Discord: Wesera Classic 8.0
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Two-Handed Items

two handed swordtwo handed sword (ID: 2377)Weight: 7000
Defense: 25
Attack: 30
WeaponType: sword
battle axebattle axe (ID: 2378)Weight: 5000
Defense: 10
Attack: 25
WeaponType: axe
halberdhalberd (ID: 2381)Weight: 9000
Defense: 14
Attack: 35
WeaponType: axe
double axedouble axe (ID: 2387)Weight: 7000
Defense: 12
Attack: 35
WeaponType: axe
magic longswordmagic longsword (ID: 2390)Description: It's the magic Cyclopmania Sword.
Weight: 4300
Defense: 40
Attack: 57
WeaponType: sword
war hammerwar hammer (ID: 2391)Weight: 8500
Defense: 10
Attack: 45
WeaponType: club
giant swordgiant sword (ID: 2393)Description: This sword has been forged by ancient giants.
Weight: 18000
Defense: 22
Attack: 46
WeaponType: sword
staffstaff (ID: 2401)Weight: 3800
Defense: 25
Attack: 10
WeaponType: club
warlord swordwarlord sword (ID: 2408)Description: Strong powers flow in this magic sword.
Weight: 6400
Defense: 38
Attack: 53
WeaponType: sword
broadswordbroadsword (ID: 2413)Weight: 5250
Defense: 23
Attack: 26
WeaponType: sword
dragon lancedragon lance (ID: 2414)Description: The extraordinary sharp blade penetrates every armor.
Weight: 6700
Defense: 16
Attack: 47
WeaponType: axe
great axegreat axe (ID: 2415)Description: A masterpiece of a dwarven smith.
Weight: 9000
Defense: 40
Attack: 56
WeaponType: axe
obsidian lanceobsidian lance (ID: 2425)Weight: 8000
Defense: 10
Attack: 34
WeaponType: axe
naginatanaginata (ID: 2426)Weight: 7800
Defense: 25
Attack: 39
WeaponType: axe
guardian halberdguardian halberd (ID: 2427)Weight: 11000
Defense: 15
Attack: 46
WeaponType: axe
enchanted staffenchanted staff (ID: 2433)Description: Temporary magic powers enchant this staff.
Weight: 3800
Defense: 45
Attack: 39
WeaponType: club
DecayTo: 2401
Duration: 60
daramian waraxedaramian waraxe (ID: 2440)Weight: 5250
Defense: 15
Attack: 39
WeaponType: axe
ravagerravager's axe (ID: 2443)Weight: 5250
Defense: 14
Attack: 49
WeaponType: axe
Description: A power weapon made only for royal guards of the pharaoh.
hammer of wrathhammer of wrath (ID: 2444)Description: A giant is said to have forged this hammer to take revenge for the death of his brother.
Weight: 7000
Defense: 12
Attack: 48
WeaponType: club
twin axetwin axe (ID: 2447)Weight: 6400
Defense: 24
Attack: 45
WeaponType: axe
heavy maceheavy mace (ID: 2452)Description: Its tip is made of extremely solid steel.
Weight: 11000
Defense: 15
Attack: 49
WeaponType: club
arcane staffarcane staff (ID: 2453)Description: It is enchanted with ancient magic that renders a weak staff into a powerful weapon.
Weight: 4000
Defense: 30
Attack: 50
WeaponType: club
war axewar axe (ID: 2454)Weight: 6150
Defense: 10
Attack: 48
WeaponType: axe
crossbowcrossbow (ID: 2455)Weight: 4000
WeaponType: distance
AmmoType: bolt
Range: 5
bowbow (ID: 2456)Weight: 3100
WeaponType: distance
AmmoType: arrow
Range: 6
scythescythe (ID: 2550)Weight: 3000
Defense: 3
Attack: 8
WeaponType: axe
ripper lanceripper lance (ID: 3964)Weight: 8000
Defense: 7
Attack: 28
WeaponType: axe
arbalestarbalest (ID: 5803)Description: It is a bit heavy due to the iron mounting, but very precise.
Weight: 9500
WeaponType: distance
AmmoType: bolt
Range: 7
HitChance: 5
Attack: 2
the avengerthe avenger (ID: 6528)Description: This holy blade was forged of shattered dreams.
Weight: 6400
Defense: 38
Attack: 50
WeaponType: sword
ruthless axeruthless axe (ID: 6553)Weight: 5800
Defense: 15
Attack: 50
WeaponType: axe
brutetamerbrutetamer's staff (ID: 7379)Weight: 3800
Defense: 15
Attack: 35
WeaponType: club
Description: Barbarian women are said to use it for conjuring beasts.
headchopperheadchopper (ID: 7380)Description: This axe is only granted to a greenhorn of the Svargrond arena.
Weight: 4500
Defense: 20
Attack: 42
WeaponType: axe
demonrage sworddemonrage sword (ID: 7382)Weight: 15000
Defense: 22
Attack: 47
WeaponType: sword
mercenary swordmercenary sword (ID: 7386)Weight: 6800
Defense: 27
Attack: 43
WeaponType: sword
thaian swordthaian sword (ID: 7391)Weight: 6100
Defense: 29
Attack: 45
WeaponType: sword
orcish maulorcish maul (ID: 7392)Weight: 5400
Defense: 18
Attack: 42
WeaponType: club
Description: This club is only granted to a greenhorn of the Svargrond arena.
dragon slayerdragon slayer (ID: 7402)Weight: 8200
Defense: 28
Attack: 44
WeaponType: sword
berserkerberserker (ID: 7403)Weight: 13000
Defense: 21
Attack: 48
WeaponType: sword
havoc bladehavoc blade (ID: 7405)Weight: 7200
Defense: 34
Attack: 49
WeaponType: sword
blacksteel swordblacksteel sword (ID: 7406)Description: This sword is only granted to a greenhorn of the Svargrond arena.
Weight: 5900
Defense: 22
Attack: 42
WeaponType: sword
haunted bladehaunted blade (ID: 7407)Weight: 3100
Defense: 12
Attack: 40
WeaponType: sword
titan axetitan axe (ID: 7413)Weight: 8100
Defense: 30
Attack: 43
WeaponType: axe
abyss hammerabyss hammer (ID: 7414)Description: Floating stones form the tip of this strange weapon, held in place by unspeakable magic.
Weight: 5500
Defense: 21
Attack: 47
WeaponType: club
skullcrusherskullcrusher (ID: 7423)Weight: 12000
Defense: 20
Attack: 51
WeaponType: club
lunar stafflunar staff (ID: 7424)Weight: 3800
Defense: 25
Attack: 40
WeaponType: club
taurus macetaurus mace (ID: 7425)Weight: 5100
Defense: 18
Attack: 30
WeaponType: club
amber staffamber staff (ID: 7426)Weight: 3500
Defense: 25
Attack: 43
WeaponType: club
chaos macechaos mace (ID: 7427)Description: Only those who have descended to the deepest depths may wield this hammer without it cursing them.
Weight: 6300
Defense: 21
Attack: 44
WeaponType: club
bonebreakerbonebreaker (ID: 7428)Description: This weapon has to be swung in both hands and requires a lot of strength.
Weight: 12000
Defense: 15
Attack: 46
WeaponType: club
angelic axeangelic axe (ID: 7436)Weight: 5600
Defense: 24
Attack: 44
WeaponType: axe
elvish bowelvish bow (ID: 7438)Description: This beautifully ornamented bow was made by a skilled elvish bowmaker.
Weight: 3900
WeaponType: distance
AmmoType: arrow
Range: 6
HitChance: 5
crystal swordcrystal sword (ID: 7449)Weight: 6900
Defense: 26
Attack: 35
WeaponType: sword
hammer of prophecyhammer of prophecy (ID: 7450)Weight: 11000
Defense: 15
Attack: 58
WeaponType: club
spiked squelcherspiked squelcher (ID: 7452)Weight: 6800
Defense: 21
Attack: 41
WeaponType: club
executionerexecutioner (ID: 7453)Weight: 9900
Defense: 20
Attack: 51
WeaponType: axe
glorious axeglorious axe (ID: 7454)Weight: 9500
Defense: 23
Attack: 40
WeaponType: axe

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