potted flowerpotted flower (ID: 2106)
exotic flowersexotic flowers (ID: 2107)Weight: 1100
wooden dollwooden doll (ID: 2108)Weight: 860
footballfootball (ID: 2109)
dolldoll (ID: 2110)Weight: 650
snowballsnowball (ID: 2111)Weight: 80
WeaponType: distance
ShootType: snowball
Range: 6
teddy bearteddy bear (ID: 2112)Weight: 590
model shipmodel ship (ID: 2113)Weight: 1300
piggy bankpiggy bank (ID: 2114)Weight: 750
broken piggy bankbroken piggy bank (ID: 2115)Weight: 750
rocking horserocking horse (ID: 2116)RotateTo: 2117
DestroyTo: 2254
rocking horserocking horse (ID: 2117)RotateTo: 2118
DestroyTo: 2254
rocking horserocking horse (ID: 2118)RotateTo: 2119
DestroyTo: 2254
rocking horserocking horse (ID: 2119)RotateTo: 2116
DestroyTo: 2254
roperope (ID: 2120)Weight: 1800
elven broochelven brooch (ID: 2122)Weight: 90
emerald bangleemerald bangle (ID: 2127)Weight: 179
silver broochsilver brooch (ID: 2134)Weight: 116
some golden fruitssome golden fruits (ID: 2137)Weight: 1070
holy scarabholy scarab (ID: 2140)Weight: 870
holy falconholy falcon (ID: 2141)Weight: 840
white pearlwhite pearl (ID: 2143)Weight: 20
black pearlblack pearl (ID: 2144)Weight: 20
small diamondsmall diamond (ID: 2145)Weight: 10
small sapphiresmall sapphire (ID: 2146)Weight: 10
small rubysmall ruby (ID: 2147)Weight: 10
gold coingold coin (ID: 2148)Weight: 10
small emeraldsmall emerald (ID: 2149)Weight: 10
small amethystsmall amethyst (ID: 2150)Weight: 10
talontalon (ID: 2151)Weight: 20
Description: There are many rumours about these magic gems.
platinum coinplatinum coin (ID: 2152)Weight: 10
violet gemviolet gem (ID: 2153)Weight: 30
yellow gemyellow gem (ID: 2154)Weight: 30
green gemgreen gem (ID: 2155)Weight: 30
red gemred gem (ID: 2156)Weight: 30
gold nuggetgold nugget (ID: 2157)Weight: 80
blue gemblue gem (ID: 2158)Weight: 30
scarab coinscarab coin (ID: 2159)Weight: 20
crystal coincrystal coin (ID: 2160)Weight: 10
spellbookspellbook (ID: 2175)Description: It shows your spells and can also shield against attacks when worn.
Weight: 1800
Defense: 14
WeaponType: shield
orborb (ID: 2176)Weight: 800
life crystallife crystal (ID: 2177)Weight: 263
mind stonemind stone (ID: 2178)Weight: 250
the orb of naturethe orb of nature (ID: 2180)
quagmire rodquagmire rod (ID: 2181)Description: It emits clouds of poisonous swamp gas.
Weight: 2650
WeaponType: wand
ShootType: poison
Range: 3
snakebite rodsnakebite rod (ID: 2182)Description: It seems to twitch and quiver as if trying to escape your grip.
Weight: 1900
WeaponType: wand
ShootType: poison
Range: 3
tempest rodtempest rod (ID: 2183)Description: It grants you the power of striking your foes with furious thunderstorms.
Weight: 2100
WeaponType: wand
ShootType: energy
Range: 3
volcanic rodvolcanic rod (ID: 2185)Description: It erupts powerful bursts of magma upon everything in your path.
Weight: 2900
WeaponType: wand
ShootType: fire
Range: 3
moonlight rodmoonlight rod (ID: 2186)Description: Shimmering rays of moonlight radiate from its tip.
Weight: 1950
WeaponType: wand
ShootType: energy
Range: 3
crystal wandcrystal wand (ID: 2184)Description: It unleashes the very fires of death.
Weight: 2800
WeaponType: wand
ShootType: energy
Range: 4
wand of infernowand of inferno (ID: 2187)Description: It unleashes the very fires of hell.
Weight: 3050
WeaponType: wand
ShootType: fire
Range: 3
wand of plaguewand of plague (ID: 2188)Description: Infectious goo covers its tip.
Weight: 2300
WeaponType: wand
ShootType: poison
Range: 3
wand of cosmic energywand of cosmic energy (ID: 2189)Description: The energy of a radiant star is trapped inside its globe.
Weight: 2500
WeaponType: wand
ShootType: energy
Range: 3
wand of vortexwand of vortex (ID: 2190)Description: Surges of energy rush through the tip of this wand.
Weight: 2300
WeaponType: wand
ShootType: energy
Range: 3
wand of dragonbreathwand of dragonbreath (ID: 2191)Description: Legends say that this wand holds the soul of a young dragon.
Weight: 2300
WeaponType: wand
ShootType: fire
Range: 3
crystal ballcrystal ball (ID: 2192)Weight: 3400
ankhankh (ID: 2193)Weight: 420
mysterious fetishmysterious fetish (ID: 2194)Weight: 490
spellbookspellbook (ID: 2217)Weight: 5800
banana skinbanana skin (ID: 2219)Weight: 30
dirty furdirty fur (ID: 2220)Weight: 200
old twigold twig (ID: 2221)Weight: 50
some woodsome wood (ID: 2222)Weight: 40
rubbishrubbish (ID: 2223)Weight: 10
piece of ironpiece of iron (ID: 2225)Weight: 20
fishbonefishbone (ID: 2226)Weight: 70
rotten meatrotten meat (ID: 2227)Weight: 60
broken potterybroken pottery (ID: 2228)Weight: 180
skullskull (ID: 2229)Weight: 2180
bonebone (ID: 2230)Weight: 950
big bonebig bone (ID: 2231)Weight: 1900
broken brown glassbroken brown glass (ID: 2232)Weight: 250
broken green glassbroken green glass (ID: 2233)Weight: 170
broken swordbroken sword (ID: 2234)Weight: 3500
mouldy cheesemouldy cheese (ID: 2235)Weight: 400
torn booktorn book (ID: 2236)Weight: 1100
dirty capedirty cape (ID: 2237)Weight: 500
worn leather bootsworn leather boots (ID: 2238)Weight: 900
burnt scrollburnt scroll (ID: 2239)Weight: 40
fish remainsfish remains (ID: 2240)Weight: 110
rubbishrubbish (ID: 2241)Weight: 50
rubbishrubbish (ID: 2242)Weight: 60
some leavessome leaves (ID: 2244)Weight: 80
twigstwigs (ID: 2245)Weight: 80
burnt down firewoodburnt down firewood (ID: 2246)Weight: 420
skullskull (ID: 2247)
human remainshuman remains (ID: 2248)
ashesashes (ID: 2249)
wooden trashwooden trash (ID: 2250)Weight: 570
metal trashmetal trash (ID: 2256)Weight: 300
stone rubbishstone rubbish (ID: 2257)Weight: 980
blank runeblank rune (ID: 2260)Type: rune
Weight: 210
destroy field runedestroy field rune (ID: 2261)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adito grav
Weight: 70
Charges: 3
energy bomb runeenergy bomb rune (ID: 2262)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo mas vis
Weight: 105
Charges: 2
spell runespell rune (ID: 2263)Type: rune
Weight: 120
intense healing runeintense healing rune (ID: 2265)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adura gran
Weight: 210
Charges: 1
cure poison runecure poison rune (ID: 2266)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adana pox
Weight: 210
Charges: 1
spell runespell rune (ID: 2267)Type: rune
Weight: 120
sudden death runesudden death rune (ID: 2268)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adori vita vis
Weight: 70
Charges: 1
wild growth runewild growth rune (ID: 2269)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo grav vita
Weight: 105
Charges: 2
spell runespell rune (ID: 2270)Type: rune
Weight: 120
icicle runeicicle rune (ID: 2271)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adori frigo
Weight: 42
Charges: 5
spell runespell rune (ID: 2272)Type: rune
Weight: 120
ultimate healing runeultimate healing rune (ID: 2273)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adura vita
Weight: 210
Charges: 1
avalanche runeavalanche rune (ID: 2274)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adori mas frigo
Weight: 52
Charges: 4
spell runespell rune (ID: 2275)Type: rune
Weight: 120
energy field runeenergy field rune (ID: 2277)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo grav vis
Weight: 70
Charges: 3
paralyze runeparalyze rune (ID: 2278)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adana ani
Weight: 210
Charges: 1
energy wall runeenergy wall rune (ID: 2279)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo mas grav vis
Weight: 52
Charges: 4
spell runespell rune (ID: 2280)Type: rune
Weight: 120
poison field runepoison field rune (ID: 2285)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo grav pox
Weight: 70
Charges: 3
poison bomb runepoison bomb rune (ID: 2286)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo mas pox
Weight: 105
Charges: 2
light magic missile runelight magic missile rune (ID: 2287)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adori min vis
Weight: 21
Charges: 10
stone shower runestone shower rune (ID: 2288)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adori mas tera
Weight: 52
Charges: 4
poison wall runepoison wall rune (ID: 2289)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo mas grav pox
Weight: 52
Charges: 4
convince creature runeconvince creature rune (ID: 2290)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adeta sio
Weight: 210
Charges: 1
chameleon runechameleon rune (ID: 2291)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo ina
Weight: 210
Charges: 1
envenom runeenvenom rune (ID: 2292)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo res pox
Weight: 21
Charges: 1
magic wall runemagic wall rune (ID: 2293)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo grav tera
Weight: 70
Charges: 3
spell runespell rune (ID: 2294)Type: rune
Weight: 120
holy missile runeholy missile rune (ID: 2295)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adori san
Weight: 42
Charges: 5
spell runespell rune (ID: 2296)Type: rune
Weight: 120
fire field runefire field rune (ID: 2301)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo grav flam
Weight: 70
Charges: 3
fireball runefireball rune (ID: 2302)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adori flam
Weight: 42
Charges: 2
fire wall runefire wall rune (ID: 2303)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo mas grav flam
Weight: 52
Charges: 4
great fireball runegreat fireball rune (ID: 2304)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adori gran flam
Weight: 52
Charges: 2
fire bomb runefire bomb rune (ID: 2305)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo mas flam
Weight: 105
Charges: 2
spell runespell rune (ID: 2306)Type: rune
Weight: 120
soulfire runesoulfire rune (ID: 2308)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo res flam
Weight: 70
Charges: 3
spell runespell rune (ID: 2309)Type: rune
Weight: 120
disintegrate runedisintegrate rune (ID: 2310)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adito tera
Weight: 70
Charges: 3
heavy magic missile runeheavy magic missile rune (ID: 2311)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adori gran
Weight: 21
Charges: 5
spell runespell rune (ID: 2312)Type: rune
Weight: 120
explosion runeexplosion rune (ID: 2313)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adevo mas hur
Weight: 35
Charges: 3
spell runespell rune (ID: 2314)Type: rune
Weight: 120
mana fluid runemana fluid rune (ID: 2315)Type: rune
Weight: 180
animate dead runeanimate dead rune (ID: 2316)Type: rune
RuneSpellName: adana mort
Weight: 210
Charges: 1
dead humandead human (ID: 2317)
family broochfamily brooch (ID: 2318)Description: You see the familyname Windtrouser engraved on this brooch.
Weight: 110
dragonfetishdragonfetish (ID: 2319)Weight: 490
skull of Rathaskull of Ratha (ID: 2320)Weight: 2180
giant smithhammergiant smithhammer (ID: 2321)Description: This cyclopean hammer seems to be an awesome smithing tool.
Weight: 6800
Defense: 14
Attack: 24
WeaponType: club
interesting voodoo dollinteresting voodoo doll (ID: 2322)Description: Use me
Weight: 650
broombroom (ID: 2324)Weight: 1100
bookbook (ID: 2325)Weight: 1300
annihilation bearannihilation bear (ID: 2326)Description: I braved the Annihilator and all I got is this lousy teddy bear.
Weight: 4300
blessed ankhblessed ankh (ID: 2327)Description: You see the engraving of a white raven on its surface.
Weight: 420
eggegg (ID: 2328)Weight: 30
billbill (ID: 2329)Weight: 150
Description: This is a bill for an expensive magicians hat and several rabbits.
letterbagletterbag (ID: 2330)Weight: 50000
Description: This bag is nearly bursting from all the letters inside.
presentpresent (ID: 2331)Weight: 1200
WaldoWaldo's post horn (ID: 2332)Weight: 2200
letter to Markwinletter to Markwin (ID: 2333)Weight: 50
Santas MailboxSantas Mailbox (ID: 2334)
helmet ornamenthelmet ornament (ID: 2335)Description: This item seems to be a single part of a bigger object.
Weight: 160
gem holdergem holder (ID: 2336)Description: This item seems to be a single part of a bigger object.
Weight: 80
right hornright horn (ID: 2337)Description: This item seems to be a single part of a bigger object.
Weight: 140
left hornleft horn (ID: 2338)Description: This item seems to be a single part of a bigger object.
Weight: 140
damaged helmetdamaged helmet (ID: 2339)Description: This item seems to have several parts missing.
Weight: 1800
Armor: 5
helmet piecehelmet piece (ID: 2340)Description: This item seems to be a single part of a bigger object.
Weight: 260
helmet adornmenthelmet adornment (ID: 2341)Description: This item seems to be a single part of a bigger object.
Weight: 180
gemmed lampgemmed lamp (ID: 2344)Weight: 1300
Description: It is Fa'hradin's enchanted lamp.
spyreportspyreport (ID: 2345)Weight: 150
Description: The report is written in some coded language.
tear of daramantear of daraman (ID: 2346)Weight: 30
cookbookcookbook (ID: 2347)Weight: 1500
Description: It contains several exotic recipes.
ancient runeancient rune (ID: 2348)Description: This rune vibrates with ancient powers. It seems to be rotting rapidly.
Weight: 300
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 86400
blue noteblue note (ID: 2349)Description: The blue crystal is softly humming a ghostly melody. It seems to be rotting rapidly.
Weight: 250
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 86400
sword hiltsword hilt (ID: 2350)Description: It was once part of a formidable two handed weapon. It seems to be rotting rapidly.
Weight: 900
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 86400
cobrafang daggercobrafang dagger (ID: 2351)Description: This ritual weapon was forged from the sharp fang of a giant cobra. It seems to be rotting rapidly.
Weight: 600
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 86400
crystal arrowcrystal arrow (ID: 2352)Description: This arrow seems not suitable for the use with ordinary bows. It seems to be rotting rapidly.
Weight: 100
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 86400
ornamented ankhornamented ankh (ID: 2354)Description: This ancient relic shows signs of untold age. It seems to be rotting rapidly.
Weight: 200
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 86400
stuffed bunnystuffed bunny (ID: 2355)Weight: 350
gemmed lampgemmed lamp (ID: 2356)Weight: 1300
Description: It is the djinn leader's sleeping lamp.
djinndjinn's lamp (ID: 2359)Description: (This item has 2 charges left).
Weight: 600
portable holeportable hole (ID: 2360)
the carrot of doomthe carrot of doom (ID: 2362)Description: You can sense the evil power of the carrot.
Weight: 160
blood orbblood orb (ID: 2363)Weight: 150
post hornpost horn (ID: 2364)Weight: 1500
roc featherroc feather (ID: 2366)Weight: 100
drumdrum (ID: 2367)Weight: 3200
simple fanfaresimple fanfare (ID: 2368)Weight: 2200
cornucopiacornucopia (ID: 2369)Weight: 1400
lutelute (ID: 2370)Weight: 3400
horn of sunderinghorn of sundering (ID: 2371)Weight: 1500
lyrelyre (ID: 2372)Weight: 1250
panpipespanpipes (ID: 2373)Weight: 820
wooden flutewooden flute (ID: 2374)Weight: 200
gemmed lampgemmed lamp (ID: 2375)Description: It is the djinn leader's sleeping lamp.
Weight: 1300
swordsword (ID: 2376)Weight: 3500
Defense: 12
Attack: 14
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
daggerdagger (ID: 2379)Weight: 950
Defense: 6
Attack: 8
WeaponType: sword
hand axehand axe (ID: 2380)Weight: 1800
Defense: 5
Attack: 10
WeaponType: axe
clubclub (ID: 2382)Weight: 2500
Defense: 7
Attack: 7
WeaponType: club
spike swordspike sword (ID: 2383)Description: It can be enchanted with an element.
Weight: 5000
Defense: 21
Attack: 24
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 2
rapierrapier (ID: 2384)Weight: 1500
Defense: 8
Attack: 10
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
sabresabre (ID: 2385)Weight: 2500
Defense: 10
Attack: 12
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
axeaxe (ID: 2386)Weight: 4000
Defense: 6
Attack: 12
WeaponType: axe
hatchethatchet (ID: 2388)Weight: 3500
Defense: 8
Attack: 15
WeaponType: axe
spearspear (ID: 2389)Weight: 2000
Attack: 25
WeaponType: distance
ShootType: spear
Range: 3
fire swordfire sword (ID: 2392)Description: The blade is a magic flame.
Weight: 2300
Defense: 20
Attack: 24
ElementFire: 11
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
morning starmorning star (ID: 2394)Weight: 5400
Defense: 11
Attack: 25
WeaponType: club
carlin swordcarlin sword (ID: 2395)Weight: 4000
Defense: 13
Attack: 15
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
ice rapierice rapier (ID: 2396)Description: A deadly but fragile weapon.
Weight: 1500
Attack: 100
Defense: 1
WeaponType: sword
Charges: 1
longswordlongsword (ID: 2397)Weight: 4200
Defense: 14
Attack: 17
WeaponType: sword
macemace (ID: 2398)Weight: 3800
Defense: 11
Attack: 16
WeaponType: club
throwing starthrowing star (ID: 2399)Weight: 200
Attack: 30
WeaponType: distance
ShootType: throwingstar
Range: 4
magic swordmagic sword (ID: 2400)Description: It's the Sword of Valor.
Weight: 4200
Defense: 35
Attack: 48
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 3
silver daggersilver dagger (ID: 2402)Weight: 1020
Defense: 7
Attack: 9
WeaponType: sword
knifeknife (ID: 2403)Weight: 420
Defense: 5
Attack: 5
WeaponType: sword
combat knifecombat knife (ID: 2404)Weight: 870
Defense: 6
Attack: 8
WeaponType: sword
sicklesickle (ID: 2405)Weight: 1050
Defense: 4
Attack: 5
WeaponType: axe
short swordshort sword (ID: 2406)Weight: 3500
Defense: 11
Attack: 11
WeaponType: sword
bright swordbright sword (ID: 2407)Description: The blade shimmers in light blue.
Weight: 2900
Defense: 30
Attack: 36
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
serpent swordserpent sword (ID: 2409)Weight: 4100
Defense: 15
Attack: 18
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
ElementEarth: 8
throwing knifethrowing knife (ID: 2410)Weight: 500
Attack: 25
WeaponType: distance
ShootType: throwingknife
Range: 4
poison daggerpoison dagger (ID: 2411)Weight: 880
Defense: 8
Attack: 18
ElementEarth: 2
WeaponType: sword
katanakatana (ID: 2412)Weight: 3100
Defense: 12
Attack: 16
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
crowbarcrowbar (ID: 2416)Description: It may come in handy sometime.
Weight: 2100
Defense: 6
Attack: 5
WeaponType: club
battle hammerbattle hammer (ID: 2417)Weight: 6800
Defense: 14
Attack: 24
WeaponType: club
golden sicklegolden sickle (ID: 2418)Weight: 1950
Defense: 6
Attack: 13
WeaponType: axe
scimitarscimitar (ID: 2419)Weight: 2900
Defense: 13
Attack: 19
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
machetemachete (ID: 2420)Weight: 1650
Defense: 9
Attack: 12
WeaponType: sword
thunder hammerthunder hammer (ID: 2421)Description: It is blessed by the gods.
Weight: 12500
Defense: 35
Attack: 49
WeaponType: club
Extradef: 1
iron hammeriron hammer (ID: 2422)Weight: 6600
Defense: 10
Attack: 18
WeaponType: club
clerical maceclerical mace (ID: 2423)Weight: 5800
Defense: 15
Attack: 28
WeaponType: club
Extradef: 1
silver macesilver mace (ID: 2424)Description: You feel an aura of protection.
Weight: 6700
Defense: 30
Attack: 41
WeaponType: club
Extradef: 2
orcish axeorcish axe (ID: 2428)Weight: 4500
Defense: 12
Attack: 23
WeaponType: axe
barbarian axebarbarian axe (ID: 2429)Weight: 5100
Defense: 18
Attack: 28
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 1
knight axeknight axe (ID: 2430)Weight: 5900
Defense: 21
Attack: 33
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 1
stonecutter axestonecutter axe (ID: 2431)Description: You feel the power of this mighty axe.
Weight: 9900
Defense: 30
Attack: 50
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 3
fire axefire axe (ID: 2432)Description: The blade is a magic flame.
Weight: 4000
Defense: 16
Attack: 27
ElementFire: 11
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 1
dragon hammerdragon hammer (ID: 2434)Weight: 9700
Defense: 20
Attack: 32
WeaponType: club
dwarven axedwarven axe (ID: 2435)Weight: 8200
Defense: 19
Attack: 31
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 2
skull staffskull staff (ID: 2436)Description: The staff longs for death.
Weight: 1700
Defense: 12
Attack: 36
WeaponType: club
Extradef: 1
light macelight mace (ID: 2437)Weight: 4100
Defense: 9
Attack: 14
WeaponType: club
epeeepee (ID: 2438)Weight: 1450
Defense: 23
Attack: 37
WeaponType: sword
daramian macedaramian mace (ID: 2439)Weight: 6800
Defense: 12
Attack: 21
WeaponType: club
daramian axedaramian axe (ID: 2441)Weight: 4100
Defense: 8
Attack: 17
WeaponType: axe
heavy macheteheavy machete (ID: 2442)Weight: 1840
Defense: 10
Attack: 16
WeaponType: sword
crystal macecrystal mace (ID: 2445)Weight: 8000
Defense: 16
Attack: 38
Extradef: 1
WeaponType: club
pharaoh swordpharaoh sword (ID: 2446)Weight: 5200
Defense: 23
Attack: 41
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 2
studded clubstudded club (ID: 2448)Description: It has been reinforced with iron.
Weight: 3500
Defense: 8
Attack: 9
WeaponType: club
bone clubbone club (ID: 2449)Description: It apparently originally belonged to some lesser undead.
Weight: 3900
Defense: 8
Attack: 12
WeaponType: club
bone swordbone sword (ID: 2450)Weight: 1900
Defense: 10
Attack: 13
WeaponType: sword
djinn bladedjinn blade (ID: 2451)Weight: 2450
Defense: 22
Attack: 38
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 2
steel shieldsteel shield (ID: 2509)Weight: 6900
Defense: 21
WeaponType: shield
plate shieldplate shield (ID: 2510)Weight: 6500
Defense: 17
WeaponType: shield
brass shieldbrass shield (ID: 2511)Weight: 6000
Defense: 16
WeaponType: shield
wooden shieldwooden shield (ID: 2512)Weight: 4000
Defense: 14
WeaponType: shield
battle shieldbattle shield (ID: 2513)Weight: 6200
Defense: 23
WeaponType: shield
mastermind shieldmastermind shield (ID: 2514)Description: It's an enchanted shield.
Weight: 5700
Defense: 37
WeaponType: shield
guardian shieldguardian shield (ID: 2515)Weight: 5500
Defense: 30
WeaponType: shield
dragon shielddragon shield (ID: 2516)Weight: 6000
Defense: 31
WeaponType: shield
shield of honourshield of honour (ID: 2517)Description: A mighty shield awarded by the gods.
Weight: 5400
Defense: 33
WeaponType: shield
beholder shieldbeholder shield (ID: 2518)Weight: 4700
Defense: 28
WeaponType: shield
crown shieldcrown shield (ID: 2519)Weight: 6200
Defense: 32
WeaponType: shield
demon shielddemon shield (ID: 2520)Description: This powerful shield seems to be as light as air.
Weight: 2600
Defense: 35
WeaponType: shield
dark shielddark shield (ID: 2521)Weight: 5200
Defense: 25
WeaponType: shield
great shieldgreat shield (ID: 2522)Description: The shield is made of dragon scales.
Weight: 8400
Defense: 38
WeaponType: shield
Magiclevelpoints: 5
Showattributes: 1
blessed shieldblessed shield (ID: 2523)Description: The shield grants divine protection.
Weight: 6800
Defense: 40
WeaponType: shield
AbsorbPercentPhysical: 5
Showattributes: 1
ornamented shieldornamented shield (ID: 2524)Description: Many gems sparkle on the shield.
Weight: 6700
Defense: 22
WeaponType: shield
dwarven shielddwarven shield (ID: 2525)Weight: 5500
Defense: 26
WeaponType: shield
studded shieldstudded shield (ID: 2526)Weight: 5800
Defense: 15
WeaponType: shield
rose shieldrose shield (ID: 2527)Weight: 5200
Defense: 27
WeaponType: shield
tower shieldtower shield (ID: 2528)Weight: 8200
Defense: 32
WeaponType: shield
black shieldblack shield (ID: 2529)Description: An unholy creature covers the shield.
Weight: 4200
Defense: 18
WeaponType: shield
copper shieldcopper shield (ID: 2530)Weight: 6300
Defense: 19
WeaponType: shield
viking shieldviking shield (ID: 2531)Weight: 6600
Defense: 22
WeaponType: shield
ancient shieldancient shield (ID: 2532)Weight: 6100
Defense: 27
WeaponType: shield
griffin shieldgriffin shield (ID: 2533)Weight: 5000
Defense: 29
WeaponType: shield
vampire shieldvampire shield (ID: 2534)Description: Dark powers enchant this shield.
Weight: 3800
Defense: 34
WeaponType: shield
castle shieldcastle shield (ID: 2535)Weight: 4900
Defense: 28
WeaponType: shield
medusa shieldmedusa shield (ID: 2536)Weight: 5800
Defense: 33
WeaponType: shield
amazon shieldamazon shield (ID: 2537)Weight: 6200
Defense: 32
WeaponType: shield
eagle shieldeagle shield (ID: 2538)Weight: 6200
Defense: 32
WeaponType: shield
phoenix shieldphoenix shield (ID: 2539)Description: This shield feels warm to the touch.
Weight: 3500
Defense: 34
WeaponType: shield
scarab shieldscarab shield (ID: 2540)Weight: 4700
Defense: 25
WeaponType: shield
bone shieldbone shield (ID: 2541)Weight: 5500
Defense: 20
WeaponType: shield
tempest shieldtempest shield (ID: 2542)Weight: 5100
Defense: 36
WeaponType: shield
pitchforkpitchfork (ID: 2548)Weight: 2500
rakerake (ID: 2549)Weight: 1500
broombroom (ID: 2551)Weight: 1100
hoehoe (ID: 2552)Weight: 2800
pickpick (ID: 2553)Weight: 4500
shovelshovel (ID: 2554)Weight: 3500
anvilanvil (ID: 2555)
wooden hammerwooden hammer (ID: 2556)Weight: 600
hammerhammer (ID: 2557)Weight: 1150
sawsaw (ID: 2558)Weight: 1000
small axesmall axe (ID: 2559)Weight: 2000
mirrormirror (ID: 2560)Weight: 950
baking traybaking tray (ID: 2561)Weight: 1200
potpot (ID: 2562)Weight: 5250
Pickupable: 1
panpan (ID: 2563)Weight: 1800
forkfork (ID: 2564)Weight: 100
spoonspoon (ID: 2565)Weight: 100
kitchen knifekitchen knife (ID: 2566)Weight: 100
wooden spoonwooden spoon (ID: 2567)Weight: 100
cleavercleaver (ID: 2568)Weight: 660
oven spatulaoven spatula (ID: 2569)Weight: 1400
rolling pinrolling pin (ID: 2570)Weight: 500
bowlbowl (ID: 2571)Weight: 1850
ewerewer (ID: 2574)Weight: 1750
Pickupable: 1
ewerewer (ID: 2575)Weight: 1750
Pickupable: 1
ewerewer (ID: 2576)Weight: 1750
Pickupable: 1
ewerewer (ID: 2577)Weight: 1750
Pickupable: 1
closed trapclosed trap (ID: 2578)Weight: 2100
traptrap (ID: 2579)Weight: 2100
fishing rodfishing rod (ID: 2580)Weight: 850
telescopetelescope (ID: 2581)RotateTo: 2584
DestroyTo: 2250
telescopetelescope (ID: 2582)RotateTo: 2583
DestroyTo: 2250
telescopetelescope (ID: 2583)RotateTo: 2581
DestroyTo: 2250
telescopetelescope (ID: 2584)RotateTo: 2582
DestroyTo: 2250
shipship's telescope (ID: 2585)RotateTo: 2588
shipship's telescope (ID: 2586)RotateTo: 2587
shipship's telescope (ID: 2587)RotateTo: 2585
shipship's telescope (ID: 2588)RotateTo: 2586
lockerlocker (ID: 2589)Type: depot
ContainerSize: 3
mailboxmailbox (ID: 2593)Description: Royal Mail.
Type: mailbox
depot chestdepot chest (ID: 2594)ContainerSize: 30
parcelparcel (ID: 2595)Type: container
Weight: 1800
ContainerSize: 10
stamped parcelstamped parcel (ID: 2596)Weight: 1800
ContainerSize: 10
letterletter (ID: 2597)Weight: 50
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1999
stamped letterstamped letter (ID: 2598)Readable: 1
Weight: 30
labellabel (ID: 2599)Weight: 10
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 79
inkwellinkwell (ID: 2600)Weight: 200
coal basincoal basin (ID: 2601)DestroyTo: 2257
empty coal basinempty coal basin (ID: 2605)DestroyTo: 2257
altaraltar (ID: 2606)
sacrificial stonesacrificial stone (ID: 2610)
altaraltar (ID: 2614)
sacrificial stonesacrificial stone (ID: 2616)
black tokenblack token (ID: 2624)Weight: 500
white tokenwhite token (ID: 2625)Weight: 500
white pawnwhite pawn (ID: 2626)Weight: 500
white castlewhite castle (ID: 2627)Weight: 500
white knightwhite knight (ID: 2628)Weight: 500
white bishopwhite bishop (ID: 2629)Weight: 500
white queenwhite queen (ID: 2630)Weight: 500
white kingwhite king (ID: 2631)Weight: 500
black pawnblack pawn (ID: 2632)Weight: 500
black castleblack castle (ID: 2633)Weight: 500
black knightblack knight (ID: 2634)Weight: 500
black bishopblack bishop (ID: 2635)Weight: 500
black queenblack queen (ID: 2636)Weight: 500
black kingblack king (ID: 2637)Weight: 500
tic-tac-toe tokentic-tac-toe token (ID: 2638)Weight: 500
meatmeat (ID: 2666)Weight: 1300
Showcount: 0
fishfish (ID: 2667)Weight: 520
salmonsalmon (ID: 2668)Weight: 320
Showcount: 0
northern pikenorthern pike (ID: 2669)Weight: 830
shrimpshrimp (ID: 2670)Weight: 050
Showcount: 0
hamham (ID: 2671)Weight: 2000
Showcount: 0
dragon hamdragon ham (ID: 2672)Description: It still contains a small part of the power of a dragon.
Weight: 3000
Showcount: 0
pearpear (ID: 2673)Weight: 140
red applered apple (ID: 2674)Weight: 150
orangeorange (ID: 2675)Weight: 110
bananabanana (ID: 2676)Weight: 180
blueberryblueberry (ID: 2677)Weight: 020
coconutcoconut (ID: 2678)Weight: 480
cherrycherry (ID: 2679)Weight: 020
strawberrystrawberry (ID: 2680)Weight: 020
grapesgrapes (ID: 2681)Weight: 250
Showcount: 0
melonmelon (ID: 2682)Weight: 950
pumpkinpumpkin (ID: 2683)Weight: 1350
carrotcarrot (ID: 2684)Weight: 160
tomatotomato (ID: 2685)Weight: 100
corncobcorncob (ID: 2686)Weight: 350
cookiecookie (ID: 2687)Weight: 010
candy canecandy cane (ID: 2688)Weight: 050
breadbread (ID: 2689)Weight: 500
rollroll (ID: 2690)Weight: 100
brown breadbrown bread (ID: 2691)Weight: 400
flourflour (ID: 2692)Weight: 100
lump of doughlump of dough (ID: 2693)Weight: 100
bunch of wheatbunch of wheat (ID: 2694)Weight: 1250
eggegg (ID: 2695)Weight: 030
cheesecheese (ID: 2696)Weight: 400
snowy dead treesnowy dead tree (ID: 2697)
snowy fir treesnowy fir tree (ID: 2698)
magic treemagic tree (ID: 2699)
fir treefir tree (ID: 2700)
sycamoresycamore (ID: 2701)
willowwillow (ID: 2702)
plum treeplum tree (ID: 2703)
red maplered maple (ID: 2704)
pear treepear tree (ID: 2705)
yellow mapleyellow maple (ID: 2706)
beechbeech (ID: 2707)
poplarpoplar (ID: 2708)
dead treedead tree (ID: 2709)
dwarf treedwarf tree (ID: 2711)
pinepine (ID: 2712)
dead treedead tree (ID: 2713)
old rush woodold rush wood (ID: 2721)
old treeold tree (ID: 2722)
cactuscactus (ID: 2723)
palmpalm (ID: 2725)
coconut palmcoconut palm (ID: 2726)
cactuscactus (ID: 2727)
sun adorer cactussun adorer cactus (ID: 2733)
cactuscactus (ID: 2734)
wheatwheat (ID: 2737)DecayTo: 2738
Duration: 240
wheatwheat (ID: 2738)Description: It is not mature yet.
DecayTo: 2739
Duration: 240
wheatwheat (ID: 2739)
moon flowersmoon flowers (ID: 2740)
moon flowermoon flower (ID: 2741)Weight: 10
white flowerwhite flower (ID: 2742)
heaven blossomheaven blossom (ID: 2743)
red rosered rose (ID: 2744)Weight: 80
blue roseblue rose (ID: 2745)Weight: 80
yellow roseyellow rose (ID: 2746)Weight: 80
grave flowergrave flower (ID: 2747)Weight: 60
love flowerlove flower (ID: 2748)
royal blossomroyal blossom (ID: 2749)
some sunflowerssome sunflowers (ID: 2752)
sunflowersunflower (ID: 2753)
tuliptulip (ID: 2754)Weight: 50
water lilywater lily (ID: 2755)
orange starorange star (ID: 2759)Weight: 70
goat grassgoat grass (ID: 2760)Weight: 80
orchidorchid (ID: 2761)
rosebushrosebush (ID: 2762)
bushbush (ID: 2767)
small fir treesmall fir tree (ID: 2768)
shadow plantshadow plant (ID: 2769)
branchbranch (ID: 2770)
mire sproutmire sprout (ID: 2771)
moon herbmoon herb (ID: 2772)
mud whipmud whip (ID: 2773)
swamp reedswamp reed (ID: 2774)
swamp lillyswamp lilly (ID: 2775)
dusk catcherdusk catcher (ID: 2776)
bog fingers plantbog fingers plant (ID: 2777)
lady in the fog plantlady in the fog plant (ID: 2778)
frog leaffrog leaf (ID: 2779)
sludge fernsludge fern (ID: 2780)
jungle grassjungle grass (ID: 2781)DecayTo: 2782
Duration: 300
jungle grassjungle grass (ID: 2782)
agaveagave (ID: 2783)
dry bushdry bush (ID: 2784)
blueberry bushblueberry bush (ID: 2785)
blueberry bushblueberry bush (ID: 2786)DecayTo: 2785
Duration: 300
white mushroomwhite mushroom (ID: 2787)Weight: 40
red mushroomred mushroom (ID: 2788)Weight: 50
brown mushroombrown mushroom (ID: 2789)Weight: 20
orange mushroomorange mushroom (ID: 2790)Weight: 30
wood mushroomwood mushroom (ID: 2791)Weight: 30
dark mushroomdark mushroom (ID: 2792)Weight: 10
some mushroomssome mushrooms (ID: 2793)Weight: 10
Showcount: 0
fire mushroomfire mushroom (ID: 2795)Weight: 10
green mushroomgreen mushroom (ID: 2796)Weight: 10
stonestone (ID: 2797)
blood herbblood herb (ID: 2798)Weight: 120
stone herbstone herb (ID: 2799)Weight: 20
star herbstar herb (ID: 2800)Weight: 30
fernfern (ID: 2801)Weight: 30
sling herbsling herb (ID: 2802)Weight: 90
powder herbpowder herb (ID: 2803)Weight: 50
shadow herbshadow herb (ID: 2804)Weight: 20
troll greentroll green (ID: 2805)Weight: 100
dead trolldead troll (ID: 2806)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2810
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead spiderdead spider (ID: 2807)Weight: 4600
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3068
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead cyclopsdead cyclops (ID: 2808)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3117
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain skeletonslain skeleton (ID: 2809)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2922
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
dead trolldead troll (ID: 2810)Weight: 50000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2811
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 2811)Weight: 30000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead ratdead rat (ID: 2813)Weight: 6300
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2814
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead ratdead rat (ID: 2814)Weight: 4400
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2815
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
dead ratdead rat (ID: 2815)Weight: 3000
DecayTo: 2816
Duration: 30
CorpseType: blood
dead ratdead rat (ID: 2816)Weight: 2000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 30
CorpseType: blood
dead snakedead snake (ID: 2817)Weight: 1200
DecayTo: 2818
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead snakedead snake (ID: 2818)Weight: 840
DecayTo: 2819
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead snakedead snake (ID: 2819)Weight: 620
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2820)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3080
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2821)DecayTo: 2966
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead spiderdead spider (ID: 2822)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 2823
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead spiderdead spider (ID: 2823)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead rotwormdead rotworm (ID: 2824)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3085
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead rotwormdead rotworm (ID: 2825)DecayTo: 2964
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 2826)Weight: 26000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2827
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 2827)Weight: 20000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2828
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 2828)Weight: 8000
DecayTo: 2829
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 2829)Weight: 4000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2830)Weight: 130000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2831
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2831)Weight: 105000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2832
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2832)Weight: 85000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2833
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2833)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 2834
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2834)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead deerdead deer (ID: 2835)Weight: 68000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2836
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead deerdead deer (ID: 2836)Weight: 68000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2837
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead deerdead deer (ID: 2837)Weight: 5000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2838
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead deerdead deer (ID: 2838)Weight: 5000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dogdead dog (ID: 2839)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2840
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
dead dogdead dog (ID: 2840)Weight: 21000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2841
Duration: 60
CorpseType: blood
dead dogdead dog (ID: 2841)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 2842
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dogdead dog (ID: 2842)Weight: 700
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain skeletonslain skeleton (ID: 2843)Weight: 40000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2975
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 2844)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3104
Duration: 900
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 2845)ContainerSize: 10
CorpseType: blood
slain ghoulslain ghoul (ID: 2846)ContainerSize: 10
CorpseType: undead
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 2847)
dead spiderdead spider (ID: 2848)Weight: 9000
ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 2885
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: blood
dead beardead bear (ID: 2849)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2850
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead beardead bear (ID: 2850)DecayTo: 2851
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead beardead bear (ID: 2851)DecayTo: 2852
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead beardead bear (ID: 2852)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain ghoulslain ghoul (ID: 2853)Weight: 60200
ContainerSize: 10
CorpseType: undead
slain ghoulslain ghoul (ID: 2854)Weight: 60200
CorpseType: undead
dead giant spiderdead giant spider (ID: 2857)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 2858
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead giant spiderdead giant spider (ID: 2858)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 2859
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
dead giant spiderdead giant spider (ID: 2859)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2860)Weight: 120000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2861
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2861)Weight: 120000
DecayTo: 2966
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2862)Weight: 120000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2863
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2863)Weight: 120000
DecayTo: 2966
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2864)Weight: 120000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2865
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2865)Weight: 120000
DecayTo: 2966
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2866)Weight: 140000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2867
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2867)Weight: 110000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2878
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2868)Weight: 67520
ContainerSize: 10
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2869)Weight: 60000
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2871)Weight: 140000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2872
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2872)Weight: 110000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2878
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2873)Weight: 67520
ContainerSize: 10
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2874)Weight: 60000
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2876)Weight: 150000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2877
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2877)Weight: 110000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2878
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2878)Weight: 85000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 60
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 2879)Weight: 60000
CorpseType: blood
dead dragon lorddead dragon lord (ID: 2881)ContainerSize: 28
DecayTo: 2882
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 2882)ContainerSize: 28
DecayTo: 2883
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 2883)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 2884)
dead spiderdead spider (ID: 2885)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 2944
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
dead fire devildead fire devil (ID: 2886)Weight: 100000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2887
Duration: 900
CorpseType: fire
dead fire devildead fire devil (ID: 2887)Weight: 100000
DecayTo: 2888
Duration: 600
CorpseType: fire
dead fire devildead fire devil (ID: 2888)Weight: 100000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: fire
dead liondead lion (ID: 2889)ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 2890
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead liondead lion (ID: 2890)DecayTo: 2891
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead liondead lion (ID: 2891)DecayTo: 2892
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead liondead lion (ID: 2892)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead beardead bear (ID: 2893)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2894
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead beardead bear (ID: 2894)DecayTo: 2895
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead beardead bear (ID: 2895)DecayTo: 2896
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead beardead bear (ID: 2896)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead scorpiondead scorpion (ID: 2897)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 2898
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead scorpiondead scorpion (ID: 2898)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 2965
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead waspdead wasp (ID: 2899)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 2900
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead waspdead wasp (ID: 2900)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 2901
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead waspdead wasp (ID: 2901)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead bugdead bug (ID: 2902)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 2903
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
dead bugdead bug (ID: 2903)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 2904
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead bugdead bug (ID: 2904)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead sheepdead sheep (ID: 2905)Weight: 70000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2906
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead sheepdead sheep (ID: 2906)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2907
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
dead sheepdead sheep (ID: 2907)Weight: 35000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 3600
CorpseType: blood
dead beholderdead beholder (ID: 2908)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 2909
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead beholderdead beholder (ID: 2909)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 2910
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead beholderdead beholder (ID: 2910)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead cyclopsdead cyclops (ID: 2911)
remains of a ghostremains of a ghost (ID: 2913)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2977
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
dead sheepdead sheep (ID: 2914)Weight: 70000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2915
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
dead sheepdead sheep (ID: 2915)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2907
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
slain demonslain demon (ID: 2916)ContainerSize: 24
DecayTo: 2917
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
slain demonslain demon (ID: 2917)ContainerSize: 24
DecayTo: 2918
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain demonslain demon (ID: 2918)ContainerSize: 24
DecayTo: 2919
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain demonslain demon (ID: 2919)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2920)Weight: 90000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2921
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2921)Weight: 90000
DecayTo: 2966
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain skeletonslain skeleton (ID: 2922)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 2923
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain skeletonslain skeleton (ID: 2923)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 2924)Weight: 8000
ContainerSize: 8
DecayTo: 2925
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 2925)Weight: 8000
ContainerSize: 8
DecayTo: 2926
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 2926)Weight: 8000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 2927)Weight: 4000
CorpseType: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 2928)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2929
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 2929)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2930
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 2930)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead behemothdead behemoth (ID: 2931)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2932
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead behemothdead behemoth (ID: 2932)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2933
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead behemothdead behemoth (ID: 2933)DecayTo: 2934
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead behemothdead behemoth (ID: 2934)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead pigdead pig (ID: 2935)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2936
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead pigdead pig (ID: 2936)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2937
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead pigdead pig (ID: 2937)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2938)Weight: 120000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2939
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2939)Weight: 120000
DecayTo: 2966
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead goblindead goblin (ID: 2940)Weight: 4000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2941
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead goblindead goblin (ID: 2941)Weight: 4000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2942
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead goblindead goblin (ID: 2942)Weight: 4000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead goblindead goblin (ID: 2943)Weight: 4000
dead spiderdead spider (ID: 2944)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead elfdead elf (ID: 2945)Weight: 100000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2946
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead elfdead elf (ID: 2946)Weight: 100000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2947
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead elfdead elf (ID: 2947)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead elfdead elf (ID: 2948)Weight: 50000
remains of a mummyremains of a mummy (ID: 2949)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2950
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
remains of a mummyremains of a mummy (ID: 2950)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 2951
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
remains of a mummyremains of a mummy (ID: 2951)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
split stone golemsplit stone golem (ID: 2952)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2953
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
split stone golemsplit stone golem (ID: 2953)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2954
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
split stone golemsplit stone golem (ID: 2954)DecayTo: 2955
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
split stone golemsplit stone golem (ID: 2955)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain vampireslain vampire (ID: 2956)Weight: 100000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2957
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
slain vampireslain vampire (ID: 2957)Weight: 100000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2958
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain vampireslain vampire (ID: 2958)Weight: 100000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain vampireslain vampire (ID: 2959)Weight: 60000
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 2960)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2961
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 2961)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2962
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 2962)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 2963)Weight: 60000
dead rotwormdead rotworm (ID: 2964)Weight: 10000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead scorpiondead scorpion (ID: 2965)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2966)Weight: 10000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2967)Weight: 120000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2968
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2968)Weight: 120000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2966
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 2969)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2970
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 2970)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2971
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 2971)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2972)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2973
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2973)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2974
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 2974)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain skeletonslain skeleton (ID: 2975)Weight: 10000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2976
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain skeletonslain skeleton (ID: 2976)Weight: 10000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
remains of a ghostremains of a ghost (ID: 2977)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2978
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
remains of a ghostremains of a ghost (ID: 2978)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
dead elfdead elf (ID: 2979)Weight: 100000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2980
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead elfdead elf (ID: 2980)Weight: 100000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2947
Duration: 600
dead elfdead elf (ID: 2981)Weight: 100000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2982
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead elfdead elf (ID: 2982)Weight: 100000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2947
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 2983)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2984
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 2984)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2962
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 2985)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2986
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 2986)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2962
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 2987)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2988
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 2988)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2962
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead djinndead djinn (ID: 2989)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2990
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead djinndead djinn (ID: 2990)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2991
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead djinndead djinn (ID: 2991)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead rabbitdead rabbit (ID: 2992)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
CorpseType: blood
dead rabbitdead rabbit (ID: 2993)Weight: 3070
dead rabbitdead rabbit (ID: 2994)Weight: 2070
dead trolldead troll (ID: 2995)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2996
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 2996)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 2997
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 2997)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain bansheeslain banshee (ID: 2998)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 22
DecayTo: 2999
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
slain bansheeslain banshee (ID: 2999)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 22
DecayTo: 3000
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain bansheeslain banshee (ID: 3000)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
dead djinndead djinn (ID: 3001)ContainerSize: 8
DecayTo: 3002
Duration: 600
dead djinndead djinn (ID: 3002)ContainerSize: 8
DecayTo: 2991
Duration: 600
dead djinndead djinn (ID: 3003)
dead ancient scarabdead ancient scarab (ID: 3004)ContainerSize: 16
DecayTo: 3005
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead ancient scarabdead ancient scarab (ID: 3005)ContainerSize: 16
DecayTo: 3006
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead ancient scarabdead ancient scarab (ID: 3006)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead cobradead cobra (ID: 3007)Weight: 6000
DecayTo: 3008
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
dead cobradead cobra (ID: 3008)Weight: 6000
DecayTo: 3009
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead cobradead cobra (ID: 3009)Weight: 6000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead larvadead larva (ID: 3010)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 3011
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead larvadead larva (ID: 3011)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 3012
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead larvadead larva (ID: 3012)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead scarabdead scarab (ID: 3013)Weight: 2000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3014
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead scarabdead scarab (ID: 3014)Weight: 2000
DecayTo: 3015
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead scarabdead scarab (ID: 3015)Weight: 2000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead pharaohdead pharaoh (ID: 3016)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3017
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead pharaohdead pharaoh (ID: 3017)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3018
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead pharaohdead pharaoh (ID: 3018)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead hyaenadead hyaena (ID: 3019)Weight: 8000
ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 3020
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead hyaenadead hyaena (ID: 3020)Weight: 8000
ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 3021
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead hyaenadead hyaena (ID: 3021)Weight: 8000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead gargoyledead gargoyle (ID: 3022)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3023
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
dead gargoyledead gargoyle (ID: 3023)DecayTo: 3024
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
dead gargoyledead gargoyle (ID: 3024)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain lichslain lich (ID: 3025)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3026
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain lichslain lich (ID: 3026)DecayTo: 3027
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain lichslain lich (ID: 3027)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain crypt shamblerslain crypt shambler (ID: 3028)Weight: 100000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3029
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain crypt shamblerslain crypt shambler (ID: 3029)Weight: 100000
DecayTo: 3030
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain crypt shamblerslain crypt shambler (ID: 3030)Weight: 100000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain bonebeastslain bonebeast (ID: 3031)ContainerSize: 12
DecayTo: 3032
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
slain bonebeastslain bonebeast (ID: 3032)ContainerSize: 12
DecayTo: 3033
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain bonebeastslain bonebeast (ID: 3033)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
dead pharaohdead pharaoh (ID: 3034)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3035
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead pharaohdead pharaoh (ID: 3035)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3036
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead pharaohdead pharaoh (ID: 3036)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead efreetdead efreet (ID: 3037)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3038
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead efreetdead efreet (ID: 3038)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3039
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead efreetdead efreet (ID: 3039)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead mariddead marid (ID: 3040)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3041
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead djinndead djinn (ID: 3041)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3042
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead mariddead marid (ID: 3042)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead badgerdead badger (ID: 3043)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3044
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead badgerdead badger (ID: 3044)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3045
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead badgerdead badger (ID: 3045)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead skunkdead skunk (ID: 3046)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3047
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead skunkdead skunk (ID: 3047)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 3048
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead skunkdead skunk (ID: 3048)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead gazerdead gazer (ID: 3049)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 3050
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead gazerdead gazer (ID: 3050)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 3051
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead gazerdead gazer (ID: 3051)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead beholderdead beholder (ID: 3052)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3053
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead beholderdead beholder (ID: 3053)DecayTo: 3054
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead elder beholderdead elder beholder (ID: 3054)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead yetidead yeti (ID: 3055)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3056
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead yetidead yeti (ID: 3056)DecayTo: 3057
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead yetidead yeti (ID: 3057)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3058)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3059
Duration: 1200
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3059)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3060
Duration: 1200
CorpseType: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3060)Weight: 50000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 1200
CorpseType: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3061)Weight: 60000
dead humandead human (ID: 3064)Weight: 50000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 1200
CorpseType: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3065)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3066
Duration: 1200
CorpseType: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3066)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3064
Duration: 1200
CorpseType: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 3067)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2806
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead spiderdead spider (ID: 3068)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 2822
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
dead cyclopsdead cyclops (ID: 3069)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2808
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 3070)Weight: 25040
DecayTo: 3071
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 3071)Weight: 20040
DecayTo: 3072
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 3072)Weight: 20040
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead ratdead rat (ID: 3073)Weight: 6300
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2813
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead ratdead rat (ID: 3074)Weight: 4400
DecayTo: 3075
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
dead ratdead rat (ID: 3075)Weight: 3000
DecayTo: 3076
Duration: 30
CorpseType: blood
dead ratdead rat (ID: 3076)Weight: 3000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 30
CorpseType: blood
dead snakedead snake (ID: 3077)Weight: 1200
DecayTo: 3078
Duration: 600
dead snakedead snake (ID: 3078)Weight: 800
DecayTo: 3079
Duration: 600
dead snakedead snake (ID: 3079)Weight: 500
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
dead orcdead orc (ID: 3080)Weight: 16740
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2821
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 3081)Weight: 70000
dead spiderdead spider (ID: 3082)ContainerSize: 5
Weight: 4600
dead spiderdead spider (ID: 3083)Weight: 4000
dead rotwormdead rotworm (ID: 3084)Weight: 8500
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2824
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead rotwormdead rotworm (ID: 3085)Weight: 8000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2825
Duration: 600
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 3086)Weight: 11950
ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 3087
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 3087)Weight: 11500
ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 3088
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 3088)Weight: 8000
DecayTo: 3089
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 3089)Weight: 8000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 3090)Weight: 130000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3091
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 3091)Weight: 105000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3092
Duration: 300
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 3092)Weight: 85000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3093
Duration: 60
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 3093)Weight: 85000
DecayTo: 3094
Duration: 60
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 3094)Weight: 85000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 60
dead deerdead deer (ID: 3095)Weight: 25000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3096
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead deerdead deer (ID: 3096)Weight: 24000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3097
Duration: 600
dead deerdead deer (ID: 3097)Weight: 21000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3098
Duration: 600
dead deerdead deer (ID: 3098)Weight: 18000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
dead dogdead dog (ID: 3099)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2840
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dogdead dog (ID: 3100)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
dead dogdead dog (ID: 3101)Weight: 700
dead skeletondead skeleton (ID: 3103)Weight: 10000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 3104)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3105
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 3105)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3106
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 3106)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3107
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 3107)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
remains of a ghostremains of a ghost (ID: 3108)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2977
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
dead beardead bear (ID: 3109)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3110
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead beardead bear (ID: 3110)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3111
Duration: 600
dead beardead bear (ID: 3111)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3112
Duration: 600
dead beardead bear (ID: 3112)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
slain ghoulslain ghoul (ID: 3113)Weight: 60000
ContainerSize: 8
DecayTo: 3114
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
slain ghoulslain ghoul (ID: 3114)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 3115
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain ghoulslain ghoul (ID: 3115)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain ghoulslain ghoul (ID: 3116)Weight: 60200
dead cyclopsdead cyclops (ID: 3117)DecayTo: 3118
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead cyclopsdead cyclops (ID: 3118)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead rabbitdead rabbit (ID: 3119)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3120
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead rabbitdead rabbit (ID: 3120)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 3121
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead rabbitdead rabbit (ID: 3121)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 3122)
dead humandead human (ID: 3128)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3129
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3129)ContainerSize: 8
DecayTo: 3130
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3130)Weight: 120000
DecayTo: 3131
Duration: 30
CorpseType: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3131)Weight: 120000
DecayTo: 3132
Duration: 30
CorpseType: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3132)Weight: 120000
DecayTo: 3133
Duration: 30
CorpseType: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3133)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 3134
Duration: 30
CorpseType: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 3134)Weight: 60000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
ladderladder (ID: 3135)Floorchange: down
trapdoortrapdoor (ID: 3137)Floorchange: down
stairwaystairway (ID: 3138)Floorchange: down
wooden floorwooden floor (ID: 3139)
stone floorstone floor (ID: 3152)
large stone carvinglarge stone carving (ID: 3158)
carved stone tilecarved stone tile (ID: 3166)
carved stone tilecarved stone tile (ID: 3169)
carved stone tilecarved stone tile (ID: 3170)
ornamented floorornamented floor (ID: 3173)
stone floorstone floor (ID: 3182)
ornamented floorornamented floor (ID: 3190)
snake ornamentsnake ornament (ID: 3199)
stone floorstone floor (ID: 3215)
wooden floorwooden floor (ID: 3216)Description: It seems to be a switch.
WalkStack: 0
stone floorstone floor (ID: 3218)
stairsstairs (ID: 3219)Floorchange: down
stone floorstone floor (ID: 3221)
wooden floorwooden floor (ID: 3224)
broken stone tilebroken stone tile (ID: 3226)
wooden floorwooden floor (ID: 3242)
jungle grassjungle grass (ID: 3263)
earthearth (ID: 3264)
jungle grassjungle grass (ID: 3298)
mud stainmud stain (ID: 3310)Floorchange: down
pitfallpitfall (ID: 3311)Floorchange: down
DecayTo: 3310
Duration: 60
ant trailant trail (ID: 3312)
ant-hillant-hill (ID: 3323)
pitfallpitfall (ID: 3324)Floorchange: down
stonestone (ID: 3325)
dried grass roofdried grass roof (ID: 3348)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 3361)
stone wall windowstone wall window (ID: 3376)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 3377)
stone wall windowstone wall window (ID: 3382)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 3383)
stone wall windowstone wall window (ID: 3392)
archwayarchway (ID: 3393)
stone wall windowstone wall window (ID: 3397)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 3398)
stone wall windowstone wall window (ID: 3410)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 3412)
bamboo wallbamboo wall (ID: 3423)
bamboo palisadebamboo palisade (ID: 3434)
archwayarchway (ID: 3439)
bamboo wallbamboo wall (ID: 3447)
bamboo wall windowbamboo wall window (ID: 3449)
bamboo wallbamboo wall (ID: 3450)
bamboo wall windowbamboo wall window (ID: 3452)
bamboo palisadebamboo palisade (ID: 3453)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 3454)
archwayarchway (ID: 3468)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 3469)
archwayarchway (ID: 3472)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 3473)
archwayarchway (ID: 3476)
stone archwaystone archway (ID: 3477)
archwayarchway (ID: 3478)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 3480)
broken stone wallbroken stone wall (ID: 3484)
grass wallgrass wall (ID: 3496)
grass wall windowgrass wall window (ID: 3499)
grass wallgrass wall (ID: 3500)
grass wall windowgrass wall window (ID: 3502)
grass wallgrass wall (ID: 3503)
grass archwaygrass archway (ID: 3504)
lianeliane (ID: 3506)
palisadepalisade (ID: 3508)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 3533)
closed doorclosed door (ID: 3535)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 3536)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 3537)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 3538)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 3539)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 3540)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 3541)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 3542)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 3543)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 3544)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 3545)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 3546)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 3547)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 3548)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 3549)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 3550)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 3551)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 3552)Type: door
waterfallwaterfall (ID: 3569)
small boatsmall boat (ID: 3587)
small boatsmall boat (ID: 3588)Type: teleport
small boatsmall boat (ID: 3591)
small boatsmall boat (ID: 3593)Type: teleport
small boatsmall boat (ID: 3596)
small sailsmall sail (ID: 3597)
paddlepaddle (ID: 3599)
mastmast (ID: 3601)
mossy stonemossy stone (ID: 3603)
stonestone (ID: 3607)
stonesstones (ID: 3608)
stonestone (ID: 3609)
stonesstones (ID: 3610)
stonestone (ID: 3612)
stonesstones (ID: 3613)
stonestone (ID: 3615)
mossy stonemossy stone (ID: 3632)
debrisdebris (ID: 3648)
stonestone (ID: 3657)
painted stonepainted stone (ID: 3671)
ladderladder (ID: 3678)
rampramp (ID: 3679)Floorchange: east
rampramp (ID: 3680)
rampramp (ID: 3681)Floorchange: west
rampramp (ID: 3682)
rampramp (ID: 3683)Floorchange: south
rampramp (ID: 3684)
rampramp (ID: 3685)Floorchange: north
rampramp (ID: 3686)
stone stairsstone stairs (ID: 3687)Floorchange: north
stone stairsstone stairs (ID: 3688)Floorchange: west
large cauldronlarge cauldron (ID: 3689)
sacred statuesacred statue (ID: 3697)
broken lizard statuebroken lizard statue (ID: 3701)
lizard statuelizard statue (ID: 3705)
small pagodasmall pagoda (ID: 3709)
small lit pagodasmall lit pagoda (ID: 3710)
stone snake wallstone snake wall (ID: 3711)
snake wallsnake wall (ID: 3712)
stone snake wallstone snake wall (ID: 3713)
snake wallsnake wall (ID: 3714)
giant lizard headgiant lizard head (ID: 3715)
giant lizard clawgiant lizard claw (ID: 3723)
stone snake wallstone snake wall (ID: 3727)
stone snake pagodastone snake pagoda (ID: 3728)
dried welldried well (ID: 3729)
poison wellpoison well (ID: 3733)FluidSource: slime
pagodapagoda (ID: 3737)
huntress statuehuntress statue (ID: 3739)
bamboo lampbamboo lamp (ID: 3743)
skull candleskull candle (ID: 3744)
bamboo columnbamboo column (ID: 3745)
bamboo polebamboo pole (ID: 3752)
rope bridgerope bridge (ID: 3756)
short pillarshort pillar (ID: 3758)
rope bridgerope bridge (ID: 3762)
stone pillarstone pillar (ID: 3766)
broken stone pillarbroken stone pillar (ID: 3767)
rope railingrope railing (ID: 3768)
stone pillarstone pillar (ID: 3792)
broken stone pillarbroken stone pillar (ID: 3793)
wooden barswooden bars (ID: 3794)
wooden barswooden bars (ID: 3798)Description: They already have some cracks and look rather fragile.
DestroyTo: 3959
wooden barswooden bars (ID: 3799)Description: They already have some cracks and look rather fragile.
DestroyTo: 3958
wooden barswooden bars (ID: 3800)
small totem polesmall totem pole (ID: 3802)
large totem polelarge totem pole (ID: 3803)
totem poletotem pole (ID: 3804)
carved stone tablecarved stone table (ID: 3805)RotateTo: 3806
DestroyTo: 2259
stone tablestone table (ID: 3806)RotateTo: 3805
DestroyTo: 2259
tusk tabletusk table (ID: 3807)RotateTo: 3808
DestroyTo: 2253
tusk tabletusk table (ID: 3808)RotateTo: 3807
DestroyTo: 2253
bamboo tablebamboo table (ID: 3809)RotateTo: 3810
DestroyTo: 2253
bamboo tablebamboo table (ID: 3810)RotateTo: 3809
DestroyTo: 2253
thick trunkthick trunk (ID: 3811)
ornamented stone tableornamented stone table (ID: 3812)
tusk chairtusk chair (ID: 3813)RotateTo: 3816
DestroyTo: 2253
tusk chairtusk chair (ID: 3814)RotateTo: 3815
DestroyTo: 2253
tusk chairtusk chair (ID: 3815)RotateTo: 3813
DestroyTo: 2253
tusk chairtusk chair (ID: 3816)RotateTo: 3814
DestroyTo: 2253
ivory chairivory chair (ID: 3817)RotateTo: 3820
DestroyTo: 2253
ivory chairivory chair (ID: 3818)RotateTo: 3819
DestroyTo: 2253
ivory chairivory chair (ID: 3819)RotateTo: 3817
DestroyTo: 2253
ivory chairivory chair (ID: 3820)RotateTo: 3818
DestroyTo: 2253
small trunksmall trunk (ID: 3821)
bamboo wardrobebamboo wardrobe (ID: 3822)ContainerSize: 6
bamboo shelfbamboo shelf (ID: 3826)ContainerSize: 6
small bamboo shelfsmall bamboo shelf (ID: 3828)ContainerSize: 6
bamboo drawerbamboo drawer (ID: 3832)RotateTo: 3835
ContainerSize: 6
bamboo drawerbamboo drawer (ID: 3833)RotateTo: 3832
ContainerSize: 6
bamboo drawerbamboo drawer (ID: 3834)RotateTo: 3833
ContainerSize: 6
bamboo drawerbamboo drawer (ID: 3835)RotateTo: 3834
ContainerSize: 6
hammockhammock (ID: 3836)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: south
MaleSleeper: 3840
hammockhammock (ID: 3837)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: north
MaleSleeper: 3841
hammockhammock (ID: 3838)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: east
MaleSleeper: 3842
hammockhammock (ID: 3839)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: west
MaleSleeper: 3843
hammockhammock (ID: 3840)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: south
MaleSleeper: 3836
hammockhammock (ID: 3841)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: north
MaleSleeper: 3837
hammockhammock (ID: 3842)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: east
MaleSleeper: 3838
hammockhammock (ID: 3843)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: west
MaleSleeper: 3839
grass matgrass mat (ID: 3844)
straw matstraw mat (ID: 3848)
brown bear furbrown bear fur (ID: 3852)
polar bear furpolar bear fur (ID: 3856)
badger furbadger fur (ID: 3860)
feather decorationfeather decoration (ID: 3861)
dried furdried fur (ID: 3863)
tanned brown bear furtanned brown bear fur (ID: 3867)
tanned polar bear furtanned polar bear fur (ID: 3869)
pile of chopped woodpile of chopped wood (ID: 3871)
block of woodblock of wood (ID: 3872)Description: It's a lumberjack's working place.
some pieces of woodsome pieces of wood (ID: 3873)
fishing netfishing net (ID: 3874)
giant footprintgiant footprint (ID: 3882)
tanned tiger furtanned tiger fur (ID: 3896)
tiger furtiger fur (ID: 3898)
sundialsundial (ID: 3900)
red cushioned chair kitred cushioned chair kit (ID: 3901)Description: Use it in your house to construct a red cushioned chair.
Weight: 2500
green cushioned chair kitgreen cushioned chair kit (ID: 3902)Description: Use it in your house to construct a green cushioned chair.
Weight: 2500
wooden chair kitwooden chair kit (ID: 3903)Description: Use it in your house to construct a wooden chair.
Weight: 2500
rocking chair kitrocking chair kit (ID: 3904)Description: Use it in your house to construct a rocking chair.
Weight: 2500
sofa chair kitsofa chair kit (ID: 3905)Description: Use it in your house to construct a sofa chair.
Weight: 2500
tusk chair kittusk chair kit (ID: 3906)Description: Use it in your house to construct a tusk chair.
Weight: 2500
ivory chair kitivory chair kit (ID: 3907)Description: Use it in your house to construct an ivory chair.
Weight: 2500
small table kitsmall table kit (ID: 3908)Description: Use it in your house to construct a small table.
Weight: 2500
unknown kitunknown kit (ID: 3909)Weight: 2500
christmas tree packagechristmas tree package (ID: 3910)Description: Use it in your house to reveal a christmas tree.
Weight: 3500
big table kitbig table kit (ID: 3911)Description: Use it in your house to construct a big table.
Weight: 3500
stone table kitstone table kit (ID: 3912)Description: Use it in your house to construct a stone table.
Weight: 3500
tusk table kittusk table kit (ID: 3913)Description: Use it in your house to construct a tusk table.
Weight: 3500
bamboo table kitbamboo table kit (ID: 3914)Description: Use it in your house to construct a bamboo table.
Weight: 3500
drawer kitdrawer kit (ID: 3915)Description: Use it in your house to construct a drawer.
Weight: 2500
dresser kitdresser kit (ID: 3916)Description: Use it in your house to construct a dresser.
Weight: 2500
locker kitlocker kit (ID: 3917)Description: Use it in your house to construct a locker.
Weight: 3000
trough kittrough kit (ID: 3918)Description: Use it in your house to construct a trough.
Weight: 3000
barrel kitbarrel kit (ID: 3919)Description: Use it in your house to construct a barrel.
Weight: 3500
trunk kittrunk kit (ID: 3920)Description: Use it in your house to construct a trunk.
Weight: 3500
bamboo drawer kitbamboo drawer kit (ID: 3921)Description: Use it in your house to construct a bamboo drawer.
Weight: 3500
birdcage kitbirdcage kit (ID: 3922)Description: Use it in your house to construct a birdcage.
Weight: 2000
globe kitglobe kit (ID: 3923)Description: Use it in your house to construct a globe.
Weight: 2000
table lamp kittable lamp kit (ID: 3924)Description: Use it in your house to construct a table lamp.
Weight: 2000
telescope kittelescope kit (ID: 3925)Description: Use it in your house to construct a telescope.
Weight: 2500
rocking horse kitrocking horse kit (ID: 3926)Description: Use it in your house to construct a rocking horse.
Weight: 3500
pendulum clock kitpendulum clock kit (ID: 3927)Description: Use it in your house to construct a pendulum clock.
Weight: 3000
knight statue kitknight statue kit (ID: 3928)Description: Use it in your house to construct a knight statue.
Weight: 3000
minotaur statue kitminotaur statue kit (ID: 3929)Description: Use it in your house to construct a minotaur statue.
Weight: 3000
goblin statue kitgoblin statue kit (ID: 3930)Description: Use it in your house to construct a goblin statue.
Weight: 2500
large amphora kitlarge amphora kit (ID: 3931)Description: Use it in your house to construct a large amphora.
Weight: 3000
coal basin kitcoal basin kit (ID: 3932)Description: Use it in your house to construct a coal basin.
Weight: 3500
piano kitpiano kit (ID: 3933)Description: Use it in your house to construct a piano.
Weight: 3500
harp kitharp kit (ID: 3934)Description: Use it in your house to construct a harp.
Weight: 3500
trunk chair kittrunk chair kit (ID: 3935)Description: Use it in your house to construct a trunk chair.
Weight: 3500
trunk table kittrunk table kit (ID: 3936)Description: Use it in your house to construct a trunk table.
Weight: 3500
indoor plant kitindoor plant kit (ID: 3937)Description: Use it in your house to reveal an indoor plant.
Weight: 3000
unknown kitunknown kit (ID: 3938)Weight: 3000
cupcup (ID: 3941)Weight: 200
Pickupable: 1
torch bearertorch bearer (ID: 3943)
lit torch bearerlit torch bearer (ID: 3944)
torch bearertorch bearer (ID: 3945)
lit torch bearerlit torch bearer (ID: 3946)
wall lampwall lamp (ID: 3947)
lit wall lamplit wall lamp (ID: 3948)
wall lampwall lamp (ID: 3949)
lit wall lamplit wall lamp (ID: 3950)
bongo drumbongo drum (ID: 3951)Weight: 2900
didgeridoodidgeridoo (ID: 3952)Weight: 4200
war drumwar drum (ID: 3953)Weight: 3000
bear dollbear doll (ID: 3954)Weight: 590
voodoo dollvoodoo doll (ID: 3955)Weight: 650
tusktusk (ID: 3956)Weight: 1000
cornucopiacornucopia (ID: 3957)Weight: 1400
trashed wooden barstrashed wooden bars (ID: 3958)DecayTo: 3799
Duration: 120
trashed wooden barstrashed wooden bars (ID: 3959)DecayTo: 3798
Duration: 120
lich stafflich staff (ID: 3961)Description: A scent of death and decay sticks to this weapon.
Weight: 4100
Defense: 30
Extradef: 2
Attack: 40
WeaponType: club
beastslayer axebeastslayer axe (ID: 3962)Weight: 6150
Defense: 12
Attack: 35
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 1
templar scythebladetemplar scytheblade (ID: 3963)Weight: 2900
Defense: 15
Attack: 23
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
hunting spearhunting spear (ID: 3965)Weight: 2200
Attack: 32
WeaponType: distance
ShootType: huntingspear
Range: 3
banana staffbanana staff (ID: 3966)Weight: 5000
Defense: 15
Attack: 25
WeaponType: club
Extradef: 2
tusk shieldtusk shield (ID: 3973)Weight: 6900
Defense: 27
WeaponType: shield
sentinel shieldsentinel shield (ID: 3974)Weight: 4900
Defense: 22
WeaponType: shield
salamander shieldsalamander shield (ID: 3975)Weight: 5900
Defense: 26
WeaponType: shield
wormworm (ID: 3976)Weight: 5
cranecrane (ID: 3977)
mailboxmailbox (ID: 3981)Type: mailbox
jungle grassjungle grass (ID: 3984)DecayTo: 3985
Duration: 300
jungle grassjungle grass (ID: 3985)
thorn bushthorn bush (ID: 3986)
orange treeorange tree (ID: 4006)
thread treethread tree (ID: 4007)
jungle dweller bushjungle dweller bush (ID: 4008)
tower ferntower fern (ID: 4009)
snake nest bushsnake nest bush (ID: 4010)
green wig bushgreen wig bush (ID: 4011)
lizards tongue bushlizards tongue bush (ID: 4012)
jungle crown plantjungle crown plant (ID: 4013)
green fountain bushgreen fountain bush (ID: 4014)
big fernbig fern (ID: 4015)
dragons nest treedragons nest tree (ID: 4016)
purple kiss bushpurple kiss bush (ID: 4017)
small fernsmall fern (ID: 4018)
jungle umbrella plantjungle umbrella plant (ID: 4019)
bamboo plantbamboo plant (ID: 4025)
giant treegiant tree (ID: 4035)
jungle vinesjungle vines (ID: 4068)
lianaliana (ID: 4073)
giant treegiant tree (ID: 4113)
chill nettlechill nettle (ID: 4134)
monkey tailmonkey tail (ID: 4135)
fairy queenfairy queen (ID: 4136)
crane plantcrane plant (ID: 4137)
jungle bellsjungle bells (ID: 4138)
dawn singerdawn singer (ID: 4139)
turtle sprouterturtle sprouter (ID: 4140)
bees ballroombees ballroom (ID: 4141)
giant jungle rosegiant jungle rose (ID: 4142)
jungle rosejungle rose (ID: 4143)
titans orchidtitans orchid (ID: 4144)
purple cardinalpurple cardinal (ID: 4148)
witches cauldron plantwitches cauldron plant (ID: 4149)
gold blossomgold blossom (ID: 4150)
meadow starmeadow star (ID: 4152)
sneeze blossomsneeze blossom (ID: 4155)
dew kisser flowerdew kisser flower (ID: 4156)
velvet petalvelvet petal (ID: 4159)
devildevil's tongue plant (ID: 4163)
small pearl flowersmall pearl flower (ID: 4164)
large pearl flowerlarge pearl flower (ID: 4165)
dead mandead man's saddle (ID: 4167)
dead mandead man's saddles (ID: 4171)
moss cap mushroommoss cap mushroom (ID: 4172)
slime table mushroomslime table mushroom (ID: 4174)
slime table mushroomsslime table mushrooms (ID: 4177)
giggle mushroomgiggle mushroom (ID: 4178)
giggle mushroomsgiggle mushrooms (ID: 4179)
catcat's food mushroom (ID: 4180)
catcat's food mushrooms (ID: 4181)
glimmer cap mushroomglimmer cap mushroom (ID: 4182)
glimmer cap mushroomsglimmer cap mushrooms (ID: 4183)
giant glimmer cap mushroomgiant glimmer cap mushroom (ID: 4184)
large pearl flowerlarge pearl flower (ID: 4185)
fallen treefallen tree (ID: 4186)
vinesvines (ID: 4202)
jungle mawjungle maw (ID: 4208)
jungle mawjungle maw (ID: 4209)DecayTo: 4208
Duration: 5
fallen treefallen tree (ID: 4210)
giant treegiant tree (ID: 4216)
giant tree rootgiant tree root (ID: 4223)
fallen treefallen tree (ID: 4239)
dead lizard templardead lizard templar (ID: 4251)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4256
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead elephantdead elephant (ID: 4252)ContainerSize: 15
dead crabdead crab (ID: 4253)Weight: 6300
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4254
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead crabdead crab (ID: 4254)Weight: 400
DecayTo: 4255
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead crabdead crab (ID: 4255)Weight: 3000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead lizard templardead lizard templar (ID: 4256)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4257
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead lizard templardead lizard templar (ID: 4257)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4258
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead lizard templardead lizard templar (ID: 4258)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead lizard sentineldead lizard sentinel (ID: 4259)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4260
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead lizard sentineldead lizard sentinel (ID: 4260)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4261
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead lizard sentineldead lizard sentinel (ID: 4261)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead lizard snakecharmerdead lizard snakecharmer (ID: 4262)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4263
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead lizard snakecharmerdead lizard snakecharmer (ID: 4263)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 4264
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead lizard snakecharmerdead lizard snakecharmer (ID: 4264)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead chickendead chicken (ID: 4265)Weight: 6300
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4266
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead chickendead chicken (ID: 4266)Weight: 4400
DecayTo: 4267
Duration: 300
CorpseType: blood
dead chickendead chicken (ID: 4267)Weight: 3000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 60
CorpseType: blood
dead kongradead kongra (ID: 4268)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4269
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead kongradead kongra (ID: 4269)DecayTo: 4270
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead kongradead kongra (ID: 4270)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead merlkindead merlkin (ID: 4271)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4272
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead merlkindead merlkin (ID: 4272)DecayTo: 4273
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead merlkindead merlkin (ID: 4273)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead sibangdead sibang (ID: 4274)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4275
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead sibangdead sibang (ID: 4275)DecayTo: 4276
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead sibangdead sibang (ID: 4276)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead crocodiledead crocodile (ID: 4277)ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 4278
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead crocodiledead crocodile (ID: 4278)DecayTo: 4279
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead crocodiledead crocodile (ID: 4279)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead carniphiladead carniphila (ID: 4280)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4281
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead carniphiladead carniphila (ID: 4281)DecayTo: 4282
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead carniphiladead carniphila (ID: 4282)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead hydradead hydra (ID: 4283)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 4284
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead hydradead hydra (ID: 4284)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 4285
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead hydradead hydra (ID: 4285)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead pandadead panda (ID: 4286)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4287
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead pandadead panda (ID: 4287)DecayTo: 4288
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead pandadead panda (ID: 4288)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead centipededead centipede (ID: 4289)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4290
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead centipededead centipede (ID: 4290)DecayTo: 4291
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead centipededead centipede (ID: 4291)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead tigerdead tiger (ID: 4292)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4293
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead tigerdead tiger (ID: 4293)DecayTo: 4294
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead tigerdead tiger (ID: 4294)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead elephantdead elephant (ID: 4295)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 4296
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead elephantdead elephant (ID: 4296)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 4297
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead elephantdead elephant (ID: 4297)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead batdead bat (ID: 4298)Weight: 500
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4299
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead batdead bat (ID: 4299)Weight: 400
DecayTo: 4300
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead batdead bat (ID: 4300)Weight: 300
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead flamingodead flamingo (ID: 4301)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4302
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead flamingodead flamingo (ID: 4302)DecayTo: 4303
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead flamingodead flamingo (ID: 4303)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 4304)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4305
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 4305)DecayTo: 4306
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 4306)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 4307)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4308
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 4308)DecayTo: 4309
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 4309)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 4310)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4311
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 4311)DecayTo: 4312
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 4312)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead butterflydead butterfly (ID: 4313)Weight: 20
CorpseType: blood
dead parrotdead parrot (ID: 4314)Weight: 2000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4315
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead parrotdead parrot (ID: 4315)Weight: 1500
DecayTo: 4316
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead parrotdead parrot (ID: 4316)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead birddead bird (ID: 4317)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 4318
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead birddead bird (ID: 4318)DecayTo: 4319
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead birddead bird (ID: 4319)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead tarantuladead tarantula (ID: 4320)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4321
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead tarantuladead tarantula (ID: 4321)DecayTo: 4322
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead tarantuladead tarantula (ID: 4322)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead serpent spawndead serpent spawn (ID: 4323)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 4324
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead serpent spawndead serpent spawn (ID: 4324)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 4325
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead serpent spawndead serpent spawn (ID: 4325)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
lifeless nettlelifeless nettle (ID: 4326)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4327
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
lifeless nettlelifeless nettle (ID: 4327)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 120
sandsand (ID: 4342)DecayTo: 4343
Duration: 900
sandsand (ID: 4343)
sandsand (ID: 4373)
red carpetred carpet (ID: 4394)
mastmast (ID: 4403)
bamboo lampbamboo lamp (ID: 4404)
rock soilrock soil (ID: 4405)
rocksrocks (ID: 4456)
mountainmountain (ID: 4468)
rock soilrock soil (ID: 4514)
grassgrass (ID: 4526)
gravelgravel (ID: 4554)
gravelgravel (ID: 4570)
mossy spotsmossy spots (ID: 4580)
gravelgravel (ID: 4595)
sandsand (ID: 4596)
shallow watershallow water (ID: 4608)Description: You see the silvery movement of fish.
Type: trashholder
Effect: bluebubble
Allowpickupable: 1
FluidSource: water
shallow watershallow water (ID: 4617)DecayTo: 4608
Duration: 1200
Type: trashholder
Effect: bluebubble
Allowpickupable: 1
FluidSource: water
shallow watershallow water (ID: 4618)DecayTo: 4609
Duration: 1200
Type: trashholder
Effect: bluebubble
Allowpickupable: 1
FluidSource: water
shallow watershallow water (ID: 4619)DecayTo: 4610
Duration: 1200
Type: trashholder
Effect: bluebubble
Allowpickupable: 1
FluidSource: water
shallow watershallow water (ID: 4620)Type: trashholder
Effect: bluebubble
Allowpickupable: 1
FluidSource: water
shallow watershallow water (ID: 4632)FluidSource: water
shallow watershallow water (ID: 4644)Allowpickupable: 1
FluidSource: water
shallow watershallow water (ID: 4664)Type: trashholder
Effect: bluebubble
Allowpickupable: 1
FluidSource: water
dirtdirt (ID: 4667)
swampswamp (ID: 4691)Type: trashholder
Effect: greenbubble
Allowpickupable: 1
swampswamp (ID: 4713)
snowsnow (ID: 4737)
swampswamp (ID: 4749)Type: trashholder
Effect: greenbubble
Allowpickupable: 1
sandsand (ID: 4760)
grassgrass (ID: 4784)
dirtdirt (ID: 4796)
shallow watershallow water (ID: 4820)Effect: bluebubble
Allowpickupable: 1
FluidSource: water
mountainmountain (ID: 4826)
shallow watershallow water (ID: 4828)Type: trashholder
Effect: bluebubble
Allowpickupable: 1
FluidSource: water
dirtdirt (ID: 4832)
stairsstairs (ID: 4834)Floorchange: down
whisper mosswhisper moss (ID: 4838)Weight: 20
flask of cough syrupflask of cough syrup (ID: 4839)Description: It smells like herbs.
Weight: 300
witcheswitches' cap spot (ID: 4840)Weight: 100
old parchmentold parchment (ID: 4842)Description: It is covered with foreign symbols.
Weight: 200
giant apegiant ape's hair (ID: 4843)Weight: 2000
family broochfamily brooch (ID: 4845)Description: The emblem of a dwarven family is engraved on it.
Weight: 110
snake destroyersnake destroyer (ID: 4846)Weight: 6600
icicleicicle (ID: 4848)Description: It is melting rapidly.
Weight: 1900
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
strange powderstrange powder (ID: 4849)Weight: 500
hydra egghydra egg (ID: 4850)Weight: 2000
spectral stonespectral stone (ID: 4851)Description: It is pulsating with spectral energy.
Weight: 250
memory stonememory stone (ID: 4852)Weight: 250
sheet of tracing papersheet of tracing paper (ID: 4853)Description: It is blank.
Weight: 100
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
WriteOnceItemId: 4854
sheet of tracing papersheet of tracing paper (ID: 4854)Description: It contains some strange symbols of the lizard language.
Weight: 100
elven poetry bookelven poetry book (ID: 4855)Description: It contains a collection of beautiful elven poems.
Weight: 1300
ice pickice pick (ID: 4856)Description: It might come in handy in cold regions.
Weight: 7000
wrinkled parchmentwrinkled parchment (ID: 4857)Description: It is covered with strange numbers.
Weight: 200
funeral urnfuneral urn (ID: 4858)Description: It contains the ashes of a lizard high priest.
Weight: 10000
small casksmall cask (ID: 4859)Description: It is filled with the blood of the snake god.
FluidSource: blood
wooden trashwooden trash (ID: 4860)
cobra statuecobra statue (ID: 4861)
destroyed cobra statuedestroyed cobra statue (ID: 4862)DecayTo: 4861
Duration: 30
ectoplasm containerectoplasm container (ID: 4863)Description: It is empty.
Weight: 600
ectoplasm containerectoplasm container (ID: 4864)Description: It is filled with a desecrated bone.
Weight: 600
butterfly conservation kitbutterfly conservation kit (ID: 4865)Description: It is empty.
Weight: 700
butterfly conservation kitbutterfly conservation kit (ID: 4866)Description: It contains a purple butterfly.
Weight: 800
butterfly conservation kitbutterfly conservation kit (ID: 4867)Description: It contains a blue butterfly.
Weight: 800
butterfly conservation kitbutterfly conservation kit (ID: 4868)Description: It contains a red butterfly.
Weight: 800
botanistbotanist's container (ID: 4869)Description: It is empty.
Weight: 1800
botanistbotanist's container (ID: 4870)Description: It holds a sample of the jungle bells plant.
Weight: 2000
botanistbotanist's container (ID: 4871)Description: It holds a sample of the witches cauldron plant.
Weight: 2000
botanistbotanist's container (ID: 4872)Description: It holds a sample of the giant jungle rose.
Weight: 2000
explorer broochexplorer brooch (ID: 4873)Description: It is the official badge of the explorer society.
Weight: 90
dwarven pickaxedwarven pickaxe (ID: 4874)Description: It is a masterpiece of dwarvish smithery and made of especially hard steel.
Weight: 6000
hydrahydra's nest (ID: 4875)
swampswamp (ID: 4876)
shipship (ID: 4883)
ship cabin wallship cabin wall (ID: 4906)
ship railship rail (ID: 4911)
ship cabin wallship cabin wall (ID: 4912)
closed doorclosed door (ID: 4913)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 4914)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 4915)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 4916)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 4917)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 4918)Type: door
ship railingship railing (ID: 4919)
ship railship rail (ID: 4920)
ship cabin wallship cabin wall (ID: 4921)
ship railingship railing (ID: 4922)
mastmast (ID: 4942)
sailsail (ID: 4954)
steering wheelsteering wheel (ID: 4962)
rudder bladerudder blade (ID: 4966)
ventilation grilleventilation grille (ID: 4972)
bollardbollard (ID: 4973)
anchoranchor (ID: 4974)
mastmast (ID: 4975)
anchoranchor (ID: 4977)
hawserhawser (ID: 4978)
cleatcleat (ID: 4988)
white flagwhite flag (ID: 4990)
pirate flagpirate flag (ID: 4991)
dead butterflydead butterfly (ID: 4992)Weight: 20
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 60
dead butterflydead butterfly (ID: 4993)Weight: 20
DecayTo: 4313
Duration: 60
sharp iciclessharp icicles (ID: 4995)
large amphoralarge amphora (ID: 4996)Description: You feel an eerie presence.
DestroyTo: 4997
destroyed amphoradestroyed amphora (ID: 4997)DecayTo: 4996
Duration: 1800
hawserhawser (ID: 4998)
ship railingship railing (ID: 5002)
ship cabin wallship cabin wall (ID: 5003)
white stone wallwhite stone wall (ID: 5010)
lava walllava wall (ID: 5012)
dead butterflydead butterfly (ID: 5014)Weight: 20
DecayTo: 4313
Duration: 60
mandrakemandrake (ID: 5015)Description: This rare root is often used for shamanic medicines.
Weight: 180
skullskull (ID: 5016)
some skullssome skulls (ID: 5018)
burning skullburning skull (ID: 5020)
orichalcum pearlorichalcum pearl (ID: 5022)Weight: 30
magic forcefieldmagic forcefield (ID: 5023)Type: teleport
Description: You can see the other side trough it.
Effect: teleport
bamboo lampbamboo lamp (ID: 5025)
flat roofflat roof (ID: 5045)
monkey statuemonkey statue (ID: 5046)Description: The words 'See no evil' are engraved on it.
flat roofflat roof (ID: 5047)
monkey statuemonkey statue (ID: 5055)Description: The words 'Hear no evil' are engraved on it.
monkey statuemonkey statue (ID: 5056)Description: The words 'Speak no evil' are engraved on it.
small snake headsmall snake head (ID: 5057)Description: It is emitting poisonous clouds.
small snake headsmall snake head (ID: 5058)
small snake headsmall snake head (ID: 5059)Description: It is emitting poisonous clouds.
small snake headsmall snake head (ID: 5060)
burning wallburning wall (ID: 5061)
electric sparkselectric sparks (ID: 5068)
energy fenceenergy fence (ID: 5071)
lava fountainlava fountain (ID: 5074)
stony pondstony pond (ID: 5076)FluidSource: water
panda teddypanda teddy (ID: 5080)Weight: 600
stairsstairs (ID: 5081)Floorchange: down
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5082)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5083)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5084)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5085)Type: door
monkey statue monkey statue 'see' kit (ID: 5086)Description: Use it in your house to construct a monkey statue.
Weight: 2500
monkey statue monkey statue 'hear' kit (ID: 5087)Description: Use it in your house to construct a monkey statue.
Weight: 2500
monkey statue monkey statue 'speak' kit (ID: 5088)Description: Use it in your house to construct a monkey statue.
Weight: 2500
butterfly conservation kitbutterfly conservation kit (ID: 5089)Description: It contains a butterfly.
Weight: 800
treasure maptreasure map (ID: 5091)Weight: 830
Description: It obviously shows Treasure Island including a big, red cross.
banana treebanana tree (ID: 5092)
coconut palmcoconut palm (ID: 5096)
mangomango (ID: 5097)Weight: 180
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5098)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5099)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5100)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5101)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5102)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5103)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5104)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5105)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5106)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5107)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5108)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5109)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5110)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5111)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5112)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5113)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5114)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5115)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5116)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5117)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5118)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5119)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5120)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5121)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5122)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5123)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5124)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5125)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5126)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5127)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5128)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5129)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5130)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5131)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5132)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5133)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5134)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5135)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5136)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5137)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5138)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5139)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5140)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5141)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5142)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5143)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5144)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5145)Type: door
framework wallframework wall (ID: 5146)
mango treemango tree (ID: 5156)
striped marqueestriped marquee (ID: 5158)
marqueemarquee (ID: 5206)
wooden railingwooden railing (ID: 5254)
stone wall windowstone wall window (ID: 5256)
stairsstairs (ID: 5258)Floorchange: west
stairsstairs (ID: 5259)Floorchange: north
stairsstairs (ID: 5260)Floorchange: west
wooden wallwooden wall (ID: 5261)
wooden windowwooden window (ID: 5276)
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5278)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5279)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5280)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5281)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5282)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5283)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5284)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5285)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5286)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5287)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5288)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5289)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5290)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5291)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5292)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5293)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5294)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 5295)Type: door
wooden plankwooden plank (ID: 5296)
wooden plankswooden planks (ID: 5297)
wooden plankwooden plank (ID: 5298)
wooden plankswooden planks (ID: 5299)
wooden plankwooden plank (ID: 5300)
wooden plankswooden planks (ID: 5302)
white stone wall windowwhite stone wall window (ID: 5303)
white stone railingwhite stone railing (ID: 5305)
white stone pillarwhite stone pillar (ID: 5308)
white stone railingwhite stone railing (ID: 5309)
wooden railingwooden railing (ID: 5315)
wooden columnwooden column (ID: 5321)
signsign (ID: 5332)AllowDistRead: true
pawpaw treepawpaw tree (ID: 5390)
mangrovemangrove (ID: 5392)
mangrovemangrove (ID: 5393)
dry mangrovedry mangrove (ID: 5394)
mangrovemangrove (ID: 5395)
dry mangrovedry mangrove (ID: 5396)
mangrovemangrove (ID: 5397)
dry mangrovedry mangrove (ID: 5398)
mangrovemangrove (ID: 5399)
stone wall windowstone wall window (ID: 5400)
bamboo lampbamboo lamp (ID: 5402)
ocean floorocean floor (ID: 5405)
stonestone (ID: 5411)
coralcoral (ID: 5413)
starfishstarfish (ID: 5417)
sea anemonesea anemone (ID: 5418)
bubblesbubbles (ID: 5419)
kelpkelp (ID: 5421)
coralcoral (ID: 5422)
water wheelwater wheel (ID: 5424)
old steering wheelold steering wheel (ID: 5426)
ocean floorocean floor (ID: 5427)
old steering wheelold steering wheel (ID: 5439)
the remains of a mastthe remains of a mast (ID: 5442)
rusty anchorrusty anchor (ID: 5444)
the remains of a mastthe remains of a mast (ID: 5445)
wrecked ship cabin wallwrecked ship cabin wall (ID: 5450)
wrecked figureheadwrecked figurehead (ID: 5451)
wrecked ship cabin wallwrecked ship cabin wall (ID: 5452)
wrecked ship cabin railingwrecked ship cabin railing (ID: 5454)
wrecked ship hullwrecked ship hull (ID: 5456)
wrecked ventilation grillwrecked ventilation grill (ID: 5460)
sugar canesugar cane (ID: 5463)Description: It has just been harvested.
DecayTo: 5471
Duration: 240
sugar canesugar cane (ID: 5464)Description: It can be harvested.
burning sugar caneburning sugar cane (ID: 5465)DecayTo: 5464
Duration: 10
sugar canesugar cane (ID: 5466)
bunch of sugar canebunch of sugar cane (ID: 5467)Weight: 2250
fire bugfire bug (ID: 5468)Description: This strange creature has the tendency to set certain things on fire.
Weight: 3050
distilling machinedistilling machine (ID: 5469)
sugar canesugar cane (ID: 5471)DecayTo: 5466
Duration: 240
ball on chainsball on chains (ID: 5472)
iron maideniron maiden (ID: 5474)
pillorypillory (ID: 5476)
barred windowbarred window (ID: 5478)
catcat's paw (ID: 5480)Weight: 1000
shacklesshackles (ID: 5481)
wall chainswall chains (ID: 5483)
strawstraw (ID: 5485)
straw matstraw mat (ID: 5496)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: south
MaleSleeper: 5502
straw matstraw mat (ID: 5497)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: north
MaleSleeper: 5503
straw matstraw mat (ID: 5498)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: east
MaleSleeper: 5500
straw matstraw mat (ID: 5499)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: west
MaleSleeper: 5501
straw matstraw mat (ID: 5500)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: east
MaleSleeper: 5498
straw matstraw mat (ID: 5501)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: west
MaleSleeper: 5499
straw matstraw mat (ID: 5502)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: south
MaleSleeper: 5496
straw matstraw mat (ID: 5503)Type: bed
PartnerDirection: north
MaleSleeper: 5497
wooden columnwooden column (ID: 5504)
pulleypulley (ID: 5505)
distilling machinedistilling machine (ID: 5513)DecayTo: 5469
Duration: 15
FluidSource: rum
distilling machinedistilling machine (ID: 5514)DecayTo: 5470
Duration: 15
FluidSource: rum
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5515)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5516)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5517)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5518)Type: door
stone wallstone wall (ID: 5519)
wooden railingwooden railing (ID: 5521)
dead quara pincherdead quara pincher (ID: 5522)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5537
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead quara mantassindead quara mantassin (ID: 5523)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5533
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead quara constrictordead quara constrictor (ID: 5524)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5531
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead quara hydromancerdead quara hydromancer (ID: 5525)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5529
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead quara predatordead quara predator (ID: 5526)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5535
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
demon dustdemon dust (ID: 5527)ContainerSize: 24
DecayTo: 5528
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
demon dustdemon dust (ID: 5528)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead quara hydromancerdead quara hydromancer (ID: 5529)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5530
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead quara hydromancerdead quara hydromancer (ID: 5530)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead quara constrictordead quara constrictor (ID: 5531)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5532
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead quara constrictordead quara constrictor (ID: 5532)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead quara mantassindead quara mantassin (ID: 5533)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5534
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead quara mantassindead quara mantassin (ID: 5534)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead quara predatordead quara predator (ID: 5535)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5536
Duration: 900
dead quara predatordead quara predator (ID: 5536)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead quara pincherdead quara pincher (ID: 5537)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5538
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead quara pincherdead quara pincher (ID: 5538)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
rum caskrum cask (ID: 5539)FluidSource: rum
dead carrion wormdead carrion worm (ID: 5540)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5541
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead carrion wormdead carrion worm (ID: 5541)DecayTo: 5542
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead carrion wormdead carrion worm (ID: 5542)Weight: 4000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
rope-ladderrope-ladder (ID: 5543)
cartcart (ID: 5544)
trapdoortrapdoor (ID: 5545)Floorchange: down
cartcart (ID: 5546)
pile of sugar canepile of sugar cane (ID: 5549)
rum flaskrum flask (ID: 5553)Weight: 280
Pickupable: 1
small fishsmall fish (ID: 5554)
strawstraw (ID: 5555)
mossy wallmossy wall (ID: 5557)
small branchessmall branches (ID: 5561)
slimy wallslimy wall (ID: 5563)
slain pirate skeletonslain pirate skeleton (ID: 5565)Weight: 40000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
slain pirate ghostslain pirate ghost (ID: 5566)Weight: 20000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5567
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
slain pirate ghostslain pirate ghost (ID: 5567)Weight: 20000
DecayTo: 5568
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain pirate ghostslain pirate ghost (ID: 5568)Weight: 20000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
blue carpetblue carpet (ID: 5569)
green carpetgreen carpet (ID: 5578)
brown carpetbrown carpet (ID: 5587)
crossed weaponscrossed weapons (ID: 5596)
catapultcatapult (ID: 5598)
pirate flagpirate flag (ID: 5614)
pirate tapestrypirate tapestry (ID: 5616)Weight: 1000
pirate flagpirate flag (ID: 5617)
rubblerubble (ID: 5619)
dead tortoisedead tortoise (ID: 5625)ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 5626
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead tortoisedead tortoise (ID: 5626)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 5627
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead tortoisedead tortoise (ID: 5627)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead thornback tortoisedead thornback tortoise (ID: 5628)ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 5629
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead thornback tortoisedead thornback tortoise (ID: 5629)DecayTo: 5630
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead thornback tortoisedead thornback tortoise (ID: 5630)Weight: 6000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dirt walldirt wall (ID: 5631)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 5639)
dirt walldirt wall (ID: 5647)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 5648)
dirt walldirt wall (ID: 5649)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 5652)
mapmap (ID: 5655)
blooming griffinclawblooming griffinclaw (ID: 5659)
water tricklewater trickle (ID: 5660)
dead mammothdead mammoth (ID: 5666)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 5667
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead mammothdead mammoth (ID: 5667)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 5668
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead mammothdead mammoth (ID: 5668)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
mysterious voodoo skullmysterious voodoo skull (ID: 5669)Weight: 1400
enigmatic voodoo skullenigmatic voodoo skull (ID: 5670)Weight: 1400
DecayTo: 5669
Duration: 72000
Description: It is not time yet.
pirate statuepirate statue (ID: 5671)
treasure chesttreasure chest (ID: 5675)
tortoisetortoise's nest (ID: 5677)
tortoise eggtortoise egg (ID: 5678)Weight: 30
shellshell (ID: 5679)
spiral shellspiral shell (ID: 5680)
some shellssome shells (ID: 5681)
piece of a shellpiece of a shell (ID: 5682)
dirt walldirt wall (ID: 5683)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 5684)
dirt walldirt wall (ID: 5685)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 5686)
dry griffinclawdry griffinclaw (ID: 5687)
dead blood crabdead blood crab (ID: 5688)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 5689
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead blood crabdead blood crab (ID: 5689)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5690
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead blood crabdead blood crab (ID: 5690)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
trapdoortrapdoor (ID: 5691)Floorchange: down
ballistaballista (ID: 5692)
shark finshark fin (ID: 5704)
treasure maptreasure map (ID: 5706)Description: It obviously shows Treasure Island including a big, red cross.
Weight: 830
rubblerubble (ID: 5707)
light shovellight shovel (ID: 5710)Weight: 1500
earthearth (ID: 5711)
dead seagulldead seagull (ID: 5727)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 5728
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead seagulldead seagull (ID: 5728)Weight: 800
DecayTo: 5729
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead seagulldead seagull (ID: 5729)Weight: 500
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
holehole (ID: 5731)Floorchange: down
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5732)Type: door
Description: It is locked.
Blockprojectile: 1
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5733)Type: door
open dooropen door (ID: 5734)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5735)Type: door
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5736)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 5737)Type: door
shark finshark fin (ID: 5738)
antic wellantic well (ID: 5739)FluidSource: water
wooden floorwooden floor (ID: 5743)
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5745)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: The door seems to be sealed against unwanted intruders.
open dooropen door (ID: 5746)Type: door
Description: The door seems to be sealed against unwanted intruders.
earth pileearth pile (ID: 5747)
closed doorclosed door (ID: 5748)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: The door seems to be sealed against unwanted intruders.
open dooropen door (ID: 5749)Type: door
Description: The door seems to be sealed against unwanted intruders.
earth pileearth pile (ID: 5750)
turtleturtle (ID: 5755)
turtleturtle (ID: 5756)
turtleturtle (ID: 5757)
dead quara constrictordead quara constrictor (ID: 5762)ContainerSize: 10
CorpseType: blood
trapdoortrapdoor (ID: 5763)Floorchange: down
ventilation grilleventilation grille (ID: 5764)
dead toaddead toad (ID: 5765)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5766
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead toaddead toad (ID: 5766)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5767
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead toaddead toad (ID: 5767)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
drawbridgedrawbridge (ID: 5768)
metal fittingsmetal fittings (ID: 5771)
target boardtarget board (ID: 5777)
stuck arrowstuck arrow (ID: 5779)
medal of honourmedal of honour (ID: 5785)Weight: 1000
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 128
wooden whistlewooden whistle (ID: 5786)Weight: 100
training dummytraining dummy (ID: 5787)
stuck axestuck axe (ID: 5789)
stuffed dragonstuffed dragon (ID: 5791)Weight: 850
diedie (ID: 5792)Weight: 200
abacusabacus (ID: 5798)Description: If you use it wisely, you may write yourself into the history books.
Weight: 1200
golden figurinegolden figurine (ID: 5799)Weight: 1500
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 128
grappling hookgrappling hook (ID: 5800)
message in a bottlemessage in a bottle (ID: 5802)Weight: 1200
nose ringnose ring (ID: 5804)Description: It was the favourite trinket of the famous Horned Fox.
Weight: 500
golden gobletgolden goblet (ID: 5805)Weight: 1500
silver gobletsilver goblet (ID: 5806)Weight: 1500
bronze gobletbronze goblet (ID: 5807)Weight: 1500
OrshabaalOrshabaal's brain (ID: 5808)Weight: 3500
soul stonesoul stone (ID: 5809)Description: It contains the essence of countless tormented souls.
Weight: 30
pirate voodoo dollpirate voodoo doll (ID: 5810)Weight: 650
mermaidmermaid (ID: 5811)
small lava crackssmall lava cracks (ID: 5814)Description: The ground is steaming hot.
rock soilrock soil (ID: 5828)
small lava crackssmall lava cracks (ID: 5840)Description: The ground is steaming hot.
weapon rackweapon rack (ID: 5852)
lancelance (ID: 5854)
swordsword (ID: 5856)
scimitarscimitar (ID: 5858)
armour rackarmour rack (ID: 5860)
juice squeezerjuice squeezer (ID: 5865)Weight: 1500
rubblerubble (ID: 5866)
poison tricklepoison trickle (ID: 5869)
sniper glovessniper gloves (ID: 5875)Description: They are the pride of the paladin guild.
Weight: 400
lizard leatherlizard leather (ID: 5876)Weight: 50
Showcount: 0
green dragon leathergreen dragon leather (ID: 5877)Weight: 60
Showcount: 0
minotaur leatherminotaur leather (ID: 5878)Weight: 40
Showcount: 0
spider silkspider silk (ID: 5879)Weight: 10
Showcount: 0
iron oreiron ore (ID: 5880)Weight: 200
Showcount: 0
lizard scalelizard scale (ID: 5881)Weight: 80
red dragon scalered dragon scale (ID: 5882)Weight: 90
ape furape fur (ID: 5883)Weight: 120
Showcount: 0
spirit containerspirit container (ID: 5884)Description: It contains pure fighting spirit.
Weight: 600
flask of warriorflask of warrior's sweat (ID: 5885)Description: It contains the sweat spilled in many battles and is said to be used for certain perfumes too.
Weight: 300
spool of yarnspool of yarn (ID: 5886)Description: It is made from fine spider silk.
Weight: 100
piece of royal steelpiece of royal steel (ID: 5887)Description: Even the king would be proud to wear an armour made of this refined steel.
Weight: 500
piece of hell steelpiece of hell steel (ID: 5888)Description: This rare metal must have been refined in the depths.
Weight: 500
piece of draconian steelpiece of draconian steel (ID: 5889)Description: An armour made of this steel is said to protect against fiery dragon breath.
Weight: 500
chicken featherchicken feather (ID: 5890)Weight: 10
Description: Some thousands of these would probably make an extremely comfortable pillow.
enchanted chicken wingenchanted chicken wing (ID: 5891)Description: It is said to make your feet fly.
Weight: 1000
huge chunk of crude ironhuge chunk of crude iron (ID: 5892)Weight: 5000
perfect behemoth fangperfect behemoth fang (ID: 5893)Description: Collectors all around the world crave for this item.
Weight: 500
bat wingbat wing (ID: 5894)Weight: 100
fish finfish fin (ID: 5895)Description: It once belonged to a mighty creature of the deep.
Weight: 120
bear pawbear paw (ID: 5896)Weight: 120
wolf pawwolf paw (ID: 5897)Weight: 80
beholderbeholder's eye (ID: 5898)Description: You could swear it just winked at you.
Weight: 500
turtle shellturtle shell (ID: 5899)Weight: 500
dwarven bearddwarven beard (ID: 5900)Description: It was once worn proudly by a dwarfish warrior - or maiden.
Weight: 50
woodwood (ID: 5901)Weight: 500
Showcount: 0
honeycombhoneycomb (ID: 5902)Description: Some people swear it makes an excellent glue.
Weight: 80
magic sulphurmagic sulphur (ID: 5904)Description: It smells rather badly but is said to be an important catalyst for magical rituals.
Weight: 100
Showcount: 0
vampire dustvampire dust (ID: 5905)Description: Sun can be a merciless killer, but so can you.
Weight: 100
Showcount: 0
demon dustdemon dust (ID: 5906)Description: It reeks of hatred and malice.
Weight: 100
slingshotslingshot (ID: 5907)Description: A hermit near Carlin might be able to tell you more about it.
Weight: 200
obsidian knifeobsidian knife (ID: 5908)Description: Sharp and light, this is a useful tool for tanners, doctors and assassins.
Weight: 100
white piece of clothwhite piece of cloth (ID: 5909)Weight: 500
green piece of clothgreen piece of cloth (ID: 5910)Weight: 500
red piece of clothred piece of cloth (ID: 5911)Weight: 500
blue piece of clothblue piece of cloth (ID: 5912)Weight: 500
brown piece of clothbrown piece of cloth (ID: 5913)Weight: 500
yellow piece of clothyellow piece of cloth (ID: 5914)Weight: 500
large thronelarge throne (ID: 5915)
dragon clawdragon claw (ID: 5919)Description: It is the claw of Demodras.
Weight: 1250
green dragon scalegreen dragon scale (ID: 5920)Weight: 80
heaven blossomheaven blossom (ID: 5921)Weight: 210
holy orchidholy orchid (ID: 5922)Weight: 250
damaged steel helmetdamaged steel helmet (ID: 5924)Description: The words 'Ramsay the Reckless' are engraved inside. It appears to be cracked and broken.
Weight: 4600
hardened bonehardened bone (ID: 5925)Weight: 600
empty goldfish bowlempty goldfish bowl (ID: 5928)Weight: 3200
goldfish bowlgoldfish bowl (ID: 5929)Weight: 3200
behemoth clawbehemoth claw (ID: 5930)Weight: 1250
the remains of ferumbrasthe remains of ferumbras (ID: 5931)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5932
Duration: 900
CorpseType: venom
the remains of ferumbrasthe remains of ferumbras (ID: 5932)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5933
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
the remains of ferumbrasthe remains of ferumbras (ID: 5933)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: venom
dead frogdead frog (ID: 5934)Weight: 1000
ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 5935
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead frogdead frog (ID: 5935)Weight: 800
DecayTo: 5936
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead frogdead frog (ID: 5936)Weight: 500
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
botanistbotanist's container (ID: 5937)Description: It holds a sample of the rare griffinclaw flower.
Weight: 2000
CeironCeiron's waterskin (ID: 5938)Weight: 700
CeironCeiron's waterskin (ID: 5939)Weight: 700
wooden stakewooden stake (ID: 5941)Description: It is a simple wooden stake.
Weight: 500
blessed wooden stakeblessed wooden stake (ID: 5942)Description: Many mighty priests have blessed this stake.
Weight: 500
MorgarothMorgaroth's heart (ID: 5943)Weight: 3500
soul orbsoul orb (ID: 5944)Description: This strange object seems to be made of half spirit, half metal. It is unknown to most smiths.
Weight: 20
coral combcoral comb (ID: 5945)Description: It once belonged to a mermaid.
Weight: 450
combcomb (ID: 5946)Weight: 450
ElaneElane's crossbow (ID: 5947)Description: 'For Elane, with Love' is engraved on it.
Weight: 4000
red dragon leatherred dragon leather (ID: 5948)Weight: 60
Showcount: 0
fish tailfish tail (ID: 5951)Weight: 250
love poemlove poem (ID: 5952)Weight: 120
raven herbraven herb (ID: 5953)Weight: 100
demon horndemon horn (ID: 5954)Weight: 1000
old parchmentold parchment (ID: 5956)Description: It is covered with foreign symbols.
Weight: 200
lottery ticketlottery ticket (ID: 5957)Description: It has not been used yet.
Weight: 120
winning lottery ticketwinning lottery ticket (ID: 5958)Description: You were lucky! Go claim your prize at the potion store in Edron.
Weight: 120
dead trolldead troll (ID: 5960)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 3067
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead spiderdead spider (ID: 5961)ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 2807
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead cyclopsdead cyclops (ID: 5962)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3069
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain skeletonslain skeleton (ID: 5963)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2809
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
dead ratdead rat (ID: 5964)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3073
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 5965)ContainerSize: 10
dead orcdead orc (ID: 5966)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3080
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead rotwormdead rotworm (ID: 5967)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3084
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 5968)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3086
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 5969)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3090
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead deerdead deer (ID: 5970)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3095
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dogdead dog (ID: 5971)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3099
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain skeletonslain skeleton (ID: 5972)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3103
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 5973)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 3104
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead spiderdead spider (ID: 5974)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2848
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead beardead bear (ID: 5975)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3109
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain ghoulslain ghoul (ID: 5976)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3113
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
dead giant spiderdead giant spider (ID: 5977)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 2857
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead orcdead orc (ID: 5978)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2860
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 5979)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2862
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 5980)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2864
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 5981)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2866
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 5982)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2871
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead minotaurdead minotaur (ID: 5983)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2876
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dragondead dragon (ID: 5984)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 2881
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead fire devildead fire devil (ID: 5985)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2886
Duration: 10
CorpseType: fire
dead liondead lion (ID: 5986)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2889
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead beardead bear (ID: 5987)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2893
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead scorpiondead scorpion (ID: 5988)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2897
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead waspdead wasp (ID: 5989)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2899
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead bugdead bug (ID: 5990)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2902
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead sheepdead sheep (ID: 5991)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2905
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead beholderdead beholder (ID: 5992)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 2908
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
remains of a ghostremains of a ghost (ID: 5993)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3108
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
dead sheepdead sheep (ID: 5994)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2914
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain demonslain demon (ID: 5995)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 2916
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 5996)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2920
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead wolfdead wolf (ID: 5997)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2924
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 5998)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2928
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead behemothdead behemoth (ID: 5999)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 2931
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead pigdead pig (ID: 6000)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 2935
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 6001)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2938
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead goblindead goblin (ID: 6002)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2940
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead elfdead elf (ID: 6003)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2945
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
remains of a mummyremains of a mummy (ID: 6004)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2949
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
split stone golemsplit stone golem (ID: 6005)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 2952
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
slain vampireslain vampire (ID: 6006)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2956
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 6007)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2960
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 6008)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2967
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead war wolfdead war wolf (ID: 6009)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2969
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead orcdead orc (ID: 6010)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2972
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead elfdead elf (ID: 6011)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2979
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead elfdead elf (ID: 6012)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2981
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 6013)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2983
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 6014)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2985
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dwarfdead dwarf (ID: 6015)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2987
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead djinndead djinn (ID: 6016)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2989
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead rabbitdead rabbit (ID: 6017)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3119
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead trolldead troll (ID: 6018)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 2995
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain bansheeslain banshee (ID: 6019)ContainerSize: 22
DecayTo: 2998
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead djinndead djinn (ID: 6020)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3001
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
dead ancient scarabdead ancient scarab (ID: 6021)ContainerSize: 16
DecayTo: 3004
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead humandead human (ID: 6022)ContainerSize: 10
dead larvadead larva (ID: 6023)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3010
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead scarabdead scarab (ID: 6024)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3013
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead pharaohdead pharaoh (ID: 6025)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3016
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
dead hyaenadead hyaena (ID: 6026)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 3019
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead gargoyledead gargoyle (ID: 6027)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 3022
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
slain lichslain lich (ID: 6028)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 3025
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain crypt shamblerslain crypt shambler (ID: 6029)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 3028
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain bonebeastslain bonebeast (ID: 6030)ContainerSize: 12
DecayTo: 3031
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
dead pharaohdead pharaoh (ID: 6031)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 3034
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
dead efreetdead efreet (ID: 6032)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3037
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead mariddead marid (ID: 6033)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3040
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead badgerdead badger (ID: 6034)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3043
CorpseType: blood
Duration: 10
FluidSource: blood
dead skunkdead skunk (ID: 6035)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3046
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead gazerdead gazer (ID: 6036)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 3049
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead elder beholderdead elder beholder (ID: 6037)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3052
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead yetidead yeti (ID: 6038)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 3055
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead crabdead crab (ID: 6039)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4253
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead lizard sentineldead lizard sentinel (ID: 6040)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4259
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead lizard snakecharmerdead lizard snakecharmer (ID: 6041)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4262
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead chickendead chicken (ID: 6042)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4265
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead kongradead kongra (ID: 6043)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4268
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead merlkindead merlkin (ID: 6044)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4271
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead sibangdead sibang (ID: 6045)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4274
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead crocodiledead crocodile (ID: 6046)ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 4277
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead carniphiladead carniphila (ID: 6047)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4280
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead hydradead hydra (ID: 6048)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 4283
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead pandadead panda (ID: 6049)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4286
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead centipededead centipede (ID: 6050)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4289
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead tigerdead tiger (ID: 6051)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4292
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead elephantdead elephant (ID: 6052)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 4295
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead batdead bat (ID: 6053)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4298
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead flamingodead flamingo (ID: 6054)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4301
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 6055)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4304
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead parrotdead parrot (ID: 6056)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4314
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead birddead bird (ID: 6057)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 4317
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 6058)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4307
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead dworcdead dworc (ID: 6059)ContainerSize: 7
DecayTo: 4310
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead tarantuladead tarantula (ID: 6060)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4320
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead serpent spawndead serpent spawn (ID: 6061)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 4323
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
lifeless nettlelifeless nettle (ID: 6062)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 4326
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
dead quara pincherdead quara pincher (ID: 6063)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5522
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead quara mantassindead quara mantassin (ID: 6064)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5523
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead quara constrictordead quara constrictor (ID: 6065)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5524
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead quara hydromancerdead quara hydromancer (ID: 6066)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5525
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead quara predatordead quara predator (ID: 6067)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5526
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
demon dustdemon dust (ID: 6068)ContainerSize: 24
DecayTo: 5527
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead carrion wormdead carrion worm (ID: 6069)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5540
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain pirate skeletonslain pirate skeleton (ID: 6070)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5565
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
slain pirate ghostslain pirate ghost (ID: 6071)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5566
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
dead tortoisedead tortoise (ID: 6072)ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 5625
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead tortoisedead tortoise (ID: 6073)ContainerSize: 6
DecayTo: 5628
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead mammothdead mammoth (ID: 6074)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 5666
Duration: 10
FluidSource: blood
dead blood crabdead blood crab (ID: 6075)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5688
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead seagulldead seagull (ID: 6076)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 5727
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead toaddead toad (ID: 6077)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5765
Duration: 10
FluidSource: blood
remains of Ferumbrasremains of Ferumbras (ID: 6078)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 5931
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
dead frogdead frog (ID: 6079)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 5934
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 6080)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3058
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 6081)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3065
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead humandead human (ID: 6082)
dead humandead human (ID: 6083)ContainerSize: 10
dead humandead human (ID: 6084)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6082
Duration: 120
large trunklarge trunk (ID: 6085)
faked labelfaked label (ID: 6086)Weight: 10
music sheetmusic sheet (ID: 6087)Description: It contains the first verse of a hymn.
Weight: 50
music sheetmusic sheet (ID: 6088)Description: It contains the second verse of a hymn.
Weight: 50
music sheetmusic sheet (ID: 6089)Description: It contains the third verse of a hymn.
Weight: 50
music sheetmusic sheet (ID: 6090)Description: It contains the fourth and last verse of a hymn.
Weight: 50
very noble-looking watchvery noble-looking watch (ID: 6091)Description: Unfortunately it seems to be broken.
Weight: 50
very noble-looking watchvery noble-looking watch (ID: 6092)Weight: 50
Duration: 259200
DecayTo: 6091
crystal ringcrystal ring (ID: 6093)Description: The initials E.S. are engraved on it.
Weight: 90
thread treethread tree (ID: 6094)
hookhook (ID: 6097)Description: It belonged once to a pirate.
Weight: 500
eye patcheye patch (ID: 6098)Description: It belonged once to a pirate.
Weight: 150
Brutus BloodbeardBrutus Bloodbeard's hat (ID: 6099)Weight: 1250
the Lethal Lissythe Lethal Lissy's shirt (ID: 6100)Weight: 2000
Ron the RipperRon the Ripper's sabre (ID: 6101)Weight: 2500
Defense: 10
Attack: 12
WeaponType: sword
Deadeye DeviousDeadeye Devious' eye patch (ID: 6102)Weight: 150
unholy bookunholy book (ID: 6103)Weight: 1300
jewel casejewel case (ID: 6104)Weight: 170
ContainerSize: 1
StrikerStriker's favourite pillow (ID: 6105)Weight: 1700
bottle of whisper beerbottle of whisper beer (ID: 6106)Weight: 300
staffstaff (ID: 6107)Description: It must be the one which Simon the Beggar talked about.
Weight: 3800
atlasatlas (ID: 6108)Description: It is filled with detailed maps.
Weight: 1300
weapon rackweapon rack (ID: 6109)RotateTo: 6110
ContainerSize: 20
weapon rackweapon rack (ID: 6110)RotateTo: 6109
ContainerSize: 20
armor rackarmor rack (ID: 6111)RotateTo: 6112
ContainerSize: 20
armor rackarmor rack (ID: 6112)RotateTo: 6111
ContainerSize: 20
letter to Eremoletter to Eremo (ID: 6113)Weight: 50
armor rack kitarmor rack kit (ID: 6114)Description: Use it in your house to construct an armor rack.
Weight: 3500
weapon rack kitweapon rack kit (ID: 6115)Description: Use it in your house to construct a weapon rack.
Weight: 3500
electric sparkselectric sparks (ID: 6116)
treasure maptreasure map (ID: 6118)Weight: 830
Description: It obviously shows Treasure Island including a big, red cross.
scrollscroll (ID: 6119)Weight: 120
DraghaDragha's spellbook (ID: 6120)Description: It apparently belonged to someone called Dragha, the apprentice of a voodoomaster.
Weight: 5800
note pinned on the wallnote pinned on the wall (ID: 6121)
pianopiano (ID: 6123)
damaged logbookdamaged logbook (ID: 6124)Description: It must be the one which the explorer society requested.
Weight: 1100
tortoise egg from Nargortortoise egg from Nargor (ID: 6125)Description: Handle with care and don't try to eat it.
Weight: 30
peg legpeg leg (ID: 6126)Description: It belonged once to a pirate.
Weight: 500
rampramp (ID: 6127)Floorchange: down
tortoise shieldtortoise shield (ID: 6131)Weight: 5200
Defense: 26
WeaponType: shield
tree walltree wall (ID: 6133)
grass roofgrass roof (ID: 6160)
trapdoortrapdoor (ID: 6173)Floorchange: down
tree archwaytree archway (ID: 6175)
branchbranch (ID: 6177)
tree holetree hole (ID: 6178)
treetree (ID: 6180)
large branchlarge branch (ID: 6182)
branchbranch (ID: 6190)
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6192)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6193)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6194)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6195)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6196)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6197)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6198)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6199)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6200)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6201)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6202)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6203)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6204)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6205)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6206)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6207)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6208)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6209)Type: door
rope bridgerope bridge (ID: 6210)
grassgrass (ID: 6216)
twinestwines (ID: 6220)
flowersflowers (ID: 6226)
tree archwaytree archway (ID: 6232)
archwayarchway (ID: 6234)
tendril walltendril wall (ID: 6238)
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6249)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6250)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6251)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6252)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6253)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6254)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6255)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6256)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6257)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6258)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6259)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6260)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6261)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6262)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6263)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6264)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6265)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6266)Type: door
metal trashmetal trash (ID: 6267)
tendrilstendrils (ID: 6268)
some leavessome leaves (ID: 6271)
tree archwaytree archway (ID: 6275)
archwayarchway (ID: 6276)
lump of cake doughlump of cake dough (ID: 6277)Weight: 100
cakecake (ID: 6278)Weight: 500
cakecake (ID: 6279)Weight: 500
Description: It is nicely decorated with fruits and icing.
party cakeparty cake (ID: 6280)Weight: 500
Description: It is nicely decorated with fruits, icing and a candle. Someone is caring about you.
broken brick wallbroken brick wall (ID: 6281)
some crackssome cracks (ID: 6285)
burning wallburning wall (ID: 6289)
some crackssome cracks (ID: 6291)
dead wyverndead wyvern (ID: 6302)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6303
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead wyverndead wyvern (ID: 6303)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6304
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead wyverndead wyvern (ID: 6304)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6305
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead wyverndead wyvern (ID: 6305)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain undead dragonslain undead dragon (ID: 6306)ContainerSize: 24
DecayTo: 6307
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
slain undead dragonslain undead dragon (ID: 6307)ContainerSize: 24
DecayTo: 6308
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
slain undead dragonslain undead dragon (ID: 6308)ContainerSize: 24
DecayTo: 6309
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain undead dragonslain undead dragon (ID: 6309)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain lost soulslain lost soul (ID: 6310)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 6319
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
slain lost soulslain lost soul (ID: 6311)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 6310
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
slain hand of cursed fateslain hand of cursed fate (ID: 6312)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6313
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain hand of cursed fateslain hand of cursed fate (ID: 6313)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6314
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
slain hand of cursed fateslain hand of cursed fate (ID: 6314)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6315
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain hand of cursed fateslain hand of cursed fate (ID: 6315)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain betrayed wraithslain betrayed wraith (ID: 6316)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6317
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
slain betrayed wraithslain betrayed wraith (ID: 6317)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6318
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain betrayed wraithslain betrayed wraith (ID: 6318)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain skeletonslain skeleton (ID: 6319)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead destroyerdead destroyer (ID: 6320)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6321
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
slain destroyerslain destroyer (ID: 6321)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6322
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead destroyerdead destroyer (ID: 6322)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6323
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead destroyerdead destroyer (ID: 6323)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
elemental asheselemental ashes (ID: 6324)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6325
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
elemental asheselemental ashes (ID: 6325)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6326
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
elemental asheselemental ashes (ID: 6326)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6327
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
elemental asheselemental ashes (ID: 6327)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead torturerdead torturer (ID: 6328)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6329
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead torturerdead torturer (ID: 6329)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6330
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead torturerdead torturer (ID: 6330)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead torturerdead torturer (ID: 6331)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6328
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
dead hellhounddead hellhound (ID: 6332)ContainerSize: 20
DecayTo: 6333
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead hellhounddead hellhound (ID: 6333)ContainerSize: 20
DecayTo: 6334
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
dead hellhounddead hellhound (ID: 6334)ContainerSize: 20
DecayTo: 6335
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead hellhounddead hellhound (ID: 6335)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead juggernautdead juggernaut (ID: 6336)ContainerSize: 25
DecayTo: 6337
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead juggernautdead juggernaut (ID: 6337)ContainerSize: 25
DecayTo: 6338
Duration: 900
dead juggernautdead juggernaut (ID: 6338)ContainerSize: 25
DecayTo: 6339
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead juggernautdead juggernaut (ID: 6339)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead nightmaredead nightmare (ID: 6340)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6341
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead nightmaredead nightmare (ID: 6341)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6342
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead nightmaredead nightmare (ID: 6342)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6343
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead nightmaredead nightmare (ID: 6343)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
remains of a phantasmremains of a phantasm (ID: 6344)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6345
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
remains of a phantasmremains of a phantasm (ID: 6345)Weight: 10000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6346
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
remains of a phantasmremains of a phantasm (ID: 6346)Weight: 8000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6347
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
remains of a phantasmremains of a phantasm (ID: 6347)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
remains of a spectreremains of a spectre (ID: 6348)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6349
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
remains of a spectreremains of a spectre (ID: 6349)Weight: 10000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6350
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
remains of a spectreremains of a spectre (ID: 6350)Weight: 8000
ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6351
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
remains of a spectreremains of a spectre (ID: 6351)Weight: 1000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
swampswamp (ID: 6353)Type: trashholder
Effect: greenbubble
slain blightwalkerslain blightwalker (ID: 6354)ContainerSize: 15
DecayTo: 6355
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
slain blightwalkerslain blightwalker (ID: 6355)Weight: 10000
DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
ovenoven (ID: 6356)RotateTo: 6358
ovenoven (ID: 6357)RotateTo: 6359
ovenoven (ID: 6358)RotateTo: 6360
ovenoven (ID: 6359)RotateTo: 6361
ovenoven (ID: 6360)RotateTo: 6362
ovenoven (ID: 6361)RotateTo: 6363
ovenoven (ID: 6362)RotateTo: 6356
ovenoven (ID: 6363)RotateTo: 6357
dead diabolic impdead diabolic imp (ID: 6364)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6365
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead diabolic impdead diabolic imp (ID: 6365)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6366
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead diabolic impdead diabolic imp (ID: 6366)DecayTo: 6367
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead diabolic impdead diabolic imp (ID: 6367)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
bookcasebookcase (ID: 6368)RotateTo: 6371
ContainerSize: 6
bookcasebookcase (ID: 6369)RotateTo: 6368
ContainerSize: 6
bookcasebookcase (ID: 6370)RotateTo: 6369
ContainerSize: 6
bookcasebookcase (ID: 6371)RotateTo: 6370
ContainerSize: 6
oven kitoven kit (ID: 6372)Description: Use it in your house to construct an oven.
Weight: 2500
bookcase kitbookcase kit (ID: 6373)Description: Use it in your house to construct a bookcase.
Weight: 2500
debrisdebris (ID: 6374)
greeting cardgreeting card (ID: 6387)Weight: 100
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
christmas cardchristmas card (ID: 6388)Weight: 100
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 0
stony floorstony floor (ID: 6389)
ornamented fountainornamented fountain (ID: 6390)FluidSource: water
nightmare shieldnightmare shield (ID: 6391)Description: It was crafted by the ancient order of the nightmare knights.
Weight: 3200
Defense: 37
WeaponType: shield
hawserhawser (ID: 6392)
valentinevalentine's cake (ID: 6393)Weight: 500
cream cakecream cake (ID: 6394)Weight: 500
bonesbones (ID: 6395)
bone pillarbone pillar (ID: 6413)
bonesbones (ID: 6414)
large branchlarge branch (ID: 6423)
branchbranch (ID: 6431)
necromancer shieldnecromancer shield (ID: 6433)Description: It is enchanted with unholy, necromantic powers.
Weight: 3200
Defense: 37
WeaponType: shield
blue tapestryblue tapestry (ID: 6434)
demon trophydemon trophy (ID: 6435)
framework windowframework window (ID: 6436)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
framework windowframework window (ID: 6438)Type: door
brick windowbrick window (ID: 6440)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
brick windowbrick window (ID: 6442)Type: door
stone windowstone window (ID: 6444)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
stone windowstone window (ID: 6446)Type: door
marble windowmarble window (ID: 6448)
tree windowtree window (ID: 6450)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
tree windowtree window (ID: 6452)Type: door
sandstone windowsandstone window (ID: 6454)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
sandstone windowsandstone window (ID: 6456)Type: door
bamboo windowbamboo window (ID: 6458)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
bamboo windowbamboo window (ID: 6460)Type: door
sandstone windowsandstone window (ID: 6462)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
sandstone windowsandstone window (ID: 6464)Type: door
stone windowstone window (ID: 6466)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
stone windowstone window (ID: 6468)Type: door
wooden windowwooden window (ID: 6470)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
wooden windowwooden window (ID: 6472)Type: door
wooden plankswooden planks (ID: 6474)
debrisdebris (ID: 6476)
fireflyfirefly (ID: 6491)DecayTo: 6494
Duration: 8
bat decorationbat decoration (ID: 6492)Weight: 200
bat decorationbat decoration (ID: 6493)
fireflyfirefly (ID: 6494)DecayTo: 6491
Duration: 8
fireflyfirefly (ID: 6495)DecayTo: 6498
Duration: 8
bat decorationbat decoration (ID: 6496)
christmas present bagchristmas present bag (ID: 6497)Description: It contains presents which were stolen from Santa. Bring them back to Ruprecht on Vega.
Weight: 8000
fireflyfirefly (ID: 6498)
certificatecertificate (ID: 6499)Description: You have mastered the Dream Challenge and may apply for joining the order of the Nightmare Knights.
Weight: 150
demonic essencedemonic essence (ID: 6500)Description: Someone might be interested in trading this.
Weight: 100
gingerbreadmangingerbreadman (ID: 6501)Weight: 500
christmas wreathchristmas wreath (ID: 6502)Weight: 1000
christmas garlandchristmas garland (ID: 6503)Weight: 500
red christmas garlandred christmas garland (ID: 6504)Weight: 500
blue christmas garlandblue christmas garland (ID: 6505)Weight: 500
christmas presentchristmas present (ID: 6506)Weight: 600
ContainerSize: 5
red christmas bundlered christmas bundle (ID: 6507)Description: It contains random christmas decoration.
Weight: 2500
blue christmas bundleblue christmas bundle (ID: 6508)Description: It contains random christmas decoration.
Weight: 2500
green christmas bundlegreen christmas bundle (ID: 6509)Description: It contains random christmas decoration.
Weight: 2500
christmas presentchristmas present (ID: 6510)Weight: 600
ContainerSize: 5
santa dollsanta doll (ID: 6512)Weight: 750
christmas wreathchristmas wreath (ID: 6513)
christmas garlandchristmas garland (ID: 6514)
dead plaguesmithdead plaguesmith (ID: 6516)ContainerSize: 18
DecayTo: 6520
Duration: 10
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
christmas wreathchristmas wreath (ID: 6517)
christmas garlandchristmas garland (ID: 6518)
dead plaguesmithdead plaguesmith (ID: 6520)ContainerSize: 18
DecayTo: 6521
Duration: 900
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
dead plaguesmithdead plaguesmith (ID: 6521)ContainerSize: 18
DecayTo: 6522
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead plaguesmithdead plaguesmith (ID: 6522)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
gingerbread recipegingerbread recipe (ID: 6523)Description: Use it to learn how to make Gingerbreadman in the christmas bakery.
Weight: 200
skeletonskeleton (ID: 6524)
skeleton decorationskeleton decoration (ID: 6526)Weight: 1000
christmas tokenchristmas token (ID: 6527)Description: Collect enough of these to trade them for valuable prizes.
Weight: 5
worn soft bootsworn soft boots (ID: 6530)Description: Someone specialised in shoes might be able to repair them for you.
Weight: 800
dead defilerdead defiler (ID: 6532)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 6552
Duration: 10
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
bookbook (ID: 6533)Weight: 750
the Imperorthe Imperor's trident (ID: 6534)Weight: 8000
the Plasmotherthe Plasmother's remains (ID: 6535)Weight: 3000
Countess SorrowCountess Sorrow's frozen tear (ID: 6536)Weight: 1000
Mr. PunishMr. Punish's handcuffs (ID: 6537)Weight: 2500
valentinevalentine's card (ID: 6538)Weight: 100
Writeable: 1
MaxTextLen: 1023
the Handmaidenthe Handmaiden's protector (ID: 6539)Weight: 3500
piece of Massacrepiece of Massacre's shell (ID: 6540)Weight: 6500
coloured eggcoloured egg (ID: 6541)Weight: 30
DracolaDracola's eye (ID: 6546)Weight: 1500
yellow powderyellow powder (ID: 6547)Weight: 50
Showcount: 0
purple powderpurple powder (ID: 6548)Weight: 750
green powdergreen powder (ID: 6549)Weight: 750
red powderred powder (ID: 6550)Description: It reeks of hatred and malice.
Weight: 100
blue powderblue powder (ID: 6551)Description: Sun can be a merciless killer, but so can you.
Weight: 100
dead defilerdead defiler (ID: 6552)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 360
CorpseType: venom
FluidSource: slime
tic-tac-toe tokentic-tac-toe token (ID: 6556)Description: It seems to be rather fragile.
Weight: 500
concentrated demonic bloodconcentrated demonic blood (ID: 6558)Description: Shake it to create a potion.
Weight: 200
dead humandead human (ID: 6560)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 3065
Duration: 180
CorpseType: blood
FluidSource: blood
ceremonial ankhceremonial ankh (ID: 6561)Weight: 500
flat roofflat roof (ID: 6562)
stuffed dragonstuffed dragon (ID: 6566)Weight: 850
DecayTo: 5791
Duration: 3
santa dollsanta doll (ID: 6567)Weight: 750
DecayTo: 6512
Duration: 3
panda teddypanda teddy (ID: 6568)Weight: 600
DecayTo: 5080
Duration: 3
candycandy (ID: 6569)Weight: 5
surprise bagsurprise bag (ID: 6570)Weight: 1000
party trumpetparty trumpet (ID: 6572)Weight: 50
party trumpetparty trumpet (ID: 6573)Duration: 4
DecayTo: 6572
Weight: 50
bar of chocolatebar of chocolate (ID: 6574)Weight: 10
red balloonsred balloons (ID: 6575)Weight: 10
fireworks rocketfireworks rocket (ID: 6576)Description: Do not use in your backpack or while asleep. Keep away from animals or children.
Weight: 100
green balloonsgreen balloons (ID: 6577)Weight: 10
dolldoll (ID: 6579)Weight: 750
snowsnow (ID: 6580)
snowsnow (ID: 6594)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 670
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6595)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6580
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6596)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6581
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6597)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6582
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6598)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6583
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6599)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6584
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6600)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6585
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6601)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6586
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6602)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6587
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6603)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6588
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6604)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6589
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6605)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6590
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6606)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6591
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6607)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6592
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6608)Description: Someone must have walked here recently.
DecayTo: 6593
Duration: 10
snowsnow (ID: 6609)
shallow watershallow water (ID: 6627)
iceice (ID: 6683)
shallow watershallow water (ID: 6687)
iceice (ID: 6695)
icy mountainicy mountain (ID: 6719)
ice wallice wall (ID: 6728)
frozen wallfrozen wall (ID: 6739)
ice hutice hut (ID: 6750)
ice hutice hut (ID: 6754)Floorchange: down
snowsnow (ID: 6757)
icy mountainicy mountain (ID: 6761)
iceice (ID: 6763)
icy mountainicy mountain (ID: 6768)
fur wallfur wall (ID: 6773)
fur pillarfur pillar (ID: 6775)
fur wallfur wall (ID: 6776)
fur wall windowfur wall window (ID: 6788)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
fur wall windowfur wall window (ID: 6790)Type: door
entranceentrance (ID: 6792)
barbarian bannerbarbarian banner (ID: 6793)
entranceentrance (ID: 6795)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
entranceentrance (ID: 6796)Type: door
entranceentrance (ID: 6797)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
entranceentrance (ID: 6798)Type: door
entranceentrance (ID: 6799)Description: It seems tightly closed.
Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
entranceentrance (ID: 6800)Type: door
entranceentrance (ID: 6801)Description: It seems tightly closed.
Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
entranceentrance (ID: 6802)Type: door
entranceentrance (ID: 6803)
furfur (ID: 6804)
frozen wallfrozen wall (ID: 6822)
snowsnow (ID: 6838)
wooden wallwooden wall (ID: 6839)
wooden pillarwooden pillar (ID: 6841)
wooden wallwooden wall (ID: 6842)
ornamented wallornamented wall (ID: 6850)
stone basestone base (ID: 6851)
ornamented wallornamented wall (ID: 6853)
stone basestone base (ID: 6854)
iceice (ID: 6869)
archwayarchway (ID: 6882)
strutstrut (ID: 6886)
tuskstusks (ID: 6889)
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6891)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6892)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6893)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6894)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6895)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6896)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6897)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6898)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6899)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6900)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6901)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6902)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6903)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6904)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6905)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 6906)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 6907)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 6908)Type: door
rampramp (ID: 6909)Floorchange: east
rampramp (ID: 6910)
rampramp (ID: 6911)Floorchange: west
rampramp (ID: 6912)
rampramp (ID: 6913)Floorchange: south
rampramp (ID: 6914)
rampramp (ID: 6915)Floorchange: north
rampramp (ID: 6916)
rampramp (ID: 6917)Floorchange: down
iceice (ID: 6925)
iceice (ID: 6939)
frozen railingfrozen railing (ID: 6953)
iciclesicicles (ID: 6966)
ice floorice floor (ID: 6967)
entranceentrance (ID: 6968)
mammoth skullmammoth skull (ID: 6970)
bone totembone totem (ID: 6972)
mammoth totemmammoth totem (ID: 6973)
mammoth skullmammoth skull (ID: 6974)
mammoth furmammoth fur (ID: 6978)
roperope (ID: 6981)
fishfish (ID: 6984)
pillarpillar (ID: 6986)
wooden dragonwooden dragon (ID: 6987)
wooden bullwooden bull (ID: 6989)
wooden yetiwooden yeti (ID: 6991)
wooden decorationwooden decoration (ID: 6993)
snowy stonesnowy stone (ID: 6999)
snowy dead treesnowy dead tree (ID: 7020)
snowy pine treesnowy pine tree (ID: 7023)
pinepine (ID: 7024)
nordic wall windownordic wall window (ID: 7025)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
nordic wall windownordic wall window (ID: 7027)Type: door
ice wall windowice wall window (ID: 7029)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
ice wall windowice wall window (ID: 7031)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 7033)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 7034)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 7035)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 7036)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 7037)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 7038)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 7039)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 7040)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 7041)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 7042)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
Description: It is locked.
closed doorclosed door (ID: 7043)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 7044)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 7045)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 7046)Type: door
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 7047)Type: door
Leveldoor: 1000
Blockprojectile: 1
gate of expertisegate of expertise (ID: 7048)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 7049)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 7050)Type: door
archwayarchway (ID: 7051)
trapdoortrapdoor (ID: 7053)Floorchange: down
closed doorclosed door (ID: 7054)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 7055)Type: door
closed doorclosed door (ID: 7056)Type: door
Blockprojectile: 1
open dooropen door (ID: 7057)Type: door
skull pillarskull pillar (ID: 7058)
glowing skull pillarglowing skull pillar (ID: 7059)
iceice (ID: 7060)
rockrock (ID: 7062)
dark rockdark rock (ID: 7075)
dead frost dragondead frost dragon (ID: 7091)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7092
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
dead frost dragondead frost dragon (ID: 7092)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7093
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
dead frost dragondead frost dragon (ID: 7093)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7094
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
dead frost dragondead frost dragon (ID: 7094)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
wooden railingwooden railing (ID: 7095)
stone wallstone wall (ID: 7102)
inactive geyserinactive geyser (ID: 7106)
iceice (ID: 7107)
geysergeyser (ID: 7108)
iceice (ID: 7110)
railsrails (ID: 7121)
ore wagonore wagon (ID: 7131)
buffer stopbuffer stop (ID: 7133)
bloodstainbloodstain (ID: 7137)
mead hornmead horn (ID: 7140)Description: It is empty.
Weight: 1200
mead hornmead horn (ID: 7141)Description: It is filled to the rim.
Weight: 1200
bucketbucket (ID: 7142)Description: It is filled with mead.
buttressbuttress (ID: 7143)
iceice (ID: 7145)
rainbow troutrainbow trout (ID: 7158)Weight: 1200
green perchgreen perch (ID: 7159)Weight: 800
frozen chestfrozen chest (ID: 7160)
frozen drawersfrozen drawers (ID: 7162)
frozen chairfrozen chair (ID: 7163)
frozen pendulum clockfrozen pendulum clock (ID: 7167)
frozen troughfrozen trough (ID: 7169)
snowmansnowman (ID: 7171)
bearbear (ID: 7174)Description: It seems to be sleeping tightly.
bearbear (ID: 7175)Description: It seems to have fallen into a really deep sleep.
DecayTo: 7174
Duration: 10
mammothmammoth (ID: 7176)Description: It is looking at you fiercely.
mammothmammoth (ID: 7177)Description: It seems to be pretty much knocked out.
DecayTo: 7176
Duration: 10
baby sealbaby seal (ID: 7178)
baby seal dollbaby seal doll (ID: 7183)Weight: 850
baby seal dollbaby seal doll (ID: 7184)Weight: 850
small crack in the icesmall crack in the ice (ID: 7185)Description: This would be a good place to destroy the ice.
big crack in the icebig crack in the ice (ID: 7186)
raftraft (ID: 7187)
stone shelfstone shelf (ID: 7189)ContainerSize: 6
raftraft (ID: 7190)
fragile icefragile ice (ID: 7200)
raftraft (ID: 7201)
raft rudderraft rudder (ID: 7213)
ship ruddership rudder (ID: 7215)
ship rudder holeship rudder hole (ID: 7219)
ship ruddership rudder (ID: 7220)
figureheadfigurehead (ID: 7228)
spikesspikes (ID: 7232)
shieldshield (ID: 7234)
ice holeice hole (ID: 7236)Description: You can see the movement of fish.
DecayTo: 7200
Duration: 300
ice holeice hole (ID: 7237)DecayTo: 7236
Duration: 300
shieldshield (ID: 7238)
resonance crystalresonance crystal (ID: 7242)Weight: 250
empty jugempty jug (ID: 7243)Description: It seems to be perfect for collecting ants.
Weight: 750
jugjug (ID: 7244)Description: There are a lot of ants crawling in there.
Weight: 750
piece of cactuspiece of cactus (ID: 7245)Description: It has been cut from the sun adorer cactus which is said to have curing abilities.
Weight: 100
NilsorNilsor's waterskin (ID: 7246)Description: It is filled with warm geyser water.
Weight: 700
fine sulphurfine sulphur (ID: 7247)Description: It has been extracted from an inactive lava hole.
Weight: 50
frostbite herbfrostbite herb (ID: 7248)Description: It has been cut from a plant which grows only in very cold regions.
Weight: 100
purple kiss blossompurple kiss blossom (ID: 7249)Description: It has been cut from an exotic jungle flower.
Weight: 20
hydra tonguehydra tongue (ID: 7250)Description: It is a common pest plant in warmer regions.
Weight: 100
mushroom sporesmushroom spores (ID: 7251)Description: They come from a giant glimmercap mushroom.
Weight: 1
baby sealbaby seal (ID: 7252)Description: It is covered with paint.
flask with paintflask with paint (ID: 7253)Weight: 180
stone shelfstone shelf (ID: 7254)ContainerSize: 6
slain braindeathslain braindeath (ID: 7256)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7260
Duration: 10
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
slain braindeathslain braindeath (ID: 7257)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7258
Duration: 900
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
slain braindeathslain braindeath (ID: 7258)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
stone shelfstone shelf (ID: 7259)ContainerSize: 10
slain braindeathslain braindeath (ID: 7260)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7257
Duration: 600
frostbite herbfrostbite herb (ID: 7261)
figureheadfigurehead (ID: 7262)
sledsled (ID: 7264)
huskyhusky (ID: 7268)
raftraft (ID: 7272)
stone tablestone table (ID: 7273)
stone thronestone throne (ID: 7277)
memory crystalmemory crystal (ID: 7281)Description: It is able to store memories and thoughts.
Weight: 250
slain ice golemslain ice golem (ID: 7282)ContainerSize: 18
DecayTo: 7283
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
slain ice golemslain ice golem (ID: 7283)ContainerSize: 18
DecayTo: 7284
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
slain ice golemslain ice golem (ID: 7284)ContainerSize: 18
DecayTo: 7285
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain ice golemslain ice golem (ID: 7285)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
NilsorNilsor's waterskin (ID: 7286)Description: It is empty.
Weight: 700
frost charmfrost charm (ID: 7289)Weight: 1900
shardshard (ID: 7290)Weight: 1900
Description: It is a shattered part of the Frostheart Spire.
frozen demonfrozen demon (ID: 7291)
frozen mammothfrozen mammoth (ID: 7293)
frozen dragonfrozen dragon (ID: 7295)
frozen behemothfrozen behemoth (ID: 7297)
frozen plaguesmithfrozen plaguesmith (ID: 7299)
frozen clawfrozen claw (ID: 7301)
frozen humanfrozen human (ID: 7303)
scale from a frozen dragonscale from a frozen dragon (ID: 7314)Description: This is the proof that there were once dragon lords on Okolnir which mutated into frost dragons.
Weight: 90
resonance crystalresonance crystal (ID: 7315)Description: You have recorded beautiful ice music on it for the Explorer Society.
Weight: 250
dead huskydead husky (ID: 7316)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7317
Duration: 10
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead huskydead husky (ID: 7317)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7318
Duration: 900
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead huskydead husky (ID: 7318)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7319
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead huskydead husky (ID: 7319)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead chakoyadead chakoya (ID: 7320)ContainerSize: 8
DecayTo: 7321
Duration: 10
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead chakoyadead chakoya (ID: 7321)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7322
Duration: 900
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead chakoyadead chakoya (ID: 7322)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7323
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead chakoyadead chakoya (ID: 7323)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead chakoyadead chakoya (ID: 7324)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7325
Duration: 10
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead chakoyadead chakoya (ID: 7325)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7326
Duration: 900
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead chakoyadead chakoya (ID: 7326)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7323
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead chakoyadead chakoya (ID: 7327)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7328
Duration: 10
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead chakoyadead chakoya (ID: 7328)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7329
Duration: 900
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead chakoyadead chakoya (ID: 7329)ContainerSize: 8
DecayTo: 7323
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead frost giantdead frost giant (ID: 7330)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7331
Duration: 10
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead frost giantdead frost giant (ID: 7331)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7332
Duration: 900
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead frost giantdead frost giant (ID: 7332)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7333
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead frost giantdead frost giant (ID: 7333)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead penguindead penguin (ID: 7334)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 7335
Duration: 10
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead penguindead penguin (ID: 7335)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 7336
Duration: 900
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead penguindead penguin (ID: 7336)ContainerSize: 5
DecayTo: 7337
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead penguindead penguin (ID: 7337)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead silver rabbitdead silver rabbit (ID: 7338)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7339
Duration: 10
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead silver rabbitdead silver rabbit (ID: 7339)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7340
Duration: 900
FluidSource: blood
CorpseType: blood
dead silver rabbitdead silver rabbit (ID: 7340)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7341
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
dead silver rabbitdead silver rabbit (ID: 7341)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: blood
slain crystal spiderslain crystal spider (ID: 7344)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7345
Duration: 10
CorpseType: undead
slain crystal spiderslain crystal spider (ID: 7345)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7346
Duration: 900
CorpseType: undead
slain crystal spiderslain crystal spider (ID: 7346)ContainerSize: 10
DecayTo: 7347
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
slain crystal spiderslain crystal spider (ID: 7347)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 600
CorpseType: undead
stony floorstony floor (ID: 7348)
ashesashes (ID: 7349)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 5
sandstone tilesandstone tile (ID: 7350)
black marble floorblack marble floor (ID: 7351)
dirtdirt (ID: 7352)
stone floorstone floor (ID: 7353)
small lava crackssmall lava cracks (ID: 7354)Description: The ground is steaming hot.
stone floorstone floor (ID: 7355)
rock soilrock soil (ID: 7356)
wooden floorwooden floor (ID: 7357)
tiled floortiled floor (ID: 7358)
flame of lifeflame of life (ID: 7359)DecayTo: 7360
Duration: 360
Showduration: 1
flame of lifeflame of life (ID: 7360)DecayTo: 0
Duration: 60
Showduration: 1
sarcophagussarcophagus (ID: 7361)
viper starviper star (ID: 7366)Weight: 200
Attack: 28
HitChance: 80
WeaponType: distance
ShootType: greenstar
Range: 5
enchanted spearenchanted spear (ID: 7367)Weight: 2000
Attack: 38
WeaponType: distance
ShootType: enchantedspear
Range: 4
assassin starassassin star (ID: 7368)Weight: 200
Attack: 65
MaxHitChance: 96
WeaponType: distance
ShootType: redstar
Range: 5
golden trophygolden trophy (ID: 7369)Weight: 3500
silver trophysilver trophy (ID: 7370)Weight: 3000
bronze trophybronze trophy (ID: 7371)Weight: 2500
ice cream coneice cream cone (ID: 7372)Description: It's the famous "crispy chocolate chips" flavour.
Weight: 100
ice cream coneice cream cone (ID: 7373)Description: It's the famous "velvet vanilla" flavour.
Weight: 100
ice cream coneice cream cone (ID: 7374)Description: It's the famous "sweet strawberry" flavour.
Weight: 100
ice cream coneice cream cone (ID: 7375)Description: It's the famous "chilly cherry" flavour.
Weight: 100
ice cream coneice cream cone (ID: 7376)Description: It's the famous "mellow melon" flavour.
Weight: 100
ice cream coneice cream cone (ID: 7377)Description: It's the famous "blue-barian" flavour.
Weight: 100
royal spearroyal spear (ID: 7378)Weight: 2500
Attack: 35
WeaponType: distance
ShootType: royalspear
Range: 3
mammoth whoppermammoth whopper (ID: 7381)Description: Made from a mammoth's legbones, it is one of the favoured weapons among barbarians.
Weight: 4500
Defense: 15
Attack: 30
WeaponType: club
relic swordrelic sword (ID: 7383)Weight: 4800
Defense: 24
Attack: 42
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
mystic blademystic blade (ID: 7384)Description: This sword is only granted to a scrapper of the Svargrond arena.
Weight: 3500
Defense: 25
Attack: 44
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 2
crimson swordcrimson sword (ID: 7385)Description: Its blade is very notchy.
Weight: 3600
Defense: 20
Attack: 28
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
diamond sceptrediamond sceptre (ID: 7387)Weight: 1500
Defense: 18
Attack: 34
WeaponType: club
Description: The beautiful jewel on the top of this sceptre is sharp enough to cut through glass.
vile axevile axe (ID: 7388)Weight: 5200
Defense: 19
Attack: 43
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 3
heroic axeheroic axe (ID: 7389)Weight: 6100
Defense: 24
Attack: 44
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 1
Description: This axe is only granted to a scrapper of the Svargrond arena.
the justice seekerthe justice seeker (ID: 7390)Weight: 5000
Defense: 24
Attack: 47
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 3
Description: This sword is only granted to a warlord of the Svargrond arena.
demon trophydemon trophy (ID: 7393)Weight: 500
wolf trophywolf trophy (ID: 7394)Weight: 500
orc trophyorc trophy (ID: 7395)Weight: 500
behemoth trophybehemoth trophy (ID: 7396)Weight: 500
deer trophydeer trophy (ID: 7397)Weight: 500
cyclops trophycyclops trophy (ID: 7398)Weight: 500
dragon lord trophydragon lord trophy (ID: 7399)Weight: 500
lion trophylion trophy (ID: 7400)Weight: 500
minotaur trophyminotaur trophy (ID: 7401)Weight: 500
assassin daggerassassin dagger (ID: 7404)Weight: 1700
Defense: 12
Attack: 40
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: -2
wyvern fangwyvern fang (ID: 7408)Weight: 2000
Defense: 19
Attack: 32
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 1
northern starnorthern star (ID: 7409)Weight: 4200
Defense: 15
Attack: 42
WeaponType: club
Extradef: 1
queenqueen's sceptre (ID: 7410)Weight: 2300
Defense: 19
Attack: 43
WeaponType: club
ornamented axeornamented axe (ID: 7411)Weight: 6150
Defense: 22
Attack: 42
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 2
butcherbutcher's axe (ID: 7412)Weight: 6300
Defense: 24
Attack: 41
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: -2
cranial bashercranial basher (ID: 7415)Description: This club is only granted to a scrapper of the Svargrond arena.
Weight: 7800
Defense: 20
Attack: 44
WeaponType: club
Extradef: -2
bloody edgebloody edge (ID: 7416)Weight: 5200
Defense: 21
Attack: 43
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: -3
runed swordruned sword (ID: 7417)Weight: 4600
Defense: 32
Attack: 45
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: 2
nightmare bladenightmare blade (ID: 7418)Weight: 4600
Defense: 23
Attack: 46
WeaponType: sword
Extradef: -3
dreaded cleaverdreaded cleaver (ID: 7419)Weight: 3800
Defense: 19
Attack: 40
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: -3
reaperreaper's axe (ID: 7420)Weight: 5900
Defense: 25
Attack: 46
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 2
onyx flailonyx flail (ID: 7421)Weight: 2600
Defense: 18
Attack: 45
WeaponType: club
jade hammerjade hammer (ID: 7422)Weight: 3200
Defense: 20
Attack: 46
WeaponType: club
Extradef: 1
blessed sceptreblessed sceptre (ID: 7429)Description: This spectre is only granted to a warlord of the Svarground arena.
Weight: 3900
Defense: 21
Attack: 47
WeaponType: club
Extradef: 3
dragonbone staffdragonbone staff (ID: 7430)Description: Small flames are dancing around this strange weapon.
Weight: 1800
Defense: 18
Attack: 35
WeaponType: club
demonbonedemonbone (ID: 7431)Weight: 18000
Defense: 38
Extradef: -2
Attack: 48
WeaponType: club
furry clubfurry club (ID: 7432)Weight: 4200
Defense: 19
Attack: 31
WeaponType: club
Extradef: 1
ravenwingravenwing (ID: 7433)Weight: 5500
Defense: 22
Attack: 45
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 1
royal axeroyal axe (ID: 7434)Weight: 9200
Defense: 25
Attack: 47
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 3
Description: This axe is only granted to a warlord of the Svargrond arena.
impalerimpaler (ID: 7435)Weight: 8200
Defense: 25
Attack: 49
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: -2
sapphire hammersapphire hammer (ID: 7437)Description: A beautiful gem is embedded in this weapon.
Weight: 2100
Defense: 18
Attack: 37
WeaponType: club
berserk potionberserk potion (ID: 7439)Description: Drinking this potion temporarily increases your fighting skill while decreasing your defense.
Weight: 290
mastermind potionmastermind potion (ID: 7440)Description: Drinking this potion temporarily increases your magic skill while decreasing your magic defense.
Weight: 290
ice cubeice cube (ID: 7441)Weight: 2000
ice cubeice cube (ID: 7442)Description: There is a rough shape of a head.
Weight: 2000
bullseye potionbullseye potion (ID: 7443)Description: Drinking this potion temporarily increases your distance skill while decreasing your defense.
Weight: 290
ice cubeice cube (ID: 7444)Description: There is a rough shape of a head with tusks.
Weight: 2000
ice cubeice cube (ID: 7445)Description: There is a rough shape of a mammoth.
Weight: 2000
ice mammothice mammoth (ID: 7446)Description: This small statue has been carefully shaped from an ice cube.
Weight: 2000
small ice statuesmall ice statue (ID: 7447)Weight: 1000
shadow sceptreshadow sceptre (ID: 7451)Weight: 4100
Defense: 17
Attack: 39
WeaponType: club
mythril axemythril axe (ID: 7455)Weight: 5500
Defense: 28
Attack: 48
WeaponType: axe
Extradef: 2
noble axenoble axe (ID: 7456)Weight: 3800
Defense: 22
Attack: 39
WeaponType: axe
norse shieldnorse shield (ID: 7460)Weight: 4100
Defense: 28
WeaponType: shield
searing firesearing fire (ID: 7465)Type: magicfield
Replaceable: 0
Field: fire
green djinn scrollgreen djinn scroll (ID: 7476)
blue djinn scrollblue djinn scroll (ID: 7477)
postman scrollpostman scroll (ID: 7478)
rashid scrollrashid scroll (ID: 7479)
increase cap scrollincrease cap scroll (ID: 7480)
change name scrollchange name scroll (ID: 7481)
scroll of magicscroll of magic (ID: 7482)
scroll of sword fightingscroll of sword fighting (ID: 7483)
scroll of club fightingscroll of club fighting (ID: 7484)
premium scrollpremium scroll (ID: 7485)Description: 7 premium days
premium scrollpremium scroll (ID: 7486)Description: 14 premium days
premium scrollpremium scroll (ID: 7487)Description: 30 premium days
special flaskspecial flask (ID: 7488)Description: It contains highly intensified poison against vermin.
Weight: 180
gold convertergold converter (ID: 7489)Weight: 100
vialvial (ID: 7490)Weight: 180
Pickupable: 1
waterwater (ID: 30001)
lifefluidlifefluid (ID: 30002)
beerbeer (ID: 30003)
slimeslime (ID: 30004)
lemonadelemonade (ID: 30005)
milkmilk (ID: 30006)
manafluidmanafluid (ID: 30007)
bloodblood (ID: 30010)
oiloil (ID: 30011)
urineurine (ID: 30013)
coconut milkcoconut milk (ID: 30014)
winewine (ID: 30015)
mudmud (ID: 30019)
fruit juicefruit juice (ID: 30021)
lavalava (ID: 30026)
rumrum (ID: 30027)
swampswamp (ID: 30028)
teatea (ID: 30035)
meadmead (ID: 30043)

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